Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player

Chapter 156 A Dangerous Decision

"That's what a Sword Master class is?"

Altair's eyes widened in shock as he sensed the power present inside Ezra's seemingly light actions. Sword Force was an energy that amplified the sharpness and rigidity of a user's sword attacks, leaving the user to exert little effort.

Of course, Ezra couldn't unleash this energy in endless amounts. It was similar to Kieran's Health, Stamina, and Mana Bars; they possessed finite regeneration rates. Once Ezra depleted her Sword Force, she would have to wait until it replenished to a certain threshold to employ more.

However, Ezra could still unleash her skills without usable Sword Force; the output would just be considerably weaker. This was the difference between a class that had the potential to reach the Legendary rating and one that transcended this limit.

Kieran's blood energy usage didn't possess a cap. In a sense, his only limitation was his Health, or rather, how quickly he could siphon vitality from his injured opponents.

"What type of class is your Sword Master considered?" Kieran suddenly asked amidst the stunned silence.

"Type? You mean like an attack one?" Ezra muttered. She was unsure what Kieran meant.

Fortunately, Kieran clarified a moment later. "I'm sorry for not being clear. Was there anything unusual about the class when you received the ranking?"

"Not really. Sword Master Ingrid said it was a path traveled by normal swordsmen, except it walked the extreme. As a result, I immediately received a special passive known as Condensed Sword Force. However, I won't go into details as that pertains to sensitive information."

"I see," Kieran muttered. 'Something walking the extreme usually hints at a growth class. Condensed Sword Force should be an enhanced form of Sword Force.'

Afterward, Kieran pondered the origin of Ezra's class based on what he saw. It certainly didn't originate from Sword Master Ingrid as Ezra thought, just like Kieran's class didn't originate from Scar.

There was a hidden originator at play, but Kieran guessed it wasn't on his class level.

'Its potential isn't too far off from the seven hidden classes; however, it's missing some key essences to be comparable. I guess I was wrong. It's probably related to a minor Hero at most.'

Kieran could recall the presence of the hidden classes that made the headline. They gave off a suffocating feeling, something that Ezra sorely lacked. While the might was there, Kieran didn't get that sensation he expected.

Nevertheless, the assessment provided Kieran with enough information. "It might be possible."

"What might be possible?" Alice noticed the look in Kieran's eyes. It was a look he showed when considering a dangerous suggestion.

"We're going to tackle that Sand Worm!"

"Dear god, no! NO! Don't you remember what happened last time?" Bastion exclaimed. Just recounting the mad dash from the infestation of Sand Worms made Bastion shiver.

"Payback is due, and our force is larger. It should be accomplishable. Besides, we won't be idle while traveling there. We'll be increasing our levels as much as possible."

Bastion grimaced before helplessly shaking his head. "Can't we just take another route?"

"Sadly, that's not an option. The Desert of Treacherous Sands was that small place indicated by a red skull when we passed through the Desert of Crumbling Sands. We'll have to transverse it whether we like it or not."

"So, it just a matter of claiming the Experience then," Ezra spoke.

"Exactly. I refuse to leave that Experience on the table once more," Kieran's eyes flashed with a resolute light. He decided that not only would the Desertborn Brigands be eradicated, but he'd also disrupt the entire network of Sand Worms.

"I hate my life sometimes," Bastion complained. However, he sucked it up a moment later and boarded the cargo hold. The others followed behind as Kieran checked on his current progress.

「Name: Aatrox                      *Gold

Race: Human

Lv.34 (Experience: 114,740/802,014)

Item Level: N/A

Class: True Berserker (Tier 1)

Title(s): Inheritor of the Berserk Path | Enduring Warrior | Goblin Slayer

World Fame: 900 (Knight)



Health: 2,680/2,680 (13.4 HP regen/sec)

Mana: 750/750 (1.8 MP regen/sec)

Stamina: 1,804 (3.5 Stamina regen/sec)

Phys. Attack: 2,845

Mag. Attack: 1,458

Phys. Defense: 389

Mag. Defense: 213



»Strength: 630 (447 + 183 + 0)

»Intelligence: 100 (55 + 45 + 0)

»Agility: 400 (286 + 114 + 0)

»Endurance: 134 (80 + 54 + 0)

»Control: 353 (226 + 127 + 0)

»Vitality: 210 (90 + 120 + 0)

»Perception: 125 (85 + 40 + 0)


[«Traits»]- 3

«Lifesteal» - Basic

«Zero Loss of Potential» - Unique

«Vengeful Soul» - Strengthened




«Blood Mania» - S - Lv.1

«Deranged Spirit» - A  - Lv.2

«Tormented Beliefs» - B - Lv.2

«Berserker's Burden» - C - Lv.5


«Sanguinem Tempests» - A - Lv.2

«Wrath Eruption» - B - Lv.2

«Blood Wave» - B - Lv.2

«Wild Crash» - B - Lv.2

«Crimson Barrage» - C - Lv.2

«Sanguine Slashes» - C - Lv.2

«Crimson Current» - C - Lv.2

«Fury Rush» - C - Lv.2

[Unassigned Stat Point: 112]

[Skill Points: 164]      」

'164 Skill Points, there are quite a few things I can upgrade. But, if I splurge now, there's a chance I won't be able to accept my Lv.35-45 skills. Until Lv.50, expanding my skill arsenal is more important than refining it.'

Aside from his UAP and SP, Kieran also realized the need to increase his Physical and Magical Defense. Both of them were severely lacking compared to all his other stats.

However, balancing his stats would require at least 600 UAP. He only had a fifth of that currently.

'More accomplishments. I need more accomplishments,' Kieran thought. This was the only alternative.

Suddenly, Kieran felt a hand touch his shoulder while in deep thought.

Alice's clear eyes shone with an inquisitive light while meeting Kieran's gaze. "Have you decided the best route of combat for this adventure?"

"Yes. Luna and Altair will act together while I manage Ezra's space. Nemean and Bastion will conduct themselves as per usual. And finally, you and Lux will coordinate your attacks to compensate for any shortcomings. You'll also act as a defense for the Sera and Camila."

"I see," Alice nodded after realizing why Kieran paired them this way. Kieran preferred singular synergy over party synergy since it was more important. Acting in pairs allowed flexibility and lessened the burden on the Healers.

If everyone was clustered, there was a chance the Healer's line of sight could be potentially obstructed. A Healer with an obstructed view was essentially worthless since they had to pick their target; there was no auto-aim system present.

After discussing this matter with Alice, Kieran returned his attention to guiding the horses but also remained mindful of his surroundings.

Roughly an hour later, the team participated in their second battle. Unlike the assessment, however, Kieran had everyone act at once.

Altair and Luna manned the close-range just as Kieran directed, while he and Ezra were positioned close behind. Of course, remaining still in battle was impossible.

Their positions shifted many times, but the pairs Kieran called out were close to one another at all times.

The monsters this time were hyena-like monsters with large hides.

「Lv.36 Gris Hyaenidae (Elite)

Health: 270,000/270,000 (100%) 」

These beasts similarly traveled in packs. But, they weren't a match for the onslaught directed at them.

Kieran and Ezra alone were insane damage dealers. Kieran's sanguine attacks, mixed with Ezra's blinding white flashes, created a breathtaking mixture of red and white colors.

"What a beautiful candy cane team composition," Nemean commented.

"What? I was thinking more peppermint because they're so cool," Bastion snickered.

Nemean blinked with a deadpan expression. "You're not funny, bro."

The party gained ample amounts of Experience after killing 20 of these beasts, but only those in possession of a normal class leveled up. Those like Kieran, Ezra, and Nemean, required far more.

Nevertheless, Kieran was pleased that 20 monsters netted him close to 190,000 Experience.

After finishing the fight, the party collected the loot while Kieran obtained a piece of Heavy Armor that could replace his top. As a result, his Endurance and Defense increased in kind.

Before loot could become an issue, Kieran felt it was best to address it right now.

"Are we all content with a 10% split per person? Keep in mind that this only applies to loot obtained before we reach the NPC hideout. Any unforeseen findings will be addressed at that time," Kieran looked around while seeking everyone's opinion.

An unhappy teammate was a recipe for disaster, so it was best to attack this problem before it surfaced.

"Considering you're the one who shared a main quest with us, 10% is already more than fair. In fact, such a considerate offer was unusual when we partnered with other Overlords in different titles," Ezra was the first to voice her opinion.

Kieran inwardly praised her sensibility and understood why she rose to the ranks of Guild Master.

A Guild Master was more than just being a skilled player; compassion, consideration, insight, and a few other essential traits were required to succeed as one.

The party's general opinion more or less agreed with Ezra. For this reason, Kieran was confident in the people he surrounded himself with.

'I guess trauma heightens one's ability to judge another's character,' Kieran mused.

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