Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player

Chapter 137 Quest Progress


The journey's remaining stretch passed by quickly now that Kieran forewent all combat. With his team's issues plaguing the party, walking into battle would be suicide. He was the only one who could currently unleash a proper skill.

Therefore, Kieran led the caravans to Aubrililes City within the next four hours.

However, unlike Aeredale City, they were all stopped at the gate despite the clear indication that they came to do business.

The city guard's crossed their weapons and barred entry. After performing this action, the lead guard spoke. "The entry fee will be 1 Gold per person and 50 Gold per caravan."

Kieran immediately frowned after hearing this exorbitant price.

What kingdom felt confident enough to charge gold coins for a mere entry fee? If kingdoms gave this price to a player, they would undoubtedly switch directions and travel elsewhere.

But, this price was the entry fee for business people. Since they intended to do business, the Aubrililes Kingdom felt it was befitting to give them a significant tax.

Considering their current situation, Head Merchant Penni could only gnash his teeth and hold in his protest.

However, although he remained silent now, that didn't mean he wouldn't raise this grievance with more affluent figures in the Merchant Association.

'Damned robbery is what it is,' Head Merchant Penni thought with an indignant scoff.

He paid the fee, amounting to almost 300 Gold. This included the price of Kieran and his party members, which surprised him.

Kieran would be lying if he said he expected Penni to pay. If it were left up to him, Kieran would simply bid his farewell.

While he possessed thousands of Gold, he wouldn't squander it on a kingdom's entry fee. In his eyes, it wasn't worth it, especially if it possessed next to zero unique opportunities.

The guards held their weapons at ease, allowing the caravan's passage into the city's walls. Kieran dismounted the horse and walked beside it while Alice remained atop.

"What will we do here?" Alice questioned. Since Head Merchant Penni paid the fee, it'd be foolish not to capitalize on the opportunity granted.

"I suppose we'll just look around for now. But, we won't stay for too long. I must return and turn in my quest for the rewards," Kieran answered. Only a few buildings generated the slightest interest in Kieran.

The library was one of such buildings. He wanted to see if his assumptions were accurate—was the Chasm of Apogeton not listened in general knowledge? If so, where was this information kept aside from the Hero's Sanctuary's library?

Another place that interested Kieran was the Merchant Association stationed in this city. He wondered if he could find a suitable armor set or come across some recipes.

If push came to shove, he would use his profession slot to become a Forger. Although forging would impede his leveling speed, the benefits gained from forging were worth the sacrifice.

The ability to create equipment was a necessity.

"Aatrox," Alice called out suddenly.

Kieran turned toward her in response, awaiting the reason for her beckon.

"Is there a place for Mages to train? I mean, aside from the Magic Academies present in each city," Alice asked. With the issue posed by her current condition, Alice felt it was imperative she conduct magical research.

"Ah, I think so. Hold on," Kieran said. Kieran pretended as if he pondered over any possible mention of such places before nodding faintly. "There are two options: the Mage Towers and the Mystical Libraries."

"Mage Towers and Mystical Libraries," Alice murmured, parroting Kieran's words. Her clear eyes sparkled as she looked at Kieran. "Where are they?"

"That's where it gets tricky. In the Hero's Sanctuary, I saw that only the Five Great Empires possess a Mage Tower in their Imperial City. But, not just anyone can waltz into an Imperial City. There's a chance you might be thrown out if people like us try to gain entry," Kieran said with a wry smile.

Empires were a level beyond the players' current breadth.

At the very least, they'd need to reach Lv.50 before entertaining the idea of visiting an Imperial City. After all, Imperial Cities were home to countless Awakened Beings, meaning they were Tier 3 existences at the very least.

"People like us? What do you mean people like us?"

"Didn't your mentor tell you when you promoted your class?" Kieran's expression was skeptical as he stared at Alice's apparent cluelessness.

"Mm mm," Alice shook her head, leaving Kieran to scratch his.

"We're considered Intermediate Beings, or Tier 1 existences. This level of power is held with minimal regard. If we want to increase our presence, we must increase our power. But this produces the power conundrum because we sometimes need to help of higher places to achieve power."

"That's… rather dumb," Alice commented. "So are we gatekept from becoming stronger in a sense?"

Kieran was momentarily shocked by Alice's adept usage of game terminology. He underestimated her familiarity with games.

"Yeah, I suppose you can say that. But isn't it the same in reality? Gatekeeping is a practice that appears almost everywhere."

Alice's frown deepened as she agreed with Kieran's point. "If we ever rise to power, let's promise to go easy on the gatekeeping."

"That's impossible, but I understand your intentions," Kieran answered truthfully. It was impossible to limit all gatekeeping because opportunities were limited, and not everyone could relish in the same experiences.

However, while total elimination was impossible, containing it to different levels wasn't. This was the bargain Kieran was willing to make.

Afterward, Kieran looked around the city, which at a glance, seemed less populated than Aeredale City. 'So this is the effect of my feats? Many players have migrated to Aeredale City rather than come here.'

Although this migration would increase competition, Kieran didn't fear it.

The increased competition similarly meant there would be an increased demand for materials in the upcoming future. If the demand rose to a desperate enough level, Kieran could smoothly grab ahold of the market.

This was even more true because Sithik, Cygnus, and Cyr spent their time amassing a great deal of material with the funds Kieran continually supplied them. Throughout their journey, Kieran sent over 600 Gold between the three.

Kieran didn't suspect they were pocketing the money for themselves because they provided proof of purchase every time Kieran distributed another round of funds, even though he didn't request this proof.

"We're here. I appreciate you escorting us to our destination safely," Head Merchant Penni suddenly said. They stood before the Merchant Association's grand trading center, which seemed more like a flea market.

Kieran noticed and looked at the notifications before him.

〈System: Ensure the safety of the merchant crew. 1/1〉

〈System: Escort a collection of trade caravans through nearby routes. 1/1 〉

Half of the quest was finished just by escorting these merchants.

However, the obligation to report his findings remained. And Kieran intended to tell it all without withholding a single detail.

If he were correct, doing so would result in an entirely new quest because the brigands' scope of activity was far too suspicious. If they targeted the Aeredale Kingdom's goods but not the Aubrililies Kingdom, they were a troublesome weed that required uprooting.

Although his requirements were complete, Kieran stopped Head Merchant Penni before he could enter the market area. "I have a request."

"What is it?" Head Merchant Penni's ears perked up at the mention of a request. He smelled potential business and couldn't turn it away.

"It involves the Invigoration Brew you gave us. Do you have a way to acquire it in bulk? Or, do you have any excess?"

"Ah! So you have taken a liking to my love? I'm always looking for a fellow Invogora connoisseur. I indeed have a collection. I'm willing to sell you some for 1 Gold per 100 grams."

Kieran pondered the likelihood of this being a good deal while his party members remained stunned by the price. The inferior materials on the market cost Copper Coins, while Head Merchant Penni sought Gold!

However, considering the shocking effects of the Invigoration Brew, Kieran felt it was an okay price. But, he wouldn't be a seasoned player if he didn't barter.

"Can we increase it to 1 Gold per 150 grams?"

"Err," Head Merchant Penni moaned in reluctance before proposing a new deal. "1 Gold per 110 grams."

"135 grams," Kieran immediately countered.

"125 grams!" Head Merchant Penni shouted. From how he acted, it was evident he was reaching his tipping point, so Kieran conceded in this deal.

'A 25% value increase is already a great deal.'

"How much are we talking?" Head Merchant Penni asked. At the same time, he gestured for the other merchants to proceed along.

"How much can you part ways with?"

"I have a cellar dedicated to aging my fine invogora beans. I can relinquish up to 25 kilograms!"

"Deal, I will take it all," Kieran said without hesitation.

"Hehehe, you have just increased my personal wealth by 200 Gold.

'If we conduct enough research, we may be able to turn this Invigoration Brew into a proper Stamina Potion. I'll have to request Aspaira's help on that matter,' Kieran thought.

If he could tweak the dosage, dilute the ingredients and find a way to harness the invigorative effects while neutralizing the loss of efficacy, he could create a valuable commodity!

Head Merchant Penni didn't have the items on hand, so he promised to finalize the deal once he returned to Aeredale City.

After that was taken care of, Kieran parted ways with the merchants before bringing Sera to a fancy establishment. The atmosphere and the customers enjoying meals revealed its identity as a restaurant.

Upon entering this place, Kieran brought Sera to a counter. He conversed with the clerk until a waitress approached. Kieran then presented Sera while giving her a few tips.

"Complete the basic tasks, and you'll be given the Chef profession. We'll work on increasing your skill from there."

Sera nodded and followed the waitress to the back. This wasn't a typical experience, but Sera's reputation garnered a warm reception from the restaurant. They were willing to help her realize her "dream."

Due to the Stage One Life Realism, some tasks required a bit of smooth talking to commence. In Kieran's case, he told the staff it was Sera's dream to become a cook.

"Damned silver tongue," Bastion spat.

"I know, right? Aatrox can't be trusted. We must protect our woman from him!" Nemean agreed.

"Woman?! Who the hell wants us, you damned moron!" Bastion shouted, almost causing a scene in the restaurant.

However, Nemean reciprocated the action. "Hey, I don't know about you, but I look damned good!"

"Yes, because that's what your mother told you," Bastion scoffed.

"Damn you!"

Kieran ignored the two while awaiting the completion of Sera's task.

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