Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 238

The first day was mostly spent on traveling. We had an early morning breakfast and started moving shortly after. I  killed a bunch of bears on our way to the den but at some point a quick break to sit down for a moment, and grab a snack sounded really great, so I just stopped.

I ate with Ki'rei, but she seemed more interested in something entirely different. She wanted to fight but wasn't saying a thing, although her actions spoke louder than words. She kept bumping on me or poking me with her elbow. Glaring at me like angry kiddo.

I finished my meal first, then sighed heavily.

- If you want something, you need to say it - I said and created myself a short baton out of void essence, and stood up.

She immediately became all lively, and took her knife out.

- I want to spar!

- I know. Show me what you got.

She lowered herself a bit and started to approach me. Her movement was careful, calm. Eyes sharp, looking for an opening. I probably had plenty of those, as I didn't assume any stance, just stood out there knowing that I can just shadow walk to safety if she attacks.

She did. She suddenly charged at me, aiming at my leg. I swung the baton, to stop her more than hit, but she rolled on the ground, closing the distance, and avoiding the hit. She tried to stab my foot, but the knife ended up piercing the ground, as I got the hell out of there.

She immediately jumped on her feet to look for me. I was standing between the carts, waiting for her. She started to circle around, but I shadow walked again, behind her, and before she managed to turn, I poked her back with the baton.

- You're dead.

She stumbled and fell on her side, but quickly picked herself up.

- No I'm not!

- Look at yourself. I just stabbed you in the back. There is blood everywhere.

She puffed her cheeks, while still looking straight at me.

- Some times you win, sometimes you lose - I said, and let my temporary weapon disappear. - Let's try again tomorrow.

With those words I made my shadows start walking again. We were on the move until the evening when we reached the right stop to set up the camp. After a short meal, we both went to sleep. Ki'rei cuddled to me in her chicken form.

The next day after eating, I went to the den and utilized the usual tactic. The third variation of bears was a bit difficult, as usual, but I managed to kill them too without major problems.

Then my shadows started a long process of picking up the crystals. When I finally returned, she was already waiting, with the knife at the ready.

- Let me rest a bit, then we can fight. Aren't you hungry?

She nodded and put the weapon away. We ate, and I sat under a tree for a while. She on the other hand started training, cutting the imaginary enemies. She was relentless, but eventually tired herself out, and sat next to me. I put my arm around her and pulled her closer.

- I'm hungry - she said.

I sighed and stood up, to bring her something to eat. After around an hour of rest, she was ready to pick where we left yesterday.

We stood against each other, a bit away from the carts, with gigantic trees all around. She with a curved knife in her hand, and I with a club created out of void essence. We stared down at each other, like the cowboys in western, although it wasn't high noon, but rather almost evening.

She moved first. Rushing in a straight line. I wanted to allow her to attack me, but knowing her weapon might be dangerous to me, I reinforced myself with everything I had, except shadow fusion.

She suddenly jumped, throwing a handful of sand straight into my eyes. A move I didn't expect. I didn't even notice her preparing such a surprise.

I closed my eyes for a second, swinging the club at the same time, to knock the knife out of her hand, and turning my entire body, to move out of her way. I didn't hit anything, but she actually managed to scratch me. I immediately repositioned with a shadow walk.

- You wanna play dirty, huh? Fine by me.

She let out a short battle cry and charged again. I just put a strong barrier right in front of her. She hit it, and bounced off, landing on her back.

- How your own medicine taste? - I said and used shadow walk, to get closer, and pin her down with my knee.

She tried to stab me, but I grabbed her hand. In terms of raw strength, she had no chances. She still tried though and growled at me, then punched my leg a few times with her free hand.

,m - I win, you lose, but it was a clever tactic. Good job - I stepped back, releasing her.

She immediately jumped on her feet.

- You are so mean - she said.

- Said somebody who almost stabbed me. I have to heal myself now...

- I would never stab you! I just scratched you!

I focused on her for a moment and quickly healed myself. Her words seemed genuine, which was interesting information. Was she as fond of me, as I was fond of her?

- Let's stop for today, and continue tomorrow.

- I wouldn't stab you!

- Ok, fine, I believe you. Come here...

She slowly walked closer to me, and I just hugged her.

- I believe you, so don't be angry, ok?

- I'm not angry.

I sighed. She was so damn stubborn, that arguing with her was pointless, so I just patted her on the head, and went to eat something more, before going to sleep. She joined me for some dried fruits. Then we crawled under a cart, and as I turned on my back, she shifted into her Tam-Ki'rei version and snuggled closer.

The day came to an end with 3 390 350 points remaining on my account, forty-two class points, and 578 bear crystals on my cart.

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