World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 107: Build the world's number one charity company

Chapter 107: Build the world's number one charity company

Simulation Field?

Feng Jiu and Feng Qi?

Gou Kun and the others felt that they had heard something extraordinary.

But they didn't know what these things specifically referred to, just like they didn't know why animals and plants would mutate.

At this time, simply being alive was already a luxury, and no one would bother to inquire about the secrets behind these things.

Brother Hu was already dead, and inside his body was an extremely dangerous person.

They didn't want to follow in Brother Hu's footsteps...

"Gou Kun, do you still believe me?" Du Ge looked at Gou Kun and asked.

"I do. Brother Hu just risked his life to protect us. Brother Hu is the person we trust the most." Gou Kun trembled and quickly put on the most sincere smile on his face, as if the person in front of him was still his Brother Hu.

"I'll sell you the keyword 'mockery' that I just bought from him. Do you want it?" Du Ge asked with a smile, pointing to Gou Kun's arm that was scratched by a cat. "With this keyword, your words and actions will be guided by the keyword, and you might become a superhuman like Yao Tong!"

Gou Kun suddenly froze.

Bao Benwei clenched his fist tightly, glaring at Gou Kun with gritted teeth, as if saying, that is my keyword, dare to take it, I'll kill you.

Yao Tong was so envious that he almost drooled. That was a keyword, and you're giving it to a native? Even if you can't use it, sell it to me!

Huang Mao and the others also looked at Gou Kun with envy, but they didn't dare to compete with him.

They also wanted the keyword, but Brother Hu was no longer their Brother Hu. The scene of him effortlessly killing mutated cats and dogs was still fresh in their minds, and no one dared to act recklessly in front of such a powerful person.

"Yes, of course I want it." Gou Kun snapped back to reality and nodded repeatedly. However, soon he remembered something and asked cautiously, "Brother Hu, what price do I have to pay?"

"Price?" Du Ge thought for a moment and said, "How about ten points of mental power?"

Body possession was essentially a battle of mental power.

As mentioned earlier, an adult's mental power was around 30. That's why examinees would choose the mentally weak and physically frail to possess, to ensure a higher success rate.

In other words, the virtual characters in the simulation field had mental power.

Since everything could be traded, Du Ge naturally wanted to exploit this loophole.

As for other things like emotions, knowledge, love, and family affection, Du Ge didn't even consider them. He had sold loyalty before, and the loyalty of Yao Tong and the others directly affected him.

If the other party's emotions, such as joy or anger, were also transferred to him, who knew what consequences these extra emotions would cause?

After all, besides keywords and advanced skills, loyalty wasn't even prompted as a special item.

Some risks were better not taken!

As for good luck or strength, increasing them wouldn't do much harm, so it was worth a try...

"Brother Hu, how much mental power do I have in total?" Although being a transcendent was tempting, Gou Kun felt that he should be cautious when it came to something as intangible as mental power.

"Under normal circumstances, around 30!" Du Ge said.

"What if I have ten points less?" Gou Kun asked.

"You might have trouble concentrating and feel drowsy frequently!" Du Ge thought for a moment and replied.

After weighing his options for a moment, Gou Kun couldn't resist the temptation of becoming a superhuman. "Brother Hu, I'll buy it."

The transaction was completed in an instant.

Du Ge's spirit shook, his attributes increased, and the tradeable keyword "mockery" disappeared from his inventory. His mental power also increased from 160 to 170.

However, there was an additional note behind the mental power value, indicating that it included ten temporary mental power points.

Damn it!

Du Ge's face darkened, and he sighed inwardly. Indeed, the simulation field was rigorous, and the skills set within it were not like his own bugs, with no loopholes to exploit!

"Brother Hu, can mental power be traded?"

"Brother Hu, did it work?"

Yao Tong and Gou Kun's voices sounded at the same time.

"It can be traded, but only temporarily." Du Ge looked at Yao Tong and said, "If you want it, I can sell it to you."

This sentence wasn't meant for Yao Tong, but for the teachers outside.

Otherwise, if they were to watch the playback and misunderstand something, they might send him to the Alien Star Battlefield, which would be a case of stealing the chicken only to lose the rice.

"No need." Yao Tong shook his head. So far, Du Ge's business had not been a loss. Buying a few points of temporary mental power from him might come at a cost that was not worth it.

Bao Benwei breathed a sigh of relief. Luckily, it was temporary. If mental power could be directly bought like his, no one would bother playing the next simulation field.


"Brother Hu, did I buy it?" Gou Kun yawned visibly, feeling tired. "Why don't I feel any keyword?"

As expected.

Even if the keyword was sold to the natives, they wouldn't become players.Du Ge smiled and patiently instructed Gou Kun, "Just like him, you can mock and ridicule others."

Gou Kun was stunned for a moment, he looked around at the people, finally setting his gaze on Bao Benwei. He then raised his middle finger at him, "You're a damn Heavenly Demon, huh? You were almost killed by us. You've completely lost the face of the Heavenly Demon. You're just a waste of air..."

Those were my Keywords!

A native had singled him out, Bao Benwei was almost bursting with anger. He glared at Gou Kun, thinking, 'Do you think I'm easy to bully? Just you wait, I may not dare to mess with Du Ge, but I'm not afraid of you.'

Sooner or later, you'll have to spit out the attributes you stole from me.

Even though he had lost his Keywords and had become a blank slate, his ranking was still there.

Now, his only way to grow was to kill other contestants. The native had his Keywords, if he killed him, theoretically, he should also inherit his attribute values.


Sure enough.

Having the Keywords, he also had the characteristics of the Keywords.

After mocking Bao Benwei, the bloody wound on Gou Kun that had been scratched by the cat healed at a visible speed.

Seeing this, Huang Mao's eyes were about to pop out, he kept licking his lips.

Gou Kun was so excited that he was jumping and shouting. He pulled out a machete and waved it a few times, speaking incoherently, "Brother Hu, my strength has also increased. Thank you, Brother Hu, thank you, Brother Hu, these 10 points of mental power are so damn worth it..."

"Hang in there, you'll get stronger and stronger." Du Ge encouraged with a smile.

"Huang Mao, I've been wanting to say this for a long time. You're ugly enough, but you also dyed your hair yellow. Do you think this will scare people? It only makes you look stupider!" Having tasted the sweetness, Gou Kun quickly switched his target, pointing at Huang Mao's forehead, and improving his strength in various ways.

"Gou Kun, that's enough." Huang Mao pushed his arm away, his mouth twitching, "Go talk about that guy, if you take the opportunity to mock me again, I'll kill you."

"Huang Mao, don't be so petty. I'm a Transcendent now. With my strength, I can protect you, can't I? Just bear with it!" Gou Kun said with a grin, "This is the superpower Brother Hu sold to me. I have to make great use of it for Brother Hu. If you kill me, the first one who won't let you off is Brother Hu."

Then, he looked around at everyone and said with a fist, "Everyone, please understand. The words I'm going to say next may be very excessive, but it's all for the sake of improving my strength, it's not my intention! With strength, I can help you get food."

"Manager Gou, it's a trade, a purchase, not a robbery." Du Ge corrected him with a smile, then looked at everyone and encouraged, "You don't have to envy Manager Gou. There's more than one Heavenly Demon. If we encounter more Heavenly Demons in the future, I'll buy their Keywords and sell them to you one after another.

After all, our company is a whole. If we have good things, of course we should first digest them internally. In this chaotic world, only when our employees are strong can the company compete with others. As long as we work together and take risks for the company, we will have everything. We strive to, within half a year, every employee of the company can get a Keyword. Even if you don't get a Keyword, I can buy others' power and sell it to you, making you superhuman."

Everyone can become a Transcendent, which instantly ignited everyone's enthusiasm.


"Thank you, Brother Hu."

"Whatever Brother Hu says, we'll do it, no questions asked!"


Du Ge raised his hand to quiet everyone down and said with a smile, "But for now, please keep the fact that I can buy and sell Keywords a secret. If it gets out, other Heavenly Demons will be on guard and it will be difficult to trade.

Moreover, Heavenly Demons are not easy to encounter, we still need to focus on expanding our business.

After all, we need more trading partners. The larger the market, the more people we do business with, the stronger we can become. We can save more people. Lastly, stop calling me Brother Hu, we're a legitimate company, not a gang..."

On the side.

Bao Benwei's eyes were so sorrowful that they were about to bleed.

(End of Chapter)

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