Witch of the Web

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Chapter 5


What the actual shit. Fuck. Ass! Fuck! Cock n’ balls! Do I even have those anymore? Quick check. Yes. Why does that bother me? Fuck! Stupid gender stuff fucking with my head. I don’t even look that different! Which fills me with disappointment and ugh! I just look a bit softer. I think. But for a moment I thought I looked like my proxy body but then it faded.

I need to calm down. I think I screamed. After the proxy body faded. What the fuck was that about? I heard a ding and Summer’s asking someone about cookies. What the fuck is going on? Do I have more meat on me? Focus, figure out who’s here.

Climbing out of the bed, I wobble a bit, as I’ve clearly changed enough to throw off my balance. I step out into the hall and follow it to the living room. Okay, there’s Summer, she’s got cookies. I could really use some cookies. Now who’s she - And fucking hell it’s the logger. 

God fucking damnit.

I glance down at Willow and back up at that Jack bitch. She’s between me and the door. Need to play it cool. Don’t fall into a rabbit hole about these thoughts in my head. 

“Oh hey, fancy meeting you here,” I say with a level of confidence I don’t actually feel at the moment. “Did you like my present? I bet you didn’t,” I giggle. Nope. I chuckle.


Chuckling is what I did. 

She just raises a brow as she looks over my outfit. Which makes sense I guess. I’d hardly look very intimidating in a skirt and cu- blou- 


Thing. Shirt Thing.

“I bet you thought you were clever Viktor, but it ends here. I’ll give you one chance to dispose of the DCS-1 and we can all walk away peacefully,” she orders as she raises her gun towards me. “Refuse and I’ll blow a hole through your head and solve the issue that way!” she shouts. 

I see Summer give me this look. If I had any doubts that she’s my childhood friend, they’re gone. She always gave me that look before I did something so incredibly stupid. She’s begging me not to do it without saying a single word. Sorry Summer.

“Not where I’d like a hole blown, but I’m gonna have to pass, Jack,” I retort. Fuck. Really? That was the best I could come up with? I just can’t shake this stupid gender stuff. Though it does seem to throw her for a loop. I can work with that. “Besides, there’s no DCS-1 here. Just me, Summer and that’s it. Unless you wanna make this a ménage à trois?” I taunt her. Critical hit. The logger is blushing furiously. Bonus points for getting Summer to blush too.

Shit. I’m blushing too.

We all just stand there in what must be the gayest standoff. Or it would be if I wasn’t a man. I can feel Willow judging me. She practically radiates disbelief. I can almost hear her complain about all the progress we made and then tossed out the window. Jokes on her, I really don’t have time for that shit. 

“I know you released them Viktor,” she states.

“Vik, just Vik,” I correct her. She gives me this oh so condescending smirk and I just know she’s going to be a shit about this.

“Yeah, I’ll call you Vik when you call me Felicia. Or better yet, Officer Felicia. Respect has to be mutually earned.” Goddamn she’s - actually. That’s fair. 

“Fine, fine, Felicia. Whatever. What’s this DCS-1 thing anyways?” I lie through my teeth. “Never heard of it.” Summer glances at me. I’m pretty sure she can tell I’m lying and I’m not sure what to do about that. 

Willow meows softly at my feet and I fight against the urge to look down at her. I have to keep her safe. Sure she’s some ultra powerful AI weapon or something, but she’s also a cat. That means she needs to be protected at all costs. 

My eyes flit around the room, looking for something I can use to my advantage, but Felicia just clicks her tongue to draw my gaze back to her. 

“Keep your eyes on me!” she barks. “Don’t think you can escape this situation without disposing of the DCS-1 or dying. Those are your only two options.”

My mind races as I try to think of a way out of this. With my eyes firmly locked on Felicia, I don’t see Summer until she’s already lunged at Felicia and cracked her on the head with the baking sheet. 

“Vik! C’mon!” she shouts and starts out the door while Felicia is reeling. I totally start moving without hesitation. I do not spend precisely two and five eighths seconds in a daze at how mind bogglingly hot that was. “Hurry!” she shouts again, snapping me out of - nope, I am already on my way. I’m not getting distracted by her shapely figure and cute outf- focus Vik! 

We race towards the lift but turn past it. I glance over my shoulder and open my mouth to make a suitable snappy comment about the elevator before Summer turns around and presses her finger to her lips.

Fine. No witty commentary for you then.

She leads me towards an isolated door away from the rest of the apartment entrances and begins searching the tiled floor for something. 

“What are you looking for?” I whisper, hoping to not draw Felicia to us. Summer doesn’t answer, but I soon get my answer anyways as she presses down on a false tile and reveals a little cubby in the floor. She pulls out a stack of old fashioned cash and a card with the building’s logo on it. I practically gig- chuckle with glee. “What’s this? The well respected business owner has a hidden -” I’m interrupted by her withering glare.

“I lived in a shithole for most of my life too you know,” she retorts. “Just because I’d gotten out didn’t mean I didn’t bring some lessons with me.” She stands up and uses the card to open up the door next to us. “This leads to the maintenance lift. It can get us down to the garage,” she explains while urging me to follow. 

I spare one last glance back towards the way we came to make sure we’re not being followed before heading into the dimly lit hallway past the door. Summer takes a moment to lock the door again and hurries down the corridor. This whole situation is going to hell and I realize I’ve done exactly what I didn’t want to do. There’d be only one way Summer would get out of this mess without losing the life she worked so hard to make. 


We approach the elevator and begin waiting for it to reach our floor. I look around and spot a hefty looking pipe. Summer is explaining some convoluted plan she has had in her back pocket for years and doesn’t notice me as I creep up behind her.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper. She turns around just as I hit her over the head. The look on her face as I make contact eats at me and I can hear Willow mew pitifully at the sight. “Don’t give me that,” I snap at her. “She has a life. I can’t bring her back down into the dirt with me,” I rationalize my actions. Willow doesn’t seem convinced but doesn’t press the issue. “And don’t think you’re getting away with not talking about what you’ve done to me,” I warn her. She has the decency to look ashamed, or as ashamed as a cat can look at least.

Not having much time, I take Summer’s cash and shove it in my - god fucking damnit. I don’t have pockets. Or shoes. Could this day get any worse? 

Felicia bursts through the door.

Why do I always tempt fate like this?

She levels her weapon at me, her expression hard. She only spares a momentary glance at Summer, though it causes a sneer to cross her face.

“Turning on your allies? And here I thought you at least had some integrity,” she snarls at me. I just put on my cockiest (never liked that word) smirk.

“Oh I was just using her,” I lie. “Just needed a place to stay since you compromised my workshop.” The mention of my former abode causes her to flinch. What’s that about? “She’s not a part of this Felicia,” I say, my voice cold. “She’s clearly just very, very confused. I mean she dressed me up like this,” I point out while gesturing at myself. I notice Willow on my feet as I’m talking and the odd tickling sensation that contact with her causes nearly makes me laugh. I instantly regret pointing it out as Felicia briefly blushes before grinning. This is going to be bad.

“Maybe she’s not as confused as you think,” she says with a snicker. “It’s a good look on you at least. Very pretty,” she taunts. My face burns up as my stomach turns to mush. “I’m feeling generous though,” she says, lowering her gun just a little bit. “I can tell she obviously cares about you, and despite your attempts to hide it, you care about her too.” She snorts. “You probably knocked her out to avoid making her an accomplice. So follow my instructions and you can go back to exploring your gender in peace.” 

I just glare at her as the elevator dings behind me. The next few seconds happen very fast. Willow climbs off my feet, leaving them feeling encased in something. Felicia raises her gun again to discourage me. I decide to risk it and book it for the elevator, expecting another shot in the spine. It never comes though.

As the lift doors close, I turn to look and see Felicia sink into the floor as her gun slips out of her hand. Without even a flicker of doubt, I know Willow is behind it and look down at my fluffy digital companion with newfound concern. What even is she?


I manage to get out of the lift and back on the streets without getting caught by any of the building staff. My stomach’s intense clenching reminds me that I probably need something to eat if I’m going to avoid getting caught. My nose wrinkles at the idea. Food’s never been a super high priority. Not being trapped in my own body took precedence. 

It hits me like a truck. I don’t need to save up for a new spine anymore. Willow clearly fixed it. And she’s clearly capable of doing more, so there’s no reason not to have any food.


Willow seems to agree as she trots off down an alley and out of sight. I rush off after her and wind up following her to a secluded little diner tucked between several large apartment complexes. 

I hesitate to waste time here, what with a logger on my trail, but my stomach clenches painfully, forcing me to admit I have to eat if I want to escape. I’m about to enter the diner when I catch my reflection in the mirror. Summer must’ve cleaned the makeup off my face. It makes sense, she wouldn’t want to get it on the pillows. But somehow my face still looks softer and a bit girlier. 

There’s also the matter of the clothes I’m still wearing and the simple flats Willow somehow made out of nothing. I’m frozen with indecision. Do I go inside and risk being laughed at to get something to eat. Or do I suffer longer so I can get some new clothes.

My stomach makes the decision for me as I nearly double over in pain from the cramping. I push open the door and find a seat at a table with a clear line of sight of the door. A teenage girl in what I assume is a waiter outfit comes over and offers me a menu.

“Can I get you a drink, miss?” she asks, her words going a little over my head at first.

“I’ll have a cola,” I respond as I look over the menu. “And I’ll keep it simple and order a burger and fries,” I add quickly. She gives me a nod and takes the menu back and heads off to the kitchen. Something about that interaction is picking away at my thoughts.


She called me miss! Couldn’t she tell I look nothing like a girl? I’m a guy, for crying out loud! I consider calling her back to correct her, but I realize that would just draw attention to me. Maybe even cause enough of a stir to alert Felicia to my location. 

I guess I can handle being thought of as a girl for a little bit. Just for now. It’s not that bothersome. Besides, I don’t want to embarrass her. It’d be very rude. 

Willow hops up on the table and plops on her side in front of me. I’m reminded of what she’s done to me already and lean forward to press my head against hers. I try to discreetly question her about what’s going on and I’m flooded with information. The diner seems to fall away from around me as I’m given a proper explanation. 

My initial guess that Willow was made by the loggers was correct. She tells me in images and feelings that they made her to allow them total control over Lanadel. What they hadn’t realized at first was that this also gave her control over the real world due to the way the AI had made their servers piggy back on reality itself. 

They wanted to use her to take complete control over Lanadel and use her power to establish themselves as the ultimate authority in both realities. She had already begun to achieve sentience and while her abilities were limited on her own, she managed to alert a gang to a shipment her datadrive was a part of. It was a long shot, but she hoped to find someone to bond with that could help her get away from LOG. 

My spine, these new shoes, my body, Felicia sinking into the floor and her gun becoming too slippery to hold onto, they were all caused by Willow’s powers. Powers she could only use when bonded. Powers she’d been using to help me. 

She explains that she didn’t have to form a bond with me. That she could’ve just escaped into Lanadel when I opened the seals on her containment. But she saw something that drew her to me. She can’t explain it, but she doesn’t regret her decision. She wants to help me be my true self. Apparently she thinks I’d be happier as a girl and is working towards changing my body to match. 

The diner comes back into view again as I pull my head back. Conveniently, my food arrives before I can get too lost in thought. The burger is amazing. A little greasier than I might usually like, but everything else more than makes up for it. It’s not long before my food is polished off and I’m left with my thoughts again.

Would I be happier as a girl? Of course I would. I mean who wouldn’t? Guys, boys, men, whatever you wanna call us, we suck ass. But it’s just not that easy. Sure she could make my body all feminine, but that doesn’t change my mind. 

Summer’s always been a girl. She was just changing her body to match that. If I let Willow change me, it’d be like the opposite of that. A parody of Summer’s struggles to be herself. I get the feeling that Willow won’t stop though, so would it really be ok if I turned into a girl? Maybe when she sees she’s wrong, she’ll change me back. 


That’s what will happen.

For sure.

I pay my bill and leave the diner feeling fuller than I ever have. I worry I might’ve eaten too much but I can feel Willow assuring me that she’ll keep me from getting sick. I guess she’ll need a lot of resources to change my body. 

Enough gender shit, though. I need to figure out my next steps. I’m back to square one with a logger on my trail, and I can’t risk involving Summer again. Not only will Felicia be watching her, but I can’t let her throw everything away for me. I’m not worth it.

Willow mews softly and shakes her head. She pads down the alley, forcing me to jog to keep up. Pretty soon we reach an outdoor market where people are selling all sorts of things. Clothes, electronics, furniture and even weapons. Willow looks back at me and her plan clicks into place for me. 

Felicia has seen me in this outfit, so I need a new one. I could probably use a weapon too, especially if she’s going to be waving that gun around. 

I make my way into the market and find a clothes stand. It’s all used, but at least it’s pretty cheap. I debate getting some men’s clothes, but with how Willow is changing me, it’d probably be better to just stick to women’s clothes. The thought makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. 


“Anything in particular you’re looking for, miss?” the seller asks. I nearly jump out of my own skin as I hadn’t heard her creep up behind me. I flounder for words. Why do I get so flustered anytime someone calls me ‘miss’? 

“N - no thanks,” I stammer back before burying my head into the clothing rack. I grab a random outfit and buy it without looking too hard at it. After paying the lady, I run and hide in a public bathroom. It’s fortunately just a unisex single person stall, so I don’t have to deal with figuring out which bathroom to use. 

I finally look at the outfit I bought and frown when I see it’s a long frilly black dress with built in support around the bust. It seems to have a faux corset as well. I can’t wear this. 

Can I?

I mean, I need to return Summer’s clothes eventually.

I should have my own clothes.

And the fabric is so soft. I wonder what it’d feel like?

I love the way it clings to my torso and flairs out around my le- 

When did I put it on?

I take a deep breath and leave the bathroom. It’s a non issue. It’s just clothes. Pretty pretty clothes. I can handle it. What I can’t handle is that the clothes merchant has followed me to the bathroom and is now gushing over how beautiful the dress looks on me. She drags me back to her stall and offers me a wide brimmed hat, boots and some jewelry she insists will complete the look. 

I reluctantly follow her advice and put it all on. She brings a full body mirror over and I can’t help but stare. Is that really me? It can’t be. I haven’t changed that much yet. This is totally a trick. I still pay the woman for the extras and just walk off in a daze.

What’s going on with me? Is Willow messing with my mind? She assures me she isn’t. But she doesn’t say she can’t. That’s terrifying. Can she mind control people? She reassures me she’d never do that to me. And I believe her. I suppose there’s no way I can be sure if she’s messing with my head, so I might as well roll with it.

She thinks I’ll be happy as a girl. Fuck it. I’m a girl then. Why not? And girls can wear pretty dresses. They get to be cute and flirty and a little mysterious to boot. I can do that. Who the fuck cares! I sure as fuck don’t! Not anymore! 

A call from a hidden number snaps me out of my thoughts. I glance down at Willow. We both know who it probably is. 

“Can you block a trace?” I ask her. She nods, so I answer. Surprising nobody, it's Felicia. 

“What do you want?” I snap at her. “Just leave us alone,” I snarl. 

“Us now huh?” she questions. 


“Sure, fuck it, fine. The cats out of the bag. Now what do you want?” I demand. She lets out an exasperated sigh. 

“I don’t like using these sorts of tactics. But with the safety of everyone, including you at stake. My hand’s been forced.” She sends a picture of Summer tied to a chair with a gag in her mouth. “I’m forwarding you the address. Be there in one hour ready to surrender and things will turn out fine. Resist and - “ she hesitates. “I’ll make you regret it. You have one hour. Don’t be late.” 

She hangs up.


Fucking fuckity fuck shit ass fuck cock balls shitting beaver cunt! 

I take a deep breath to calm myself before looking down at Willow. “Guess we gotta save Summer,” I sigh. “So I have to ask, what else can you do?”

End Chapter 5

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