Will of Сhaos

Chapter 163: Monster wave

Chapter 163: Monster wave

I was getting worried about what I heard, the wave of monsters, I don't know how dangerous it really is as I've never seen one, but I can imagine it's going to be a tough fight. 

Right after the conversation we had with the Guildmaster Carlos we left his office, so as we went downstairs I told Irina and Irius to go to the mansion to warn the others about what was going to happen and I asked to bring everyone to the Guild. 

Whatever happens, I'm sure the Adventurers' Guild will be one of the safest places. 

I told Layla to go along and put away all the storage items that keep our valuables inside her space magic. 

While the others were away from me, Diana, rica, and Ibuki were helping the Guild prepare for battle. 


After an hour of working together with the Guild people, almost everything is ready, I was now in the Guild meeting room along with other adventurer group leaders from Grade D and up, Carlos set up this meeting in a hurry to get everyone to Besides what is happening, before the meeting all these adventurers including myself have already accepted the special mission, the reward will be for the number of monsters we kill in our designated areas. 

During the meeting, Mari rushes in along with a badly wounded Dwarf. 

"We have a big problem."  (Mari) 

"What's it?"  (Carlos) 

"We have reports of many monsters appearing in the Blood Dungeon, not only that but an adventurer reported that the ninth floor is full of miasma."  (Mari) 

"..." (I) 

"What? Will it be..." (Carlos) 

I look around and see many confused faces, but it seems that more than half understand what is happening, these people who did understand had different reactions, some turned pale with terror written on their faces, others gave hollow smiles as if they were laughing at their own misfortune. and there was a man who was indifferent, but you could see a great determination in his eyes. 

"(This is clearly an attack on the city if you think about the things Carlos said in his office before then it must be a plan from the Church of Light.)" (I) 

"(Damn if I hadn't killed those bastards inside the dungeon before then I might get some information, this is what happens when you let emotion take over.)" (I) 

While I was lost in my thoughts I watch Carlos punch a wall that has broken in one piece. 

"Calm down, Carlos."  (Mari) 

"I know, I know, I'm calm now."  (Carlos) 

"You are not calm."  (Mari) 

"Wait, if there's a second report then..." (Carlos) 

As Mari tries to calm Carlos down, he is suddenly silent before starting to order the prey. 

"Quickly Mari, send someone to check the Dungeon of the Undead, let it go, I'll go myself."  (Carlos) 

"What are you saying?"  (Mari) 

"You still don't understand?"  (Carlos) 

"If they did it in two dungeons, then they can do it in the third one too."  (Carlos) 

"It's going to be a great defensive fight against two waves of monsters, if a third one shows up we won't have a chance."  (Carlos) 

"I'll go over there and check it out, I'll be back in an hour, I should get there before the monster waves."  (Carlos) 

"Be careful."  (Mari) 

Mari takes a Staff from her storage item and builds three magic circles around Carlos that glow for an instant before entering his body. 

"< Strengthen Speed>" (Mari) 

"< Strengthen Resistance >" (Mari) 

"< Strengthen Defense >" (Mari) 

"Thank you, my dear."  (Carlos) 

Carlos gives Mari a kiss before running away, I don't really know how he got out, one moment he was there and the next he disappears and a strong wind rushes through the room. 


After that meeting everyone went to their positions, I left Anton, Tnia, Alice, Caryna, and Nolan in the Guild helping out in whatever they could and I'm bringing the others with me. 

Anton has already made the others' weapons, but he didn't have enough arrows for Freya, so I asked Mari to get them for her, with everything ready we were sent to take care of the area where the monsters from the Great Serpent Dungeon should come, the guards, soldiers, and knights go be responsible for defending the city gates, while the adventurers will attack the monsters with all they have, it has been decided that the Mages who can use magic in Wide Area will attack first from above the walls, then it will be the Archers while the Mages will drink MP potions before doing another round of attacks, as soon as the monsters reach the city the other adventurers will attack. 

I'm meeting with my group, only rica and Freya are on the walls preparing for the first round of attacks, Kira has been back with us for some time, I told everyone to prepare for battle. 

Just before this fight starts, Guild Leader Carlos is back, he reassures everyone that there won't be a third wave of monsters and that everything is normal in the Dungeon of the Undead. 

We had a strategy, the adventuring parties split into areas where they could fight at will without interfering with each other, while the lone adventurers stay in the back to take care of the monsters that pass through the adventurer groups. 

I was with my group, everyone was silent as we waited for the monster wave to arrive before we came here I used the [ Conceal Mark ] skill on everyone, I had to spend some Mana potions, but I had to, with so many powerful and influential people paying attention to this battle my group may draw attention when the fight starts, but now no one will discover our secrets, I hope. 

I took advantage of this calm before the storm to see my notifications from when I was in the Dungeon and change my job too, this time I will choose a stronger job as I should get a lot of experience in this battle. 

Ding!  Ding! 

<[ You gained 260 EXP from enemy kills ]>



<[ You gained 99 EXP from enemy kills by party members ]>




<[ You have acquired the following skills:

[ Poisonous Bite: 1 ]

[ Gaze of the Poisonous Serpent: 1 ] ]>




<[ Your bloodline has evolved [ Small Poison Snake: 100% ] > [ Poison Snake: 45% ] ]>



<[ Your bloodline has become stronger and purer [ Poisonous Serpent: 45% > 100% ] ]>




<[ You have leveled up ]>




<[ Your work has reached the maximum level ]> 

Now I'm going to change jobs, I've already thought about the job I'm going to choose. 

I think about changing jobs and when it comes to choosing the job I don't waste time, I choose [ Grand Martial Master ], this seems to be a high-level job, from what others have taught me about the jobs I can say that this kind of work takes years to reach the maximum level. 

The reason I choose it now is that it will give me a lot of stat points every ten levels, it will also help me improve my melee skills, but more than that is why I will win (5) EXP for my job thanks to my title [ World Transgressor ] and with so many monsters coming on this wave of monsters I will have a lot of EXP to gain and I don't want to lose all that EXP by choosing a starting job. 

But it won't just be earned, it will be risky and I won't be able to hide my powers too much, the others in my group too, so I made everyone hide their faces with masks I asked Anton to make, it was also the reason I left rica in city walls away from the battlefield, I don't want her to reveal her true race by accident here. 

I also told Layla to only use her fire and ice elements during battle so as not to draw unnecessary attention. 

"I didn't expect something dangerous like this."  (I) 

"No one expects a monster wave Dad, they just happen for various reasons."  (Irius) 

"Yes, the worst of a wave of monsters is the aerial monsters, but this time there shouldn't be many because of the type of the two dungeons."  (Sophia) 

"Even if they do appear they will be killed by the Mages and Archers that are on top of the walls."  (Irius) 

"I don't know what will happen in this battle, but I want everyone to stay close to each other so we can help each other."  (I) 

"Yes!!"  (all) 

"Kira, I want you to keep an eye out for the others as they fight, stay out of fights until someone needs help, understand?"  (I) 

"Yes Master."  (Kira) 

"The reason I ask you this is because I know your way of fighting which consists of killing the enemy on the first or second hit, you are also one of the fastest of our group and have detection skills that can give you a better understanding of the surroundings during the chaos of battle."  (I) 

"I will try my best."  (Kira) 

"They're close, get ready!"  (Diana) 

At Diana's scream, I tell Layla to climb higher so I can see the monsters coming, then I share her vision of her to see what she's seeing. 

"So this is a wave of monsters."  (I) 

What I see in the distance is a lot of dust flying, but when Layla focuses her vision more I can see several types of snakes small and large coming towards us, inside the dust cloud that was raised by the movement of the large number of monsters. I can see the silhouettes of some big monsters moving, I also noticed there are some humanoid-looking monsters among the monsters but I couldn't see them well. 

When I tried to get a sense of the numbers I get scared when I realize that there could be thousands of monsters, Remember that there is yet another wave of monsters happening across town I wonder if we can stop this.

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