Will of Сhaos

Chapter 160: Novice killers

Chapter 160: Novice killers

I've decided to check my notifications and change my work to take advantage of the fact that we're in the secure room on the sixth floor and the others are watching. 

After changing my job I tell us to continue exploring, but at this point, Diana and Kira stop me, they look around to make sure no one else is around before they speak. 

"I have to warn you to be careful with that group, master."  (Diana) 

"Why?"  (I) 

"I smelled the blood on their clothes, most of it came from Humans but they weren't hurt, I also smelled the blood of Beastmen and a faint smell of monsters."  (Diana) 

"I noticed that when they were passing us they emitted a slight bloodlust directed at us, not only that, some of them had dangerous smiles on their faces like they were having fun."  (Kira) 

"Do you think they might be the people Mari talked about last time?"  (I) 

"The master is talking about the Beginner Assassins?"  (Diana) 

"Yes."  (I) 

"Perhaps."  (Diana) 

"It was probably them, maybe they're wanting to ambush us while we're fighting a monster or approaching to surprise us when we're tired."  (Kira) 

"Then let's be careful, if they attack we'll be ready."  (I) 

"The three of us have detection skills, so they don't have a chance of ambushing us."  (I) 

"If they're bold enough to attack us head-on, then kill them all, leave just one alive as proof that we've eliminated the rookie killers, we're going to need that for the reward."  (I) 

"To take the reward we'll need proof that they're novice killers, taking one of them alive is the best proof since the Guild has its ways of getting someone to talk, plus we'll have their weapons and clothes covered in people's blood who killed."  (Diana) 

"So let's go."  (I) 

We all left the safe room and started exploring the sixth floor, the monster we found was the evolution of the second-floor monster its name was Poisonous Serpent. 

The fights on this floor were like the fights on the previous floor with the monster's evolved form appearing in place of its form before it evolved. 

But it was still an easy fight, but I could feel some eyes watching us, so I made them all fight and I told them they pretended to be rookies that Diana had to save at one time or another. 

The reason I do this is so they think we're weaker than them and that the only obstacle will be Diana. 

I told everyone pretending they are getting tired and letting the monsters make small cuts to our clothes every fight, it will give the impression that we are being hurt to outsiders. 

During the battles on this floor, I made Byakko and Layla invisible, I also asked them not to interfere in the fights, with each fight we got dirtier and more tired looking, at a certain point I made Kira pretend to faint in a place where Diana spoke that many adventurers don't. 

With all this acting it shouldn't take them any longer to attack, this is the best time for them. 

"They are here, get ready."  (I) 

I could feel them surrounding us with my detection skills, so I warned the others to prepare. 

As soon as they were close enough I could see them, they had smiles on their faces and were holding their guns in a fighting stance. 

Among them the one who looked like the leader took a step forward with a perverted smile on his face as he looked at rica and Kira, he also started talking a lot of shit while emitting his bloodlust looking at Diana. 

"Look what we have here if it isn't the famous "Guardian Wolf" and her group of fledgling adventurers."  (enemy leader) 

I realize the leader is ignoring me and starts talking directly to Diana. 

"(Does he think Diana is the leader of the group or why does he believe she is the only threat?)" (I) 

"(What an idiot, why didn't I think of this possibility before?)" (I) 

The enemy leader's misunderstanding was something I hadn't thought of, but it makes sense to outsiders, Diana is a famous adventuress in town and all the other members of the group are new people in town, I still look like this. of a child, so everyone must think Diana is the leader, I use my Family connection with Diana to talk to her. 

"(He thinks you're the leader of the group, so pretend to be for now.)" (I) 

"(Yes, master.)" (Diana) 

"What are you doing here?"  (Diana) 

"I saw that your group was having difficulties, so I thought I'd help out a little."  (enemy leader) 

"We don't need your help, get out of the way we're leaving."  (Diana) 

The enemy leader and his comrades raise their weapons with mocking smiles. 

"I don't think you understand the situation you're in yet, but what would I expect from someone of the Man-Beast race, you are all pretty dumb, which is to be expected from an inferior race."  (enemy leader) 

"What did you say?"  (Diana) 

"Are you having hearing problems right now?"  (enemy leader) 

"I thought your race had good ears, but it looks like I was wrong."  (enemy leader) 

Ha ha hahahaha... 

Soon the men surrounding us start laughing as their leader mocks Diana, I want to end this charade, but I'm feeling something strange coming from this bandit leader. 

"You really are strong enough to bring this noble brat and these newbies with you here."  (enemy leader) 

"I appreciate that, it's been more and more difficult to attack adventurers on higher floors, but a lot of newbies are afraid to explore beyond the fifth floor because of the evolved monsters and traps, so it's great to see such brave newbies fall into mine. hands."  (enemy leader) 

"So you guys are the rookie killers?"  (Diana) 

"I have no obligation to answer you, now I want all of you to drop your weapons and storage items on the ground."  (enemy leader) 

"You must be an idiot if you think I'm going to surrender without a fight, you guys aren't strong enough to fight me yet either."  (Diana) 

The bandit leader loses his smile and glares at Diana. 

"You can be stronger than us when you're in good condition, but look at you now, having to protect these newbies, covered in dirt and with body sores."  (enemy leader) 

"You can take a little work but you're still going to die, the question is do you want your friends to die with you or not?"  (enemy leader) 

"You bastard."  (Diana) 

The enemy leader laughs at Diana's anger and turns his gaze to rica and Kira, any man can recognize the way he's looking at them, eyes filled with lust. 

I wanted to attack him now, but there's still something that worries me. 

"How two beautiful women like you two can team up with filth like Dhampiros, Onis, and that woman of the Beast Man race."  (enemy leader) 

He says this while leering at rica and Kira. 

"A Human and a White Elf as beautiful as you two, me and my men will take very good care of you both."  (enemy leader) 

"Drop your weapons and surrender, if you do, I promise you won't suffer too much and might even have some fun, but if you try to fight then I won't let you die even if you beg."  (enemy leader) 

"Leader leave this Dhampir with us too, she looks pretty."  (Enemy A) 

"That's right, let's take really good care of her, ha ha hahahahaha..." (Enemy B) 

"Since I heard the rumors I've been wondering what it would be like to have the Guardian Wolf under me, the leader isn't going to deny that to his subordinates is he?"  (Enemy C) 

"I want that too, we can't waste an opportunity like this leader."  (Enemy D) 

"That's right."  (Enemy E) 

"How can you guys like this filth?"  (enemy leader) 


"You should stop thinking about these inferior races like that, they're just monsters."  (enemy leader) 

I'm doing my best to calm down, but every word from this guy is making me furious, not only he but his subordinates are just as annoying as he is, the worst thing is they had more than I expected, now they have sixteen enemies, it looks like they were walking in two separate groups, the reason he didn't attack sooner must have been to wait for the others to arrive. 

"(I'll kill every one of them for daring to say these things to the girls.)" (I) 

Even though I was very angry I was still looking for what was weird about this bandit leader, soon I felt slight dark energy coming from a small leather bag strapped to his waist. 

The enemy may be outnumbered, but they're underestimating us a lot, they'll soon find out what terror is. 

"(I don't think I need to continue this farce anymore.)" (I) 

I stop pretending to be tired and walk in front of Diana and look directly at the bandit leader. 

"I don't think we need to continue with this, we've heard enough."  (I) 

"Be quiet back brat, this is a conversation between adults."  (enemy leader) 

"You don't understand, I said the conversation is over, I've heard enough, the rest I can find out after you're dead."  (I) 

"Ha ha hahahahaha..." (bandit leader) 

The bandit leader starts laughing when he hears what he said, soon after his subordinates also started laughing while making fun of me. 

"Noble brats like you are always like that, confident and proud."  (enemy leader) 

"You hire experienced adventurers to be able to kill some monsters with ease while others have to fight to protect you."  (enemy leader) 

"Look at that look, look at that hair and look at these new weapons, it looks like your family invested a lot in you putting together this group and hiring the famous Guardian Wolf to lead your group."  (enemy leader) 

"But it looks like it's gone to your head, you're just a child, without her to defend you, so you'd be dead already, do you think because I'm noble I won't kill you?"  (enemy leader) 

"He talks too much, doesn't he Diana?"  (I) 

"Yes, he made a lot of errors in judgment too, truly competent adventurers wouldn't have fallen for that."  (Diana) 

"Competent adventurers wouldn't waste their time fighting new adventurers."  (I) 

"You are right, master."  (Diana) 

"You brat, acting like he has everything under control, I'm going to..." (enemy leader) 

He doesn't know how wrong he is but it's too late, he and his underlings pissed me off more than they should, I may look calm on the outside but I'm seething with rage now, I even lost control of my bloodlust for wanting to kill them, it seems the enemy leader noticed and stopped his chatter and looked at me in disbelief, but it's already too late for him. 

"I will show you and your subordinates that those who dared to treat my companions or rather my family the way you did, will have a slow and very painful death."  (I)

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