Billionaire's Beloved Warm Wife

Chapter 61


Fu Qing looked at the information found, Qin Hao is now the head of hd-qh.

Hd-qh is a multinational enterprise HD ready to set up a branch in city A. the company was registered six months ago. The main business is architectural design, the company is in the initial stage, so the number of people is not large.

Qin Hao's real estate has an independent villa in Jiangwan villa district.

In addition, there is no other information, but the most important family background is completely blank, there is no way to query.

Seeing such an investigation result, Fu Qing felt that it was in line with Huo Dongyang's present situation. It seems that he is really using the name of Qin Hao to launch an operation in a city, so it is easy to do next.

The only surprise to Fu Qing is that Huo Dongyang has so much money to buy an independent villa of Jiangwan villa, and it is a one-time payment! It seems that he has had a good time these years.

"Huo Dongyang, we really underestimate you." Fu Qing sighed with emotion.

This HD company, she once heard her son say. It came out three years ago. It has been growing in a few years, and it has set up branches in several countries with the fastest speed. It can be seen that their leaders are very capable. If they can, they hope their sons can get in touch with such people. Unfortunately, the person in charge of HD has always been a mystery, no one knows his identity.

At this time, Qiao Qingdong called.

"Mrs. cloud, we have complied with your request."

"Good!" Fu Qing knew that Qiao Qingdong would follow suit.

Qiao Qingdong's voice sounded tired. Fu Qing then said, "tomorrow I will let Yi Ming preside over a new board meeting."


"But Yun Yiyan is not suitable to show up in the near future. You also let Qiao Xin have a good rest at home. Wait for a while and let them go to the company after the wind blows. "


Fu Qing nodded with satisfaction and suddenly thought of a question. She also deliberately said, "I heard that Qiao Wei bought his own shares?"

Qiao Qingdong soon coughs up over there, as if by a lot of blows.

Fu Qing only knew that his effect had been achieved, and then said, "Chairman Qiao, are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

"Then tomorrow's meeting with the directors."

At this time, they didn't expect such a strange thing to happen on the board of directors tomorrow.

Huo Dongyang received the news and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"They have a board meeting tomorrow?" Huo Dongyang asked.

John's face appears on the computer screen in front of him as he and Huo Dongyang are having a video conference.

"Yes." John nodded. "Boss, what are we going to do with it?"

Huo Dongyang's long and good-looking fingers gently on the table, as if playing a beautiful piano performance.

"You will attend their meeting tomorrow." Huo Dongyang then ordered.


"We'll keep talking then, and I'd like to hear their arrangements."

With that, Huo Dongyang cut off the video. Because he heard Jovi's footsteps.

Sure enough, less than a while, I saw Qiao Wei carefully stretched out half a head at the door of the study, "Dongyang, you can eat."

"OK, I'll be right down."

Hearing the reply, Qiao Wei quickly put his head back. Huo Dongyang saw such a picture, he lowered his head and reluctantly showed a spoiled smile. Gently shook his head, and then also stood up, in a good mood.

After Huo Dongyang goes out, Xiang Qing's figure also moves quickly. His heart can be said to beat very fast, he pressed his hands on his chest. Boss, that smile just now really killed himself. He is a big man can not control, let alone those women!

Recently, the boss is too abnormal. He still thinks that the old stern and cold-faced boss makes himself look more comfortable.

If you go on like this, you won't be bent? Thinking of this, Xiang Qing couldn't help but shiver and wake up in an instant. Constantly warn yourself, "I like women, I like women, I like women." Important things are to be repeated for 3 times.

But as soon as he was quiet, Huo Dongyang's smile reappeared again. Xiang Qing cried out: "dying!"

A new day begins.

Send Qiao Wei to work.

Huo Dongyang came to the command center and saw the listless Xiang Qing standing on the side.

"Didn't sleep well last night?"

"Well!" Xiang Qing nodded. He doesn't dare to say that he has insomnia because of his boss.

Huo Dongyang looked at Xiang Qing, and his tone became stern. "Cheer me up! If you make a mistake, you know the consequences! "

"Yes Xiang Qing's spirit rose in a second.

Huo Dongyang saw Xiang Qing's performance and nodded. "Put me through to John."

"YesXiang Qing immediately sat down and began to operate.

A Bentley stopped at senjo's door.

Yun Yiming helped Fu Qing get out of the car. "Mom, slow down!"

"Well!" Fu Qing nodded.

She looked up at the senjo building in front of her, smiling. She didn't expect that she would come in one day.

"Let's go!"

Yun Yiyan helped Fu Qing into the gate of senqiao.

When we got to the meeting room, we could see that Qiao Qingdong and other shareholders had already arrived. Other small shareholders had sold their shares for a long time, so there were not many participants.

Almost all the people present had a private deal with Yun Yiming. They are also making a show for Qiao Qingdong. In fact, their shares have been sold to Yun Yiming for a long time.

Yun Yiming points to the people present, "Chairman Qiao, can we start?"

Qiao Qingdong nodded. It's time to arrive.

Yun Yiming goes to Qiao Qingdong's original position and sits down. "Then I'll start!"

When Qiao Qingdong sees Yun Yiming sitting in his position, the whole person is uncomfortable.

"Mr. Yun, this is my position."

Yun Yiming looks surprised when he hears it. "Is it? I didn't notice it! I usually sit in this position at the meeting of Wynn. I'm really sorry! "

With that, Yun Yiming made a move to get up. As a result, a shareholder said, "since President Yun has sat down, there is no need to get up again. Anyway, in the future, senqiao will be guided by the general manager of cloud. "

Qiao Qingdong took a look at the other people. He was just like the ordinary people who steered by the wind. Now they have learned to hold the thighs of yunyiming.

Fu Qing saw this situation and sat down beside him.

When Qiao Qingdong saw such a scene, he held his breath in his heart, but he had to bow his head. He also found a seat to sit down, one day, he will take back all that belongs to him.

Yun Yiming sat right. "OK, let's start the meeting."

"Our main content today is to talk about the reorganization and future development of senjo."

Qiao Qingdong took out the documents he had prepared. He had arranged the relevant work last night.

When he is ready to speak, Yun Yiming also takes out the materials he has prepared.

"I have a new work arrangement here. I hope you can have a look." Yun Yi said. "I'm a new comer, and I'm not familiar with business. If I don't do a good job, I hope you can just mention it."

Then Yun Yiming asked his assistant to send a document to everyone present.

Seeing Yun Yiming's arrangement, Qiao Qingdong tugs at the pieces of paper. What's the arrangement of Yun Yiming? He has been completely ignored!

Just when I was about to speak, there was a noise outside the door.

After a while, the door of the meeting room was pushed open.

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