Will of Сhaos

Chapter 103: Evolution

Chapter 103: Evolution

Prince Drago Pov:

The moment after Zenos left the prince behind.

What a difficult day this is, first an attempted murder against me, then being saved by strange people who kidnapped those who wanted to kill me and in the end, I am robbed.

I must say that the moment I saw that thing in the shadows of the trees I nearly died of fright, my danger sense skill was firing, my ability to view status didn't work either on him or the others who were with him and at the time he used his Aura that's when I realized he didn't want to hurt me, as his Aura just immobilized me and didn't do anything else.

"Should I go after them prince?" (Mia)

"No, keep pretending to be my maid." (I)

"But they took the killers." (Mia)

"They're not enemies and I'm not going to make an enemy of that thing." (I)

"Why is the prince so afraid of them." (Mia)

"I'm not afraid of the others, I'm afraid of their leader, the one who was the smallest." (I)

I turn to my other servants and order them around before continuing my conversation with Mia.

"They will help the soldiers who are still alive!" (I)

"Yes sir!!!" (servants)

"Apart from his Aura which was very strange and strong, I didn't notice anything else about him." (Mia)

"At first I was scared by the warning of my ability, but after his Aura knocked us to the ground I realized he had everything under control at all times." (I)

"Like this?" (Mia)

"Look at the ground, the explosions of magic revealed what was underneath." (I)

I point to one of the holes in the ground that were caused by the spells that hit the soldiers, there you can see an item buried in the ground, I look around and see a place where the earth is disturbed and I start to dig, then I find another one magic item when analyzing I see that it is an explosive type attack magic item, but it seems unloaded.

"There must be several of these items buried in the ground, but none of them exploded." (I)

"I also noticed that at the beginning of the attack there were many explosions in the sky, as soon as I looked out the window I saw that sometimes one spell hits the others exploding several around the sky, at first I didn't understand, but now I know that the person inside was sabotaging the flat." (I)

"But for that, they would have to know our information and that of the killers, how did they get it?" (Mia)

"I don't know, but they came prepared, their appearances, races, ages, and genders were hidden perfectly, they must also be wearing a status concealment item as my Status Rating skill had no effect." (I)

"If they're that dangerous I'd better have followed them." (Mia)

"They weren't our enemies, in fact, they didn't even need to help us, they could have let us die before capturing the faceless brothers." (I)

"Let's help the wounded, for now, let's take those killers with us, I want to know everything they know." (I)

"The people dressed in red must have left these killers to us as they didn't kill or capture them." (I)

"I will handle their interrogation myself, prince." (Mia)

"I count on you." (I)

"(During the robbery he avoided my storage item, I don't know if he knows the letter to the King or not.)" (I)

"(I should have known the moment a Wyvern knight brought my sister's letters in the previous town that things would be difficult.)" (I)

I and my secret guard Mia went back to help the wounded soldiers, luckily it looks like the royal guard my father sent is still alive, after giving first aid we head towards the town of Valen.


Zenos Pov:

"I will grant you the title Child of Blood." (mysterious woman)

"..." (I)

Once again I meet her during my evolution, but what is she talking about giving me a title?

"Why do I always see you during my evolution?" (I)

"Because I call you to me, the moment of evolution is the only one where I can contact you directly." (mysterious woman)

"Who are you?" (I)

"That you must find out for yourself, but I can say that I am the one who helped you to be born into this world." (mysterious woman)

"You never answer me with something I can understand." (I)

"That's because you aren't asking the right questions." (mysterious woman)

"Right questions?" (I)

"Do you know my current situation?" (I)

"Yes, I'm always watching you." (mysterious woman)

"So you know about the faceless brothers?" (I)

"I know, but I won't help you or them." (mysterious woman)

"If you say that it means you have a way to help them." (I)

"What can I do to help them?" (I)

"Why do you want to help them?" (mysterious woman)

"They were your enemies, they were people you were ready to kill and eat before, if they had the opportunity they would probably kill you and your entire group." (mysterious woman)

"You are right." (I)

"Then why do you want to help them, you will only create more problems for yourself if you do." (mysterious woman)

"I thought about it a lot too and concluded that the reason I want to help them is because of their strong will and a reminder of my previous life." (I)

"To overcome the anger and hatred they certainly felt for their father, their willpower is very strong, this strength is born from the strong bond of the brothers, they love each other, they care about each other, they depend on each other." (I)

"They have completely surrendered to their situation, they don't even hope to be free, but they still haven't given up, they still fight for each other." (I)

"I've seen many orphans in my previous life, some had horrible stories, they don't open their hearts to just anyone, but the people they open their hearts to become important emotional supports for them." (I)

"These brothers are each other's emotional support, they remind me of the orphanage I grew up in my previous life, so I want to help them." (I)

As I talked and explained my motivation for the mystery woman, images of my previous life started to pop into my mind, I remembered the reason I created that computer with junkyard parts, it was to help a boy who was beaten by his drunk father before he was arrested and his son was taken to our orphanage, he would not open up with anyone and spend all day with a used portable video game that the priest gave him, I thought that if I made a computer for the children to play together, it gradually he would open up to others and it worked, after only two months he was running and smiling with the other children, I could see he wanted to be with the other children but I couldn't, so I did that, to respond to strong will I saw in your eyes.

These images, these memories, this is why I'm going to help the faceless brothers, I can see their willingness to protect and help each other, just as the children in the orphanage where I grew up helped each other.

When I looked back at the mysterious woman I could see a smile on her face.

"In other words, you're only going to help them because they reminded you of something from your past." (mysterious woman)

"Yes." (I)

"I'll tell you how you can help them then, but that help will come at a price, they're permanently attached to you." (mysterious woman)

"After your evolution, you must use your two Aura skills, your Blood Servant skill and your Vampire Servant skill." (mysterious woman)

"Don't be fooled, this will only give you the possibility to help them, when you use the four skills you will have to fight against their father's will and a large amount of malice that is in the control symbols, you will fight against that's just with your willpower." (mysterious woman)

"At least it's a possibility, but what do you mean they will be permanently connected to me?" (I)

"Why would I tell you now? It would spoil the fun." (mysterious woman)

She had a smile on her face and a sparkle in her eyes that looked like she was expecting to see a show, what this woman is up to.

"Now that the fun is over, Let me tell you this." (mysterious woman)

"The letter you read, if you do what is written there will open up many possibilities for you in the future, but you must wait until you are strong enough to drink the Dragon blood you are guarding." (mysterious woman)

"I'm sure you've noticed that your current body isn't able to withstand that Dragon blood." (mysterious woman)

"I noticed, my body shook just getting close, that's why I haven't drunk it yet." (I)

"Remember that you must only do what is in the letter after you drink that blood or you will only be looking for death." (mysterious woman)

"If you even know about the letter, then you must know about the person who sent it, you can tell me more about that person." (I)

"You should find out for yourself, I'll just say that whoever wrote the letter was just an intermediary, so don't worry." (Mysterious woman)

My body started to fade away, when that happened the mysterious woman stopped smiling and told me one more thing before time ran out.

"The evolutionary path you chose never existed before, you will have to create it, the race you will become dependent on, so choose carefully and be careful with those who know you." (mysterious woman)

"We both know what you will choose." (mysterious woman)

"In your next evolution your race will not be the only thing that will matter, your lineage will also be important, it will be from your lineage that your power and authority will come, but you will have none in the evolutionary path you are following." (mysterious woman)

"You'll have to create your bloodline, so good luck and sorry about your appearance." (mysterious woman)

"What are you..." (I)

So I deleted it.

Ding! Ding!

<[ has given you a title ]>



<[ You have acquired the Title [ Child of Blood ] ]>

































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