Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player

Chapter 113 Allan Peters


"Eat up," Dr. Riley said while gesturing toward the food-filled dinner table.

The food quality immediately sparked Kieran's appetite as he ogled at it momentarily before taking a seat across from Dr. Riley. Although they had spent some time together over these few days, Kieran didn't feel they were so cordial that he needed to sit beside her.

The seat he chose worked just fine. Since the plates were already set out, there was no reason for Kieran to grab a plate or anything. Furthermore, the food was placed in such a way that Kieran could reach any dish he wished to taste. The table was pretty small since Dr. Riley usually ate alone. Because she did, she felt this was no reason for a large table.

"Dr. Riley… did you… cook all of this?" Kieran muttered while biting into a succulent chicken leg. His eyes widened as he didn't expect the meat to be filled with flavor. In fact, it made him give Dr. Riley a second cook. 'A genius scientist and an outstanding cook?'

"Why? Do you like it? Also, saying that I cooked it is a bit of a stretch. It's more fitting to say that the automated appliance took care of the work. I mean, what's the point of advanced culinary technology if we don't use it?" Dr. Riley responded. Afterward, she also took some bites of her food.

However, Dr. Riley lifted her gaze after a few bites. "By the way, our age difference isn't that large. While I love hearing the acknowledgment of my title, I'd rather you call me by my name."

"Which is?" Kieran commented without lifting his head. His eating pace slowly increased until he seemed like a ravenous beast wiping the entire menu clear at an alarming rate.

"Lillian. My name is Lillian," Dr. Riley said. She stopped eating for a moment and put her hair up properly so it wouldn't obstruct or hinder her meal. As she did so, Kieran glanced at the sight and found it appealing. However, aside from finding it attractive, he said nothing else.

"Lillian," Kieran said with a soft nod. "I do not need to introduce myself; you know everything about me."

"Everything? Not quite. I don't know your past, I don't know your future, and I certainly don't know your thought," Dr. Riley said while chuckling playfully. The smile seemed filled with happiness foreign to her.

Thus, Kieran was curious. "Do you not have company often?"

"Eh?" Dr. Riley choked and coughed to clear her throat of the food she hastily swallowed. "What makes you ask that?"

"Well, your behavior. It seems like you enjoy the company. Besides, your smile has that lonely quality—like you're contented to have someone nearby. I should know that look; I've worn it far too often in the past. At least… I used to," Kieran said as his mind trailed off to his sole friend. As he recalled his early days at the orphanage, a forlorn expression passed across his face.

Although he appeared to be a true loner, that wasn't the case. He did manage to make one friend. Together, they fostered a friendship that didn't rely on material things. Instead, just their presence seemed to uplift one another's day.

Sadly, that period of consolation and happiness could only last so long.

Dr. Riley slowly stopped eating and tossed her food around with her fork while looking down. Kieran's read of her was, for the most part, correct. She did appreciate the company, especially how lighthearted Kieran seemed around her. This was one of the reasons why she decided not to charge Kieran for his consumption of the earlier X-hancer.

"You're right," Dr. Riley admitted in a small voice. "Dedicating your life to your career may help you become successful, but in the process, you lose relationships, especially as a woman. Our peers become intimidated by the fact a woman shines brighter than them or appears more resilient. Sure I've had ample success, enough to be invited into the Private Sector, but I feel as if these machines have become my only friends."

For some reason, looking across the table, Kieran felt Dr. Riley looked pitiful at this moment. Such a winsome and charming person was afflicted by struggles that usually wouldn't trouble people in Dr. Riley's position. After all, Dr. Riley was riveting enough to be starred as a magazine cover's primary model.

"Life is just sacrifice, courage, and decisions in a nutshell. Those with unfortunate beginnings will have to sacrifice to obtain our wants. And we have to have the courage to either make those sacrifices and live with them or make the decision not to and miss out on the outcome," Kieran answered. "Either way, don't regret your decision. Regret breeds doubt. And that doubt can fester and soon make you distraught."

"Mm, are you sure you're just a 20-year-old kid?" Dr. Riley asked while leaning on her hand. The wisdom and advice stored inside Kieran's comment wasn't something any 20-year-old would casually think of.

Generally, people at this age focused more on the now and temporary pleasures rather than the future.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. But, I will tell you that my life hasn't been easy. Anyway, I appreciate the meal. I need to get back-"

De! De! De!

Suddenly, Kieran's device emitted a series of beeps followed by a subtle ring. It was an indication that an unknown number or source was trying to contact him. However, getting his personal number was extremely difficult seeing as he rarely used it. Thus, Kieran grew cautious as he narrowed his eyes.

Fortunately, he wasn't in trouble allowing him to sigh in relief shortly after. Kieran accepted the call, which caused a figure to appear on a one-sided screen before him. The individual was dressed in casual business attire with loosely slicked-back black hair. A single curl dropped toward their forehead, bringing attention to their light-green eyes.

Before speaking, the man pushed up his glasses and cleared his throat. "Hello, Mr. Silver. I am Allan Peters, Head Talent Recruiter at the Gamer Republic. I believe a meeting was set at an earlier date, and I apologize for not being able to honor it. Please accept my apologies."

"There's no issue," Kieran answered. "But, there are some matters we need to discuss, no?"

"Correct, straight to the point—I can appreciate that quality. As you know, we're interested in contracting you as a partner for our platform. While becoming an affiliate is also an option, it pales to becoming a partner. You'll be granted access to our entire community. I don't think I need to explain how lucrative that can become in terms of income," Allan commented.

"Executive partner deals usually favor higher income but are heavily restrictive. Tell me, what is the limitation of this partner deal in terms of freedom. Also, what is the revenue split?" Rather than focus on how much money could be made immediately, Kieran was only interested in how favorable the deal was to him overall.

"Very well. First and foremost, revenue generated through your stream will be split 50-50 between you and the platform so long as the content is limited to our Gamer Republic platforms. As a partner, you will be guaranteed a bonus with every milestone in subscribers you pass, and finally, you'll have to perform a set number of streams to maintain the partner deal."

"Mmm," Kieran groaned with a slight frown. "So, it's the most basic of contracts. Tell me; I'm the first Zenith Online player to receive an offer, right?"

"Correct," Allan nodded.

"So, you don't know my worth then? We can't assume that I'd do good or bad on this platform of yours. My popularity could increase or decline in a day—all these factors make it difficult to gauge my worth, right?"

"It does. However, we at the Gamer Republic are willing to take that risk based on the merits you have shown thus far," Allan responded. He pushed up his glasses and sat up straight to convey his belief in his words. While Kieran's worth was unquestionably an elusive question, the fact he generated millions in revenue with ease was no small feat.

"Ah, that's where you're mistaken. I never said there was a risk in signing with me. I said my worth is unknown. In this case, I can promise you I'm worth much more than you believe. If all you have to offer is a basic contract, then we can cut this meeting short and end it right here," Kieran said in an unwavering tone.

What he said was true. Not only did he possess more than 13,000 Gold, but he also possessed the means to rise to the top. How could he accept a deal given to the masses?

Given Kieran's decisive attitude, Allan understood this person in front of him was serious. Allan had a hunch that if the opposing side weren't at least somewhat pleased, he'd lose all hopes of even recruiting him to the platform. As a result, Allan could only make some concessions.

"Then shall we find a middle ground?" Allan asked. Even though Zenith Online's future was unknown to him, Allan was sure of one thing—the beginning stage of any game was lucrative. Even if it didn't give monstrous returns in the long run, the Gamer Republic could earn a sumptuous amount of money if they capitalized on those with a large following.

"It's simple, really. You guys can keep 50% of the revenue gained through subscriptions; however, I want 100% of my donations. Why am I sharing money meant to go to myself? Foolish. Lastly, I would like a flexibility clause stating that if my popularity is to rise, we must renegotiate the terms in the future. These terms are my bottom line and it is up to you to honor them."

After reviewing what Kieran requested, Allan soon realized it was nothing outlandish. Aside from the flexibility cause and exclusive claim of his donations, it was essentially the same contract.

"This… this is very doable. If these are your terms, the contract can be created by the end of the week. Do we have a deal?"

"I believe so," Kieran nodded. Afterward, the two hashed out any other doubts either side may have before terminating the call.

"Oh? Am I sitting before a famous person? Wasn't that the company responsible for a massive streaming service? And they're reaching out to you?"

"What can I say… I'm charming," Kieran chuckled.

"Still, to negotiate a deal so calmly… are you sure you asked for enough?"

"I'm positive. After all, the power of the flexibility clause is greater than they know. Because once I gain the leverage, their ability to say no will be removed. It might seem that I have left some food on the table, but that's incorrect. In the end, it's all about who emerges victorious; with this play, the odds are now in my favor. If there is one thing I am, it's confident," Kieran grinned. The smile was like that of a cunning demon.

"Oof, you naughty boy. Anyway, return to the medical area before you log back in. I have to continue to monitor you. But, all in all, it seems like the X-hancers are working. The deterioration of your brain tissue has completely healed and is rapidly gaining activity. However, we're not in the clear just yet; I still recorded some inexplicable abnormalities."

"No problem." Kieran followed Lillian's directions before logging back into the game.

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