Wish of a Lazy Otaku

Chapter 110

110 110. Acid Barrage Training Machines




” ” Speech,

‘ ‘ Thoughts,



“Erick-san, do you still have the mixer which you provided for us at the beginning of our training?” Leader Shun asked with slight hesitation, he knows how useful that herbal bath is when he experiences it himself.

He thought if recruits also used it, then their strength would improve at a very fast rate.


The stronger the group would be the better for them, as they would be able to take on higher or more dangerous organisms.

He hesitated because Erick had provided them with everything without asking for anything in return from them and Leader Shun was aware of their situation and that they couldn’t provide anything useful in return.

“Are you talking about herbal baths?” Erick asked as if confirming that they are talking about the same thing.

“Hmmn! Yes, so do you have any!” Leader Shun nodded and asked again with some hope.

“Well, I don’t think that I have any with me, why? Do you want to give it to others who joined recently!” Erick shook his head and replied while asking Leader Shun if he wanted to provide it for others.

“Yes, I thought about it and concluded that if we want to build a solid foothold in the city and take over it then we need strong hands to protect ourselves from other greedy bastards eyeing us!” Leader Shun took a solemn pose and voiced out his thoughts so everyone could give their opinion on it, indirectly he was asking if they agree with him or not in this matter.

“Regarding this matter, I agree with Leader Shun, Erick-sama! I, along with Monan, and Merial had come across some trashy people last week. They were causing trouble and slandering us that we are using those people who we recruited for our gains!” Cortel agreed with Leader Shun’s words and she also told them about matters regarding a small incident that they resolved last week.

Soren and the muscle head group also started telling how they had beaten up a group of ruffians who were harassing the volunteers from doing their work.

“That’s bound to happen as you are stepping over others’ interest, but don’t get discouraged and if they don’t stop doing it then you can directly dispose of them or banish them from the city,” Erick advised what to do in these kinds of situations.

There are thousands of people in the city so only 50 or 60 people can’t observe everyone and because of it, some accidents are bound to happen.

This was also the reason why Leader Shun wanted to strengthen their group. He thinks that quality is much better than having a large quantity where you can’t even manage them properly.

“Anyways, I was thinking about collecting some resources as what I have with me has long been finished!” Erick said, making everyone look at him apologetically, clearly, they were the ones responsible for it.

“Erick-sama! We can help if you want to find specific resources!” Cortel said clearly, trying to be helpful for once.

“No...no...no! I can’t have you slacking off your training, as for the resources, just leave it to me!” Erick denied her help right away with a random excuse. They clearly can’t help him with it, Erick was thinking about going back to his world and transporting large resources from there to this world.

He had no idea if he could find any useful herbs in this world. The sky looks black sometimes and in the air, he can see large harmful particles which are making the air murky and hard to breathe.

His only option is to go back and grab some herbs, cold weapons, etc. from his world. If he didn’t push these guys to the limit then the evolution of this world would take him tens of years.

“Okay, fine! We won’t pester you for that, but Erick-sama! You have to tell us if you want us to do something for you!” Monan spoke up before anyone else started to pester him, seeing his look they understood that they can’t help in this regard. Monan still urged him to ask them if he needed their help on anything.

Erick gestured to them that he would if he needed any, and dismissed them. After everyone went their own way, he once again started to make the incomplete tools.

Erick was also in the dilemma about how to face Aashi, and without her help, he won’t be able to go back to his world.

He can connect with her using the soul bond that they have, which will also make them bare naked toward each other’s feelings or emotions.

He dearly missed her presence beside him, and his interest in her slowly blossomed in which he can surely say that he loves her now.

“Sigh! I need to go through this emotional roller coaster and accept her completely. Well, let’s see, I think that I will finish making these by night so I can go back tomorrow at the latest!” Erick sighed while thinking about the embarrassment that he would have to face, then looked at the incomplete devices on the floor and calculated the time he needed to finish making them.

He decided to go back tomorrow as he can’t waste more time here and needed resources to speed up the process.

He focused on his current work and before night darkness blanketed the sky, he finished making the acid barrage machines.

“Now this will help Cortel, and everyone develops their danger senses and reflexes with much higher flexibility.” Erick nodded to himself doing a job well done.

Before he was thinking of making gun barrage machines that throw rubber balls but he didn’t have those balls, so he replaced that part with acid which can be found in abundance because of malice organisms.

“Crack!” (Bone cracking voice)

“Ahhh! Let’s get going and inform others that I am leaving tomorrow and I can also ask them if they need something so I can bring them back!” Erick stood up and straightened his bones a little making cracking sounds. He left those machines there with a note about how to operate and where to put them after he left while thinking about who to inform first.




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