Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player

Chapter 147 Ezra's Offer

Although Kieran voiced his intention to leave, Ezra stopped him before he could walk away from the table by placing her hands on his.

Kieran turned toward her with a skeptical gleam in his eyes but waited for her to speak. He didn't mind hearing her out if what she had to say was of some importance or interest.

Ezra exhaled before meeting Kieran's gaze. "I have one last question—is there any secret training method that allowed you to overcome the present combat difficulties so effortlessly?"

"Oh?" Kieran smiled as this question piqued his interest. "Is there something you have to offer if I do?"

"My first question is do you have connections?" Ezra questioned.

Kieran's answer was naturally no. Because beside Dr. Riley, he didn't have any allies or people he could rely on. Besides, it was difficult for Kieran to trust people without first testing them.

"If that's the case. I'm willing to offer ample compensation in exchange for your secret. How does 1,000 vials of 1 to 20% X-hancers sound?" Ezra offered.

The offer intrigued Kieran, but it was something he found difficult. Accepting this offer meant someone would have to receive the order. However, doing this would reveal his identity and where he lived, leaving Kieran at an impasse for quite some time.

Ezra mistook the silence for Kieran disliking the deal and hurried to sweeten it. "50 units of every X-hancer between 1% and 25%."

Kieran lifted his head to look at her. His silence was used to ponder a suitable answer, and he found one. "I'll compile some tips and guide you. I'm guessing you offered such an exorbitant price because you want exclusive knowledge, yes?"

"Correct. I would appreciate it if this knowledge isn't revealed to others," Ezra responded truthfully. She retracted her hand, allowing Kieran to rub his chin in deep thought.

'No wonder she gave such an immense offer. My refusal will inevitably result in me creating enemies. However, X-hancers are invaluable for me right now,' Kieran mused.

After a few moments, he agreed to the deal. Even if other superpowers sought him out, they were in several different kingdoms and empires. He doubted they'd exhausted thousands of Gold teleporting between empires.

Such wanton expenditure was reckless and downright idiotic in Kieran's eyes.

"If you send my address, I'll have Eclipse deliver the order to your doorstep posthaste."

"Rather than do that. I have someone I owe deeply, so send it to this address."

Instead of giving out his address, Kieran used the medical facility's address. Not only was it outfitted with top-notch security that could easily protect Dr. Riley in times of danger, but its remote location made it nearly impossible to estimate Kieran's home location.

Ezra memorized the address before rapidly moving her hands. At the same time, Kieran did the same but did so to compile information on how to overcome the challenges of Stage One Combat Realism.

Eventually, Kieran delivered an in-depth guide on how a player should go about incorporating things known as Techniques.

Because this information was something that would appear in the coming days, Kieran found no issue with divulging it now.

Moreover, if Ezra could reap the benefits of being the next in line to create techniques, it could solidify their relationship.

Regarding creation feats, the system distributed rewards up until the 3rd successful creation. However, a single player couldn't receive the same reward twice. It was designed to spread opportunity.

The reward structure followed many prize-winning competitions' iconic Gold, Silver, and Bronze format.

Ezra sent proof of the large mail order before revealing a breathtaking smile.

The information present in the guide astonished Ezra because it even covered what movement styles fit certain classes. Aside from vaguely touching upon the value of considerable mental strength, there was also information explicitly tailored to Ezra's Sword Master.

It didn't go into detail, but it did list the importance of endless training until all movements became instinctual. The Sword Master Class relied heavily upon control and precision because of its dual-wielding.

Compared to wielding one sword, two swords took many times the effort, control, and focus. Otherwise, the movements would become clunky.

Ezra experienced what Kieran stated when training inside the Training Hall. If she didn't move properly, her attacks would become cumbersome. This information soon led to a question Ezra hoped would be answered in her favor.

"Your understanding of combat eclipses some of the executive trainers' Eclipse hired to keep our staff in shape. Would you be interested in becoming my training partner? I won't intrude on your schedule, but when you're free, I would love to spar against you," Ezra said.

Kieran immediately considered this offer because training with a Titled Ranker was a sorely needed pressure. Their combat experience wasn't that inferior to his own, so he ultimately agreed.

"We'll discuss it more at a later date. If that is all, I have matters to prepare for," Kieran said.

Unlike before, he left without allowing Ezra to draw him back for further conversation.

Still, Ezra sat back down and called upon Lux, who appeared with restless behavior. "So? How did it go, Guild Master? Has he accepted the offer to join?"

"Not at all," Ezra shook her head. However, she passed the compiled guide to Lux. "Take a look at this."

After perusing the information, Lux's eyes widened, causing him to read through attentively. By the end, his expression had changed multiple times. "T-this… According to his claims, most classes are capable of his movements. It's not the class that limits the player, but their minds and imagination."

"Exactly. Didn't the physicians claim we'd unearth new abilities after harnessing enough of a human's dormant power? Why do his claims sound the same? These so-called Techniques sound like they're harnessing such a power," Ezra commented with a complex expression.

,m Just then, she lifted her head and caught Kieran's passing smile before he completely vanished from the other side of the glass.

Ezra began to wonder about a few things. 'Just… what are humans capable of?'

Meanwhile, Kieran arrived before the Training Hall, where he had everyone await his return.

"In- fucking- sane, bro! Holy crap. My eyes were glued to the screen for every moment of what you just did," Bastion exclaimed in awe. Others may say he sounded like Kieran's fanboy, but Kieran laughed it off.

"What can I say—average players should understand their place and operate within their abilities. Otherwise, they'll end up in a similar state," Kieran said.

He felt these players should be happy he wasn't spiteful and tracked them down to kill them repeatedly.

However, he understood they were enacting the will of the Sunset Triad and Shadow Cartel. Doing so would be aiming his animosity at the wrong target.

"Enough of that. We need to plan for the upcoming quest," Kieran said.

"Upcoming quest? You've another one already? You don't idle at all… It's all business with the boss," Nemean commented.

Kieran smiled bitterly in response.

What would they do if they knew it was in fact a Main Quest with a chain identity? Anyone who played MMORPGs understood that the difficulty and rewards of chain quests experienced a linear increase.

Kieran didn't doubt that the B+ Rank Quest would elevate to an A+ Rank Quest in the future. An A+ Rank Quest meant it involved the security of the Kingdom as a whole, while B+ Rank Quests were limited to the fate of a city.

Kieran soon walked Bastion and the others through potential outcomes after he dealt with this solo quest.

Thus, aside from training inside the Training Hall until he requested their aid, Kieran also gave them 500 Gold each to join Cygnus and the rest in purchasing materials.

Afterward, Kieran was left with just over 7,000 Gold before visiting the Merchant Association's City Bank.

"Hello," a cordial receptionist greeted.

Kieran returned a greeting before revealing his purpose for coming here. "I'd like to purchase a Personal Vault and Warehouse."

"Understood. However, these are varying levels of space and security. Are you aware of the type you need?"

"I'll take the Gold Grade for both of them," Kieran answered.

Astonishment flashed in the receptionist's eyes, but she honored Kieran's request. "Including the fees for rental and security, that'll be 600 Gold. However, with the discount of purchasing them together, the total cost will be 540 Gold."

Although Kieran's inventory was vastly larger than any other player, the continuous purchases had essentially filled all his inventory slots. Since he didn't wish to sell anything just yet, he used a considerable amount of Gold to purchase units.

A Gold Grade Warehouse was the equivalent of 10,000 inventory slots. A Personal Vault, on the other hand, was the same size as the player's inventory. The only difference was that items stored inside wouldn't drop upon death.

With the abundant space provided by these two purchases, Kieran doubted they'd be filling up anytime soon.

After paying the price, Kieran unloaded all of the materials inside the Warehouse before placing his two Rare Grade Treasure Chests and Zelliolx's Exiled Blades inside the Personal Vault.

Afterward, Kieran felt the preparations were complete.

He returned to Mayor Lowe's office but walked past the receptionist without any delay. The Mayor had informed her to allow Kieran to pass whenever he visited.

Kieran knocked on Mayor Lowe's and awaited a response before entering.

"Have you made all of your preparations?"

Kieran gave a confident nod. "I'm ready to follow through when you are."

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