Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player

Chapter 115 War Deity Council

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After taking care of Aspaira's financial troubles, Kieran only had one more matter on his mind—the War Deity Council Admission Slip gained after he changed into a True Berserker. Scar insisted that he quickly visit this place after acquiring at least some strength.

Considering he was powerful enough to use Crimson Ashrune now, Kieran felt he accomplished the bare minimum of strength required to gain any attention while inside that place. Furthermore, Kieran wondered if the War Deity Council had anything to do with Rautori, as their actions usually transcended the knowledge of kingdoms or organizations.

It was one of the only all-encompassing organizations that could move outside the detection of royal and imperial presences unless they willed it. After all, when it came to worldly powers, organizations like the War Deity Council towered above the pittance of kingdoms and empires. They were at the true apex of this world; at least, their demeanor expressed this ideal.

Even inside Aeredale City, the main attraction of the Aeredale Kingdom, the most prominent edifice wasn't occupied by the royal castle. No, the largest construct present in this city was a temple in the far distance, large enough to be seen even from tens of miles away. Naturally, this building was owned by the War Deity Council, which preferred to model their locations as massive temples. Inside those temples were illustrious pillars, statues, artifacts, and many other alluring sights.

However, the benefits of the War Deity Council's temples could only be experienced by those with sufficient certifications. Even then, the treatment would always pale compared to what official members received.

After marking his location, Kieran leisurely explored the town while looking about. The current quests in his possession were far too challenging to rush their completion or even begin plotting their course. The Arcane One's quest involved a Secret Realm, something he wouldn't go near until he possessed at least an Advanced Class.

On the other hand, Isadora's request required that he visit the Emplenan Few. Considering that it was nearly impossible to enter their homeplace and their guards were as strong as Awakened Beings, he would rather not.

'Side quests can be useful in some cases, but because of the massive influx of players, the available quests are snagged as soon as they appear. So, I can only rely upon options unavailable to other players,' Kieran mused while walking the street with a pondering expression.

The two unique avenues available to Kieran were to either accept demanding commissions at the Adventurers' Guild or visit the War Deity Council and learn what awaited his arrival. Because the War Deity Council was intricately linked to main quests in the past, Kieran naturally decided to go with the latter options.

'Main Quests appear on different scales depending on the chain of events that activated them. Since nothing important or severe has taken place, the difficulty shouldn't be obscene as in the past. Furthermore, there a multiple questlines linking to different events. What did I miss out on?' Kieran wondered.

As mentioned before, Kieran joined the game when the average level lingered at about 100 to 105. Because of this, there were some early events that escaped Kieran's knowledge. By the time Kieran joined, the attention of the elite echelon of players had shifted from kingdoms to empires.

Once this shift happened, the baseline difficulty of quests changed well. Of course, this was because levels played a heavy role in determining a quest's overall difficulty. The difficulty of a C-Rank Quest meant for Lv.100 players was incomparable to C-Rank Quest designed for Lv.20 players. The disparity in level, should a Lv.20 player take on such a quest, would essentially turn that quest into an SSS Rank nightmare.

Finally, after walking for approximately 30 minutes, Kieran arrived at the temple's entrance. Standing before its grand dimensions, Kieran felt small in comparison. Furthermore, he could sense a heavy pressure permeating the area.

'This isn't just one aura,' Kieran thought as he looked around. He perceived several auras intertwined yet not combatting one another. This wasn't natural in Kieran's eyes because the presence seemed to come from humans.

'Manifestations of strength,' Kieran noted before entering the War Deity Council's gates. For one to manifest their strength while inactive... Kieran could already guess how mighty the leaders inside this place were.

Upon entering the temple's confines, Kieran's view was filled with immense ivory pillars etched with spiral designs. These pillars supported the arched walkway that led deeper into the temple. As he walked forward, Kieran noticed a few images imprinted on the ground beneath his feet. Each image involved an imposing figure with an imposing expression perfectly captured by the artist who designed this place.

'It's astonishing no matter how many times I see it. The architects responsible for this place are unmistakably brilliant,' Kieran commented.

Eventually, Kieran stepped past the initial walkway and overcame his awe. What awaited him was a spacious area with a riveting fountain spewing crystalline water. Off to the side were statues aligned in a subtle arc to fit the curvature of the rounded side walls. On the side opposite the entrance was a beautifully made stone desk with six people tending to it.

However, only one of them reacted to Kieran's arrival. It was a man, seeming to be no older than 25, with a fit physique and clear black eyes. Their deep blue hair followed down to their cheeks as they gestured for Kieran to come.

But, contrary to their somewhat welcoming appearance, the tone they used to speak held an undeniable air of superiority. "As stunning as our environment may be, this isn't a place that wantonly welcomes guests. Either present your credentials to be here or leave the premises of your own accord."

As this person spoke, Kieran could hear muffled thuds appearing throughout the entrance area. After listening closely, Kieran could make out a series of impacts occurring not too far away.

'Swords, fighting, and slight grunts—there must be official members training.' Though the War Deity Council was inherently discourteous towards unannounced guests, Kieran knew that if juvenile members were in training, the council became even more abrasive. Any disruptions of their members' progress were unacceptable.

Nevertheless, Kieran couldn't just turn around and leave now that he was here. He acknowledged this person's words before retrieving his admission slip and passing it across the desk. This particular slip was illustrated with Scar's signature symbol, so this person's eyebrows twitched after analyzing it.

"Commander Scar has sent you?"

'Commander?' Kieran inwardly remarked. While he expected Scar to have a high position, he expected him to be a Captain at most. With his current power, Scar wasn't strong enough to go against the War Deity Council's top brass. Still, the fact Scar was already a Commander for the War Deity Council was a testament to his strength.

Regardless of his shock, Kieran nodded, which made the individual glance toward his acquaintances.

"Don't look at me, Harlan. It's still your turn in regards to our duties. We're just here to accompany you until it's time to switch." A lithe figure with hair the color of peach blossoms smiled at Harlan before glancing at Kieran momentarily, then the slip. It was evident that the slip held high significance. Still, they couldn't help but frown after sensing Kieran's general level of strength.

"While I understand that Commander Scar has sent you… aren't you somewhat weak to be here? Even if you desire training, we don't have anyone of corresponding strength. Those in attendance aren't adept at controlling their strength to match their opponent; they lack the skill required," Harlan said.

"I don't seek any training. I want to know if there are any Captains or Lieutenants here currently; someone that can authorize requests after I've proven myself."

Harlan tapped his finger against the desk while considering Kieran's question. "Fine, come with me. I'll take you to see Captain Liam."

Harlan guided Kieran through the temple, walking past a series of occupied training areas. Kieran only caught a glimpse of each space, but he saw enough to know that these people training inside the temple rivaled Lv.80 players at the very least.

Soon enough, Harlan led Kieran to one of the exclusive training areas meant solely for personnel with a ranking of Lieutenant or higher. Inside this area was a man with long indigo hair, meditating with a sword situated across his lap. The environment was serene, but after a few seconds, the man's hair began to sway as if it were experiencing the effects of violent winds.

"Ah, it appears we have caught him at a bad time. He has begun his meditation," Harlan remarked before intending to leave with Kieran.

However, before he could leave, Kieran felt some type of pressure lock him in place as a sense of danger appeared before his throat. Panic crept into Kieran's mind as he linked the event to the person in the room. 'This is… Sword Force!'

Like Warrior's Aura, Swordsman possessed a unique quality achievable through the unwavering practice of a sword fed with Mana. This gave birth to sword force, a type of sharp and penetrative energy known as the bane of Mages.

Captain Liam opened his eyes to reveal deep yellow pupils that were almost golden in color. "Is there something important that brings you here?"

"Correct, Captain Liam," Harlan answered respectfully. He bowed slightly before continuing, "There person here was recommended by Commander Scar and wished to meet with someone. As you're the only Captain in attendance, I brought him to you."

"Oh?" Captain Liam's lip curved into a faint smile. "You bear that same metallic odor as Scar; I take it you must be his legatee."

"I am," Kieran honestly replied. There was no use in lying since he was here for a reason.

"Very well. My Sword Meditation was cut short, but that is fine. I shall conduct his examination, I suppose," Captain Liam said, giving Harlan a particular gaze, who in return obliged and left the premises.

"Tell me, kid. What are your goals in coming here? Do you aim to become a Commander like your master?" Captain Liam questioned while rising to his feet. As he stood up, it was revealed that Captain Liam's height wasn't too inferior to Kieran's.

"Not quite, but I know it is customary for me to come here. All I seek is power and recognition," Kieran answered.

"So your ideals are reserved for the individual and don't necessarily look toward the safety of the masses. I can understand that, for how can you have a lofty aspiration to protect everyone when you are weak? As you said, your first desire should be to obtain strength for your own intents and purposes."


An arc of colorless light suddenly flashed by Kieran's cheek, leaving a small cut in the wall beside Kieran. However, a subtle glow appeared, causing the mark to disappear in less than two seconds.

"Unflinching. Is it because you couldn't process the danger, couldn't perceive the danger, or felt you weren't in danger?" Captain Liam smiled unusually. After all, Kieran's response differed from what he expected. Someone of his strength should fear the movement of a character like him, even if it was severely hindered.

"A fallacy," Kieran smiled back. "You can never doubt the presence of danger; even a close ally can become an enemy given the right circumstance. Still, your attack exceeds my capabilities."

"Honest and self-aware of your weakness. The last thing we need is another entitled freak unaware of their severe ineptitude. Still, you must show me that you deserve to be part of this organization. Even if you are weak, you must display why you are superior to those at the same level."

Without a second's hesitation, Kieran retrieved Crimson Ashrune and prepared for battle. "With pleasure."

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