Billionaire's Beloved Warm Wife

Chapter 62

Several men in neat suits came in.

Qiao Qingdong immediately stood up. "Who are you?"

John looked at all the people at the scene and nodded his head slightly.

"Who are you, and what do you mean by breaking in like this?" Qiao Qingdong said in a loud voice. "If you don't leave, I'll let the security guard take you out."

John laughed and said in English, "is this the beginning of the board of directors?"

Then a man followed John and translated it.


When he got a reply, John stepped aside and sat down.

No one can understand what this means. Who is this man? He came uninvited, interrupted the meeting, and sat down casually. It really makes people feel their heads. Who is this person?

Yun Yiming frowns. This man is clearly coming to smash the field. "Who are you, please?" he asked directly in English? We are having a meeting here. Please leave. "

John smiles and signals to the assistant behind him to speak.

The assistant nodded and said, "this is John Brown! He is here today as a shareholder of senjo. "

Hearing this, Qiao Qingdong, Yun Yiming and Fu Qing almost look at John at the same time. Is this person who bought Qiao Wei's shares?

Yun Yiming asked again: "shareholders? Your name is not on senjo's list of shareholders. "

"Mr. John is representing Ms. Su Lirong and Ms. Qiao Wei at this meeting today." The assistant said.

Hearing this, several people were stunned.

Qiao Qingdong looked at John and asked, "did Qiao Wei sell you the shares?"

The assistant also translated for John immediately. After listening, John nodded.

"How can we believe you?" At this time, Yun Yiming is not allowed to have any problems.

John's assistant took out a document and handed it to Yun Yiming. "This is the power of attorney signed by Miss Qiao Wei. Please have a look at it!"

Seeing all the documents in English, Yun Yiming sat down and looked at it carefully.

The authorization is very clear. Qiao Wei grants 40% of his shares in senqiao to John Brown, who is authorized to attend meetings and meetings of senqiao and even participate in the daily business of senqiao.

Moreover, the power of attorney has the seal notarized by the law firm, which proves the validity of the power of attorney!

Yun Yiming looks at John with a displeasure on his face. "Qiao Wei has been dismissed before. She has no right to participate in any business of senqiao, so your power of attorney is invalid!"

John snapped his fingers, and another man in suit came forward and handed a document to Yun Yiming and Qiao Qingdong respectively.

"This is the will that Ms. Su Lirong notarized in our law firm before her death. It is clearly stated in the will that Miss Qiao Wei is the only legal heir of senqiao property, and the company shall not dismiss her for any improper reason! Ms. Qiao Wei's 40% shares are also the legal property left by Ms. Su Lirong to miss Qiao Wei. Other people have no right to interfere and divide up. No transfer is allowed unless I wish to do so! "

Qiao Qingdong's hands trembled and looked at the will in his hand. Unexpectedly, Su Lirong left such a hand.

"Mr. Qiao Qingdong, this will also has your signature, so you should know this matter and know the legality of this will."

When Yun Yiming turns to the last page, he sees the joint signature of Su Lirong and Qiao Qingdong.

Fu Qing's eyebrows wrinkled, and she gave Qiao Qingdong a cold look. He thought he had done all his tricks, but he still fell into a big fight.

It turns out that this is the reason why Su Lirong didn't resist Liusu at the beginning, because this is the last thing she can do for Qiao Wei.

John saw that the faces of the people changed. He said with a smile, "if it's OK, can the meeting continue?"

Yun Yiming stares at John. He always thinks that he is not simple.

"Mr. Yun, looking at me like this, seems not satisfied with my appearance?" John went on. "But I should also make a request here. Please let me know at the next meeting that I don't want to be sneaky like this one. As a big company like Yunshi, it should not be so unmeasured? "

Yun Yiming just wanted to get angry, but Fu Qing stopped her. She looked at John and said, "Mr. John, we didn't know this until today."

John nodded at the assistant's translation. "I thought you all knew it before. Isn't Yunshi always well informed?"

Set a popular phrase, this group of people really pretend to be paralyzed. No wonder the big boss has to deal with you. Each one wears more masks than the other.

Huo Dongyang's voice came from the headphones, "John, don't make a fuss."

John, keep your mouth shut, all right! The big boss has orders, and he dare not disobey."Will the meeting continue? My time is precious! "

Fu Qing motioned to Yun Yiming to sit down and continue the meeting.

Soon, John put down a copy of the work arrangement that Yun Yiming worked out just now. John glanced. "Next time, please prepare an English version." Then he handed it to his assistant.

Fu Qing observes John all the way. How can Qiao Wei transfer his shares to this person? This guy doesn't look very reliable either. This is really hard to think about.

And Qiao Wei can't know such a person, or is this person from Huo Dongyang's side? No, she has to check this man.

In the next meeting, John listened with his head on his head, without saying a word. It's not so much that he's listening, it's better to say that Huo Dongyang is listening across the headphones.

And he just came to set up the meeting today. Such a meeting is really boring, and only they are still interested in it.

"Anyone else to add?" Yun Yiming seems to be looking directly at John.

John sat up straight and waited for the instructions from Huo Dongyang.

"Share dividends."

John will speak at once. "I don't mind in general. But as a shareholder, I have only one requirement. Now that I own 40% of the shares, the company makes money and I want my own share of the dividend. "

At the mention of such words, Yun Yiming's eyes widened. This guy really dares to mention it. Now senjo is his, and the money he makes should also be his. He has really killed a comeback.

It's true that if you don't sing, you'll be astonished! How much is the 40% share dividend! This is not a small sum.

John looks at Yun Yiming with pride. "General manager Yun, this law also has express provisions, shareholders can get dividends."

With that, John stood up. "If nothing else, I'll go first."

After a few steps, John stops. "By the way, my lawyers have recorded the whole process of the meeting just now, and I hope you will forgive me!"

In the end, John was self-sufficient, leaving a figure behind us.

Yun Yiming clenches his hand. This man is really hard to handle. Really should that sentence, please Buddha easy, send Buddha difficult! Moreover, it seems that the Buddha is still a kind of powerful and profound one. It is hard to send it away. Qiao Wei's move is really powerful!

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