Will of Сhaos

Chapter 165: Battle against the wave of monsters part 2

Chapter 165: Battle against the wave of monsters part 2

Freya Pov: 

It's been a long time since I saw a wave of monsters, it's also been a long time since I fought monsters. 

The feeling of pecking at a moving target, the feeling of trying to predict your target's next move, the feeling of seeing the arrow travel a long way and hitting the target, the feeling of focusing on the environment while shooting and the thrill of being on a battlefield. 

I like being a maid, I like to see others happy and to take care of the people I care about, but I also miss a little action, as an Elf Archer I was trained as a child to use my bow to support my teammates. , in those days I was so naive and so determined. 


I mustn't think about the past now, we're in the middle of a fight against the wave of monsters, I look down and see the master and the others fighting, I watch their training at the mansion, but seeing them in a real battle is completely different. 

Leo in his transformed form is holding the big war ax that Anton made for him, with this ax he is crushing the large size snakes while stepping on the small ones crushing them under his feet, his fighting mode is focused only on strength as ever. 

Kira is being like a ghost among the monsters before they notice her presence they are already dead, her every blow is at a vital point, I must say I'm impressed with her killing techniques, she prides the Gray Elves that way. 

Sophia is fighting using her fists and feet, her fighting mode looks like a storm of blows, her every blow carries immense power killing small monsters with a single blow, she is a born warrior and her blows connect naturally making each blow the next but stronger than the previous one. 

Diana is the exact opposite of Leo who only fights with strength, her way of fighting mainly uses her martial arts and two sword fighting techniques, anyone who sees her well-trained body may think she is just strong, but actually, her focus is in speed and dexterity as far as I can see. 

Irius is getting close to Ibuki and Irina, his fighting mode is similar to that of a knight, but I can see a touch of brutality in the relentless way he keeps fighting. 

Ibuki is fighting the smaller enemies but her fighting mode is similar to the master's but sometimes she positions herself or uses techniques that resemble Diana's, the way she fights is purely focused on dexterity, but I can see that she is still too naive to fight an adventurer of her own strength, she fights very directly which often makes her blows predictable. 

Irina is supporting the whole group with her support spells, she is doing her job well keeping attention to so many people at the same time, she has a calm mind and thinks before acting which many cannot do in the situation she is in now, I am very impressed. 

The master is the one who surprised me the most, his way of fighting most of the time uses his technique in martial arts, but he also makes moves that use strength and agility. 

The way the master is fighting is insane, he faces groups of snakes alone and finishes them all in a matter of a few minutes, the only time he stops is when he finishes off a group of monsters, at that moment he stops fighting and looks at the around, then spends a few seconds watching the others in their respective fights, he never rests. 

The master is extremely brutal while fighting, he uses his martial arts as the central point of his way of fighting using magic just as a distraction or to create an opening, the way he took care of that group of snakes using water magic was amazing. 

Layla is supporting the master, helping him when he needs it, and killing the monsters that approach the place where he is fighting. 

Each of them is fighting in an exemplary way, but they rarely collaborate with each other, as the other teams of adventurers are not doing so well. 

I saw two groups being killed after thirty minutes of fighting, there are also many wounded, the city soldiers are waiting for the moment of attack that will happen when the monsters started to pass through all the adventurers, the soldiers are the last line of defense. 

I'm on top of the city walls beside rica attacking the monsters as much as I can before they reach the areas where the groups of adventurers are fighting, where I can't attack anymore so I don't hit anyone by accident. 

As I'm looking at the entire battlefield from above I have a good sense of everything that's going on, to my surprise, the adventuring groups are doing better than the lone adventurers who are fighting behind them, all the adventuring groups are fighting together with good teamwork, with the exception of the master's group that is divided into pairs or trios. 

"Looks like this battle is already won, it was easier than I expected."  (I) 

"Don't be distracted, things will start to change soon, look at the forest."  (Mari) 

The Guildmaster's wife is with me and rica on top of the city walls using her magic not to attack the monsters but to support the adventurers who are fighting. 

After she spoke I look at the forest and see that not all monsters are blindly advancing towards the magic and arrow attack area, when I look closer I see that these monsters have a humanoid form. 

"What monsters are these?"  (I) 

"These are monsters that appear from floor 31 of the Dungeon of the Great Serpent, they are called Snakeman."  (Mari) 

"Are they similar to the Lizardman?"  (rica) 

"They are similar in appearance, but Snakeman has venom, are also more flexible and intelligent than Lizardman who are stronger and have a greater defense."  (Mari) 

"Since they are first-generation monsters, the fact that they are standing around waiting to attack means that they are being led by a stronger monster, it must be the boss on floor 40."  (Mari) 

"What do you think it's going to be like when they decide to attack?"  (I) 

"They must be waiting for the mages to run out of mana and the arrows to run out before attacking, but my husband already noticed them, the only reason he doesn't attack is that he's worried about the final boss of the dungeon."  (Mari) 

"Why is he worried?"  (I) 

"Because we don't know if he will show up, as the Evil Seed was broken on the sixth floor maybe the final boss won't show up, but to be sure he can't act yet."  (Mari) 

"But since I'm not seeing my husband so it must have confirmed that there isn't a Grade S monster here, he must be heading across town."  (Mari) 

"Even if he shows up we won't be able to fight him so do you know anything about these Snakemans?"  (rica) 

"These are monsters that know how to coordinate in group battles, they can also use weapons, they will not attack dryly like other monsters, they are considered Grade C monsters, but when they are in large groups they are considered Grade B."  (Mari) 

"Then it will be difficult, I can't see your numbers, but there must be hundreds of them."  (I) 

It looks like things won't go as I thought, the arrows will eventually run out, the same will happen with the Mana potions, and the longer this fight lasts the more tired the adventurers will be when the Snakeman attack. 

"(I have to warn the master somehow.)" (I) 

"rica, can you warn the master about the Snakemans?"  (I) 

"Since I'm in his group I can use group telepathy magic, but it's going to be a little difficult at this distance."  (rica) 

"Do it anyway, otherwise they might be caught off guard."  (I) 

"You're worrying too much, the master and the others are strong, if you look carefully you'll find that there's nothing to worry about."  (rica) 

I look to where the master is and I only see him fighting, he has some blood in his body, but I can't tell if it's his or the monsters. 

I keep looking so I notice something. 

"(Where's Layla?)" (I) 

I look around and then see her flying a little higher than the city wall looking down on the battlefield. 

"(So he's leaving Layla to gather information from the battlefield, as you'd expect from the master.)" (I) 

I praise the thought of the master in my mind, but fighting without Layla only puts him in more danger, he's been very naive and confident in fighting this wave of monsters. 

"It looks like almost all the weak monsters are dead, from now on it's going to be harder."  (Mari) 

"..." (I) 

If what Mari is saying is true the stronger monsters are going to start attacking so I'm glad I'm up here so I have a good point of view to support the master. 


"(Good thing Caryna is safe in the Adventurers' Guild with the others.)" (I) 

"(Without having to worry about her well-being, I can concentrate on the battle, I have to give as much help to the master and others.)" (I) 

Knowing the master is already aware of the danger, I go back to focusing on shooting my bow and arrow, but this time I'm going to start supporting the master and the others.

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