Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player

Chapter 70 A Gap Not Easily Overcome


「Lv.26 Velliolx, the Goblin Chieftain (Rare Variant)

Boss Type: Field (Variant)

Goblin Type,

Health: 144,000/144,000 (100%)

Special Traits: «Hardened» «Erudite» «Ruinous»」

"You've got to be kidding me," Kieran muttered with a baffled expression. The Boss's attributes were far beyond what Kieran expected. In fact, they were so disastrous that Kieran felt the newly gained skill wasn't enough to bridge the gap!

At any rate, there were also some new features introduced with this battle. The largest level difference Kieran had gone up against thus far was five levels. As a result, the consequences of these actions were mild. However, now that Kieran's opponent had stepped into the sixth level, a new notification appeared before Kieran's vision.

〈System: You'll be afflicted by the Level Suppression System if you go up against this Boss in your current state. [Current Calculated Suppression: 20%]〉

Although the 20% suppression seemed moderate, it wasn't limited to just Kieran. Suppressions imposed on players were inversely related to their opponent's advantages. Whenever level suppression pertained to a boss, the two manifested advantages were Damage Reduction or Defense Ignore. Even worse, an application of both concurrently.

However, the application wouldn't be revealed until the user suffered damage and the information registered in the battle log. Fortunately, Kieran was attacked, but the damage was negated. As a result, Kieran became aware of the advantages Velliolx gained from his suppression.

Regardless, based on Zelliolx's stats, it was evident that he possessed some of both qualities beforehand.

〈Alert: Defense Ignore damage has been negated.〉

In Velliolx's case, that suppression advantage manifested as greater Defense Ignore. In other words, Velliolx's difficulty rose exponentially. Although these effects were problematic, the actual danger that this Boss posed was his categorization. He was what was known as a Variant, which loosely meant there was something unnatural about him that made him stronger than Rare Bosses but weaker than Unique Bosses in terms of pure stats.

However, that was only when judged on the fundamental level. Kieran was all too familiar with the effects of Erudite. It wasn't as simple as it seemed. The longer the battle stretched out, the more dangerous Velliolx would grow, especially if he entered his Berserk State.

"This is all your power amounts to? My subordinates were done in by this puny power?" Velliolx questioned with a quizzical look on his face. His gaze danced between the fallen bodies of Jol, Kwozma, and Ezgal as he shook his head in disappointment. "It should not be so."

Because of their initial impact, Velliolx's opinion of Kieran wasn't all that great. And that was understandable since his attributes dwarfed Kieran's at least three times over.

Still, Kieran frowned when he listened to Velliolx look down upon him. This was one of the reasons he disliked the Erudite trait; it made the monsters too lifelike, capable of human emotions like disdain, pride, excitement, joy, and even sorrow.

Although Kieran was practically stuck inside the rock, Velliolx didn't make any effort to move afterward. He looked at Kieran with a gaze that was hard to read. "Will this be a proper fight? Although you appear weak, surely there is something that makes you strong enough to execute my minions singlehandedly—what is it?"

Instead of answering, Kieran stared at Velliolx silently, and after a few painstaking seconds, he managed to force himself out of the large rock. He exhaled and cracked his neck after landing on the ground while matching gazes with Zelliolx.

"There's nothing special about me. I accomplish what must be done, and that is all. Whether or not I'm special has no pertinence to my accomplishments," Kieran answered in a prideful tone. He then pointed his blade at Zelliolx. "This will absolutely be a fair battle, so draw your blade."

"I do not operate under your command. What I do is done at my whims—not the order of another," Zelliolx replied with a sneer full of disgust. Similar to Kieran, Zelliolx didn't appreciate the superior tones of others seeing as he was a genuine chieftain, the highest role in any goblin tribe or village.

Kieran's right eyes imperceptibly twitched at the sound of Zelliolx's remark. Luckily, he managed to keep his cool. "It wasn't an order, more so a suggestion!"


Right after speaking, Kieran dashed forward in a straight line that suddenly shattered apart as he moved in a jagged motion. This caused Zelliolx's eyes to shift back and forth while tracking Kieran's movement. Although they weren't exceedingly fast, Zelliolx found something indescribable inside Kieran's actions that made his gaze look somewhat keen.


Kieran arrived before Zelliolx and unleashed a Heavy Slash. Kieran understood regular attacks would be practically useless given the level of suppression he faced and Zelliolx's identity as a Variant. His Defense was bound to be incredibly high. Because of this fact, this was a slight chance that Kieran may even damage himself!

On the off chance of that situation above arising, Kieran felt sacrificing a low cooldown skill like Heavy Slash was worth it. However, Zelliolx effortlessly knocked aside the Heavy Slash before lifting its massive leg.


Kieran flew back like a ragdoll when Zelliolx's foot slammed against his body as if it were a wrecking ball. If this were a more realistic version of Zenith Online, Kieran would have undoubtedly coughed up some chunks of shredded organs.

After all, the impact was significant enough to eviscerate his ribs.

"Haugh!" Kieran heaved with widened eyes. Because of his high pain setting, Kieran felt pain no different from getting hit by a car! The only difference was that his adrenaline was no longer high enough to delay the sensation of pain.

-565 〈Aatrox's Health: 95/660〉

With one attack, Kieran's Health dropped to critical levels. This was a predicament Kieran had yet to experience. While it was accurate that his Health had reached critically low levels before, it had never been done with a single attack. Not to mention, the attack left some trauma persistent enough to affect how well Kieran could move.

​ 'Is a damned Variant too strong for the current me?' Kieran wondered while clutching his sternum in a kneeled position. There was a visible footprint apparent on his armor's chest plate.

Meanwhile, Zelliolx's dissatisfaction intensified as he viewed Kieran no differently than typical humans would view a bug. "This can't be the power that laid waste to my lesser brothers. Show me something great. Make my appearance worthwhile; otherwise… I will end this here and now."

As he listened to Zelliolx's menacingly deep voice, Kieran's ears perked up. Was he so insignificant that a goblin felt it was powerful enough to end his existence at any time? This thought awakened something in Kieran as he clutched the ground and stood up with incredible difficulty.

Boundless tenacity surfaced in his eyes as his expression grew more callous than an expert assassin. His gaze seemed to gain a frigidity found only in the deepest depths of the netherworld.

In truth, Kieran understood the gap between him and a Variant could not be easily overcome. It would be difficult to emerge victoriously; perhaps it may be nigh impossible. However, that was a thought Kieran wasn't willing to accept. He was sent here for a purpose, and that purpose coincided with his goal.

Regrettably, he only had one chance. Therefore, failure was not an option for Kieran, or else he would be confined to the restraint of normalcy.

Kieran's eyes gradually closed as Zelliolx's earlier words resounded in his mind as if they were off the inner walls of his brain. In fact, it was as if Kieran could picture the word's tangible form floating in his mind. 'End me? Stop the ascent granted to me by gaining another attempt at life? You're not able. Whether it is a Variant or not, something as trivial as a Rare Boss is not enough to deter me.'

After a short mental pause, Kieran continued. 'I have gone up against the phantom of authentic demons. Beings who stand at the epitome of Xenith's current power. I walk the path of a True Berserker… there is no defeat that awaits me… only conquer.

"Show you something great, was it?" Kieran said in a tone that sounded as if he was amused by Zelliolx's naivety. This was one of the flaws of the Erudite trait; being too human meant they were susceptible to the same flaws as humans, whether it be insufferable pride, overestimation, underestimation, ignorance, or any of the other grand faults present in most if not all of humanity.

"That is correct. I have lived long enough and experienced many pointless fights to gain my position. Show me something worthy and interesting enough to give me purpose," Zelliolx admitted in a deep voice.

"Very well. I only hope you won't come to regret your decision," Kieran said. Afterward, he tried to trigger something he hadn't done until now—the activation of the Ancient Crimson Aegis. He hadn't paid any attention until now because it appeared to be a skill only activable by a True Berserker. As he had yet to promote his class, Kieran had doubts about whether or not its activation was feasible.

However, Kieran wasn't left with many other options given his current situation. Since his back was already against the wall, it wouldn't hurt to attempt the improbable. As per the instructions of the skill, Kieran bit his finger and unequipped his armor pieces, chiefly the top and bottom.

Even when he was empowered by the Crimson Juggernaut Mantle, Kieran's armor was forcibly stripped away. It seemed this was a power that didn't allow restrictive armors like the one Kieran wore. Naturally, the True Berserker class did not conform to normal standards.

The blood on Kieran's chest began bubbling over but steadily lost its initial intensity. However, something within Kieran reacted to the presence of this skill.

〈System: An alternative power source has been located. The Ancient Crimson Aegis shall siphon some of its energy to form!〉

Afterward, a dense crimson mist seeped from Kieran's body, provoking a slight reaction from Zelliolx.

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