World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 432

Chapter 432 The King of the Crackers (2)

Arcadia, a fantasy world where the vast, wild, and even magnificent Mother Nature lives and breathes.

In this world, which advocates the world view of medieval fantasy, there were numerous environments, terrains, and various ecosystems that dare not count their scale.

And beings who were born in this huge flow of nature and who are nature itself.


Not much information is known about them because they rarely appear in Arcadia, but their potential and power are so powerful that no one can ignore them.

[The spirits that symbolize the nature of this world are not only diverse, but also overwhelming in number. Water, fire, wind and earth. As with the spirits based on these four basic elements, the power of the special spirits born from the combination of various natural attributes is particularly strong. For example, the spirit of lightning or the spirit of metal...] A

huge dimension where not only the four basically known elemental spirits, but also countless other spirits live. Its scale was so enormous that the heavens and the demons could not dare compare, and four transcendent divinities resided in one dimension.

[Spirit King (精靈王). It is known that he is the ruler and king of all spirits, but personally, I think this title disparages their status.] A transcendental

dragon who is the suzerain of magic and confined to one attribute and naturally realizes the extreme.

The head of the elves who are blessed with nature and the world tree.

And even a legendary human hero who is born very rarely.

There were many people who thought that because of the presence of the Spirit King, who appeared frequently and several times in the world of Arcadia, they naturally fell in rank, but in fact it was not.

[They are the essence and nature itself that constitutes the nature in which we live. They are absolute and essential beings that support this world, and they are deities born with absolute divinity and divine authority that no being dares to touch. It is not just the level of a king that humans refer to, but an unequivocal God.] A being that

existed from the moment of creation and will always be with us until the end of this world.

Spirit King.

And the power they possessed was so strong that it was safe to say that they had powers that were not inferior at all compared to Tan and El, the rulers of the heavens and demons.

[Oh my gosh..... that's ridiculous...]

[To think that a mere human summoned the two of us at the same time. No matter how blessed the world tree is... can you handle this


The spirit king of fire and the spirit king of wind completely dominate the area just by existing.

The two looked at Jaeyoung as if they were really interested.

[So.... why did you summon us like this?]

[What is it? It must be to wipe out all these corrupt beings here.]

Ifrit, the fire spirit king, answered in a gruff tone to the question of the wind spirit king Minerva.

However, she turned her gray eyes around and looked around, then muttered to herself.

[Hmm..... But is it right that we can intervene in this situation?]

[In principle, it is impossible. I don't know if it's the lower spirits, but this isn't a fight we can engage in.] The

terrible and tragic narrative of this world that was already planned from the beginning.

Holy War.

The world tree and other deities were originally not given any role in this war stage where the whole world splits into good and evil, killing each other and seeing the end.

Originally, a situation in which you should remain completely neutral and not intervene.

However, from the moment the World Tree joined hands with the Celestial World in the already twisted and distorted narrative, this story was becoming an impromptu play completely separated from the existing setting.

[It seems that the World Tree has already teamed up with the Celestial World... Then, will we automatically join the Celestial side as well?] [Heung,

which side the gatekeeper is on, what does that have to do with us?] [

That's true, but .....]

The two of them were discussing which side they should stand on. But soon, Minerva glides gracefully and asks Jaeyoung.

[So... Contractor, what do you want?]

Minerva asks, like a genie from a lamp that seems to grant any wish. Jaeyoung replied with an evil smile at her.

“Please wipe out both the camps of the Heavens and the Demons.”


[What do you mean by that...?]

A request that makes even the spirit kings perplexed. However, as if it was clear what he wanted, Jaeyoung pointed his fingers at the players of the divine camp who were staring at him and the magical beasts flooding in from around him.

“Personally, I don’t like either of them. Ah, please handle only adventurers in the divine camp. There are a lot of elves I am personally close with, so it's a bit like getting involved with them. It's a bit tricky, but please pay attention. The evil side doesn't matter, so chew, bite, taste, and enjoy it as you like.”



“Ah, if possible, would you burn less than half of Great Forest as if it were a mistake? I don’t know where you’re trying to fuck a guy by doing something like this without getting permission from behind my back, but this time it looks like you need a lesson.”

Requests like crazy one by one. Even the spirit kings stared blankly at Jaeyoung with expressions like ‘Is this right...?' and asked seriously.

[Now... are you saying to attack both forces?]

[To burn the area of the World Tree...? Didn't you receive the protection of the World Tree?]

The spirit kings seemed to have become rare villains plotting to secretly strike the back of the head on the same side. However, Jaeyoung gave them a strangely cold smile and muttered an incomprehensible story.

“I mean. I've seen a chicken and a baby bat fight so many times that they get nosebleeds. Still, I didn't say anything. It's possible for the two of you to settle your grudge while fighting quietly in a corner, right? It was because it was too frequent, but...”

It is true that Tan and El’s souls were bet on for years, but Jae-young, who has seen it hundreds of thousands of times, is not joking. Afterwards, it became boring enough to not even pay attention, so there was not much inspiration, but these two, who are taking a new match that is completely different from the previous one while he was away, crossed the line no matter how you look at it.

“By the way... now they call on all their powers and entice even the dormant saplings to have a rare battle over the entire continent like this? No matter how much I nag and talk nicely with words to fight like that, what should I do if they don’t listen?”

[What the hell are you talking about...]

The two spirit kings seem to have goosebumps at Jae-young's story, which feels almost mad. However, Jaeyoung interrupted the fire spirit king and spoke coldly.

“You have to listen. Even though they are my cute pets, if they don't listen to their owners like dogs, it is necessary to discipline them severely.”



A mysterious summoner who is the lord of the celestial world and the demon realm, and calls the deity representing one world a pet. However, after reading the sincerity felt on his face, the two looked confused, but soon sighed and nodded.

[all right. I don't know why... I'll do whatever you want.]

[But it's impossible to attack Amil's great forest. It's a strictly forbidden act that even we can't directly harm the World Tree.] The

fire spirit king said he couldn't grant the insane request to burn Amil's Great Forest.

However, Jaeyoung asked back as if he couldn't back down at his words.

“Why not?”

The fire spirit king replied to Jaeyoung, who asked with an expression like a child who really did not know why it was wrong.

[Your request is tantamount to telling us to attack ourselves. Don't you know how contradictory and absurd it is that nature destroys nature?]

An act that is limited by an absolute mission.

To the summoner who demanded an absurd situation that made no sense at all, Ifrit firmly affirmed.

[It is impossible to lend our strength to that request no matter what the reason is.]


Jaeyoung said with a fishy smile at those words.

“Is it really so?”

Woo woo woo.

A gray aura radiated from his body.


Due to the absurd power that twists and twists all causes and effects in the world to achieve what you want, the bondage of the mission that had been binding these two spirit kings was being released.

[How can this be...]

[This is...?]

And the two spirit kings, who were clearly feeling the bizarre phenomenon, groaned as they looked at Jaeyoung with shocked faces.

Jae-young made the impossible possible by exhausting even the probability.

And he said it like he wasn't joking.

“Go and dance to your heart’s content. Let’s go crazy and run amok today.”

In this way, the existing evaluations and records of the Spirit King in Arcadia began to be written completely overturned.

Throwing off all restraints and restrictions, freely and freely releasing one's own power and authority...

Being overwhelmed by the overwhelming, transcendent, and catastrophic enormous power of the two deities.

* * *

“Khehehe. this is it This is it.”

Satan, the demon lord of chaos.

He couldn't reveal or intervene directly because all the conditions for his descent into this world had not yet been met, but he smirked as he followed the Black Flame Dragon of Darkness, who had poured all the possibilities of the demon world he had.

“Yeah... I'm dragging the time like this and slowly drying it to death. Until the moment the probability of that damn chicken reaches its limits.”

L went beyond simply granting power and descended to Muspelheim, a heavenly deity.

As long as that absolute miracle existed, Tan knew that he could never win this war.

However, he thinks that the endless probability will eventually reach the bottom, so he is persistently launching an all-out offensive as much as possible and inducing a waste of energy. And as he closely observed the increasingly impatient appearance of the celestial representative, Tan rejoiced with a more sinister and sinister laugh than ever.

“at las! it's my win! I won against that chicken cub!”

A war with heaven that has never been won. However, with the joy of winning a huge victory this time, Tan was filled with dreams, imagining the future of Arcadia that would fall into the hands of the Demon World.

“Let’s see... Once the demonization is progressing, first of all, we will have to fix the human’s bad personality first, right? They told me to fight with fists and weapons rather than fighting with my mouth in a savage and trivial manner... All souls

belong to the demon realm ...” dreamy shot. However, he took out a black scroll and scribbled something for a while.

Woo woo woo.


A look of bewilderment appeared on his face at the appearance of a mighty force he felt in the distance.

Koo Goo Goo Goo.

“Wait... what is that...?”

A huge amount of spirit power that suddenly rises.

Tan, who instinctively sensed the manifestation of the enormous power possessing transcendental divinity that could not be imitated by lower spirits, looked at the south with a blank face.

and that moment.

A huge hurricane of flames rising over the area.

Huge hurricanes that seem to pass over dozens of kilometers easily. However, the hurricane was obviously in a completely different form from normal natural phenomena.


A whirlwind that burns with ferocious force.

Tan was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a new variable because he could clearly feel the heat emanating from that storm of flames in the distance, but soon the energy he felt from far away made his face harden for an instant.

“The master...?”

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