World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 115: If you want to be, be the biggest troublemaker

Chapter 115: If you want to be, be the biggest troublemaker

In the apocalypse, everyone is paying attention to the outside through the radio.

Du Ge forcefully interrupted the broadcast of various channels, and the information he promoted was received by various surviving points in the first time.

Most people held an attitude of disbelief and even disgust.

If it was a large biological group, scientific institute, or cutting-edge research institute in the industry that issued such an announcement, it would be fine. But the Chaoyang Biological Research Institute, which no one has even heard of, seems more like a chicken research institute, using an unconvincing excuse to attract people to Yong'an City.

After all.

Everyone knows that in chaotic times, people are everything.


The Xilin City stronghold is a military camp.

At this moment.

The military camp has expanded outward.

There are densely packed tents on the ground.

On the outermost periphery of the camp, there is a thick layer of lime, sulfur powder, etc. scattered. Inside is a three-meter-wide trench, and the flowing water in the trench emits a strange smell, which is also used to drive away wild beasts. Further inside, there are soldiers armed with guns on duty.

People enter and exit the camp from time to time, driving armored vehicles or trucks to transport supplies. There are also soldiers welcoming people who have come through hardships at various intersections and arranging accommodation and distributing living supplies for them.

Some people in the camp are reclaiming wasteland, some are undergoing physical training, everything is busy and orderly...

Communication office.

After the communication soldier received the full-channel announcement sent by Yong'an City, although he knew that the other party might be fake, he did not dare to neglect and immediately went to report to the leader.

"Nonsense, using false information to deceive the public, this behavior is too despicable, it is playing with people's lives."

The one managing this camp is a colonel officer who looks to be in his forties, with a tall figure and sharp eyes. He looked at the announcement in his hand and angrily said, "Xiao Miao, immediately use the full channel to warn the other party. In times of national crisis, let the other party immediately stop spreading false information and deceiving the public. Otherwise, even if I don't save people, I will go there first and kill them. Also, warn the public not to be fooled. If conditions permit, try to go to regular shelters, and we will receive them at various major intersections..."

"Yes." The communication soldier called Xiao Miao stood at attention and saluted, then turned and left.

In the office.

Another person in military uniform took the announcement from the colonel's hand, glanced at it, and said, "Captain, I suspect that the people in Yong'an City are also Heavenly Demons. It is a problem for ordinary people to survive at this time. I'm afraid they don't have the mind or the strength to seize the broadcasting station, let alone fabricate such a ridiculous reason."

"Staff Officer Shi, even if they are Heavenly Demons, they can't act so recklessly!" The colonel frowned, "What does Yong'an City have? How can they deceive people and protect the public?"

"He doesn't need to be responsible for the people." Staff Officer Shi snorted, "Before, there was a Heavenly Demon whose keyword was manipulation. By spreading false information, he caused chaos in the world and gained enough nourishment to eventually grow into a generation of giants. If the other party's keyword is similar to manipulation, your warning won't work, but will instead make the other party more determined."

"What should we do then? Let him continue to make trouble?" the colonel asked.

"I want to take a group of people and go there for a beheading operation." Staff Officer Shi said, "No matter how many warnings there are, it is not as effective as eliminating hidden dangers from the root. Yong'an City is only more than 800 miles away from Xilin. We have already cleared more than 100 kilometers of roads. In one day, we can almost make a round trip."

"Are you sure?" the colonel asked, "Staff Officer Shi, you are the hope of our camp now. You can't have any accidents."

"If I'm not sure, then no one in the world can get rid of him." Staff Officer Shi looked at his shining first place ranking and smiled confidently, "As you said, Yong'an City has nothing, but we have super firepower. No matter how powerful a Heavenly Demon is, they can't grow too fast in two days, but we must crush his growth in the cradle..."

"I'll give you two hundred people, is that enough?" the colonel asked.

"It's enough." Staff Officer Shi smiled, "If possible, I will bring the refugees from Yong'an City."

At this moment.

A report came in.

Communication soldier Xiao Miao walked in again and said, "Captain, the other party has replied. They said that we are the ones misleading the people. They said that they will clear the mutant beasts in Yong'an City within two days and restore the electricity in Yong'an City. Within half a month, they will let the people live a normal life. They also said that within three days, they will send super soldiers to negotiate with us."

"Hehe." Staff Officer Shi sneered disdainfully, "Okay, it is confirmed that the other party is definitely a Heavenly Demon. Captain, we can't let the other party continue to grow. I'm going to set off. Remember, after I leave, if someone comes with the secret code, don't be polite with them, just kill them directly..."


His voice stopped abruptly.

He stared at his personal interface, frozen in place.

Just now, his shining first place ranking flickered and became second place.

"What's wrong, Staff Officer Shi?" the colonel asked with concern."There's nothing, I'm leaving now, I need to hurry." The staff officer's face looked a bit ugly, he shook his head and strode out.



What the hell?

Yong'an City Radio Station, Du Ge was also staring at his personal interface in a daze. When he left in the morning, he was still ranked 15th. How did he become the first in just half a day?

Moreover, he was rewarded with 30 points of mental power.

What the hell?

Is this even playable?

He even changed the company's name and stopped farming kindness points. He had been low-key enough, yet he was made the first?

What are the people outside doing? They are too disappointing! Are we all playing the same game?

"Brother Hu, what happened?" Yao Tong looked at Du Ge, whose face suddenly turned ugly, "Are you worried that we can't attract them?"


After Du Ge's announcement was sent out, he was met with a barrage of curses and doubts.

Everyone was saying that they were malicious, no one believed that he had developed a super soldier, some even directly pointed out that the so-called Chaoyang Biotech was actually created by the Heavenly Demon, warning everyone not to be fooled...

"Brother Hu, there are five or six hundred communities in Yong'an City. Even if there are only three hundred survivors in each community, the final number of survivors will be over a hundred thousand. Three hundred people for one agent, we can at least create five hundred super-strong agents." Bao Benwei said, "That's more than the number of candidates. With five hundred agents radiating outwards, it won't take a few days for the surrounding cities to be covered. By then, we won't need to explain, people outside will believe. We don't have to worry about not being able to attract candidates!"

That's exactly what I'm afraid of!

He's already the first before he's even fully taken over Yong'an City.

If this continues to fission, it's like a snowball, the number of agents is increasing, how strong does the second place have to be to catch up with him?

But it's impossible for Du Ge to revoke the agent's authority.

After all.

Trading is his foundation, and agents are the cornerstone of his control over everything.

Without agents, in this world with guns and tanks, he has no security at all, and he can't even guarantee his territory.

This is too damn troubling.


"Old Bao, what's your ranking now?" Du Ge asked with a dark face, looking at Bao Benwei.

"Last place." Bao Benwei said.

"What about you?" Du Ge asked Yao Tong again.

"287." Yao Tong said.

"I'll give you five points of strength." Du Ge looked at Yao Tong and said directly, "Sell your ranking to me."

"You can sell that too?" Yao Tong was stunned.

"Try it, you won't lose out." Du Ge's face was devoid of any smile.

"Okay, deal." Yao Tong nodded.

As soon as his voice fell.

Yao Tong exclaimed: "Damn, my ranking is really gone."

"You can really buy it?" Bao Benwei widened his eyes, incredulously said, "Did the Simulation Field bug out? Even rankings can be traded? How could there be such an outrageous skill?"

"It's really gone, it's turned into a question mark, it doesn't show the ranking at all." Yao Tong swallowed his saliva continuously, his face full of excitement, "Doesn't this mean, Brother Hu can directly get a top ten ranking and sell it to me?"

"But someone has to be willing to sell it!" Bao Benwei said, "If I were in the top ten, I would never sell my ranking."


Du Ge looked at the special item in the trade, a new special item with a ranking of 287, and thought to himself, worthy of being able to trade everything, even rankings can be bought and sold.

That being said.

He can really sell his first place.

But people outside can watch the replay, his blatant selling of rankings is simply a cover-up, it's not much different from him taking the first place!

Maybe it's even more noticeable than directly taking the first place!

Damn it!

To sell or not to sell?

So torn!

It would be great if there was no replay.

But after a moment of thought, Du Ge made up his mind.


After all, he's already first, what else can he do?

Trading rankings in the Simulation Field, openly challenging the order of the Simulation Field, this kind of provocative behavior should be more outrageous and uncontrollable than flipping the table!

Moreover, it should seem very foolish...

(End of the chapter)

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