Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 210: Lisa’s Memories

Chapter 210: Lisa’s Memories

Morale Support: Scherzo

Patreon: /ScherzoTranslations


“……played by the seaside.” [1]

After Lisa finished speaking, she looked at the person sitting opposite her and sighed silently.

It seemed he was “daydreaming” again.

This person was like this, possibly immersed in his own world at any moment, in any place. He could be chatting amongst his friends, but suddenly burst out with a string of obscure formulas.

His Excellency Isaris Ableton once said that some people read epic tales but consider them merely stories, while others can grasp the mysteries of the world from the ingredients of expired rum, and this person was evidently the latter.

The young man in front of Lisa, wearing a slightly old-fashioned pair of glasses and the standard robe of the Astar Advanced Magic Academy, with a golden border on the cuff indicating he was a first-level mage, but the questions he pondered far exceeded the level of one.

He was Sirius Odman, whom Lisa happened to meet before enrolling in school. However, she didn’t expect that in the first class, Sirius would pose a magic question to the strictest professor in the entire school, and that professor was left speechless. From then on, Sirius Odman’s name resounded throughout the school.

Afterwards, Sirius’s talent gradually revealed itself, becoming the most eye-catching student in their class.

Some said Sirius was aloof, unkind and unapproachable, always maintaining an indifferent demeanor, but in Lisa’s eyes, Sirius was just a shy and inexperienced young man. What truly attracted her was Sirius’s focused attitude and occasional cute reactions.

They had been lovers for two years, but still felt shy holding hands. That summer, Lisa had wanted to invite Sirius to the seaside together, hoping to take their relationship to the next level, but unexpectedly, Sirius seemed to disappear from the world for the entire summer, completely unreachable.

It was the first day of school, and Lisa had planned to ask Sirius what had happened, but she hadn’t expected this blockhead to bring her to the best restaurant in Tristan, “Maria.”

Heavens, this might have been the most formal date the two had ever had, aside from the school cafeteria and the restaurant on the back street.

The dishes at Maria were delicious and exquisite, but evidently, Sirius’s heart was not set on enjoying the food. His gaze was somewhat distracted, until Lisa reminded him, bringing him back to reality.

“Sorry, I had a little issue with my thesis.”

Sirius spoke. He wouldn’t lie, or rather, even if he did lie, Lisa would immediately see through it. In terms of communication with others, he was far from worthy of his title as a top student.

“I discussed it with Vice Principal Bodoro. He advised me to give up my current mathematical research and focus on, um, some practical magic.”

Sirius spoke about it as calmly as possible.

“My father?”

Lisa’s research topic at school was the history of magic. Her magical skills were not high, and she was able to enter the school mainly through her father’s connections. This humanities-based research topic didn’t require a high level of magical proficiency, allowing her to graduate smoothly.

“Yes, I’ve been researching this issue all summer. I’ve made some progress, but when I discussed it with Vice Principal Bodoro today, he thought my research was meaningless.”

Sirius was very troubled, then turned to his lover sitting opposite him and asked.

“Lisa, what do you think? Is it wrong to study the right things? Even if these things have no practical significance in the real world.”

Upon hearing Sirius’s question, Lisa fell silent.

She didn’t understand the dispute between Sirius and her father, but Lisa only felt that magical theory had completely occupied Sirius’s heart, to the point where he couldn’t even spare time to be with her.

Looking into Sirius’s eyes, Lisa slowly spoke.

“Sirius, studying the right things is of course not wrong, but perhaps my father is right. You should research some magic that can improve your own abilities. Remember, you are expected to advance to the intermediate level within ten years. After your magical abilities improve, you can always come back to research these mathematical problems, right?”

As soon as Lisa’s words came out, she regretted them.

In these two years, she had come to understand Sirius the most, and the word “give up” was not in his dictionary.

Now, Lisa’s words would certainly not make Sirius give up. Her words would only hurt Sirius.

“Really… Lisa, are you serious?”

Sirius didn’t show anger or refute, he just felt a bit bewildered. This was far more unacceptable to Sirius than Vice Principal Bodoro’s dismissal of his paper earlier in the day.

Lisa was at a loss for words for a moment. She wanted to explain properly. She was just dissatisfied with Sirius’s immersion in magical research and neglect of her, but she didn’t want to hurt him.

“I’m sorry, I…”

But Sirius had already stood up. He didn’t speak, just silently settled the bill, then left the restaurant without looking back.

His last look held no resentment or persistence, nor was there sadness or doubt.

Only deep disappointment.

At this moment, Lisa had a premonition that an insurmountable gap appeared between her and Sirius.

She couldn’t understand Sirius’s passion for magic, just as Sirius couldn’t understand her emotional gestures.

For the first time, Lisa truly felt that Sirius was indeed born for magic.

Her nose tingling, Lisa stumbled out of the restaurant. On the street, people came and went, singing praises of the beautiful era, unaware of Lisa’s melancholy.

Just as Lisa was about to stumble, a strong hand caught her.

“You are?”

Turning around, Lisa found it was a somewhat unfamiliar boy, whom she had seen a few times before, seemingly one of her father’s students.

“Percival, my name is Percival, I’m Vice Principal Bodoro’s student.”

He was courteous and gentle. Seeing Lisa’s slightly red eyes, Percival smiled and continued.

“Hehe, Miss Lisa, you may not remember me very well, after all, everyone’s attention was focused on that genius, Sirius Odman.”

“No, I know you.”

Lisa felt a little embarrassed, fearing that her father, who liked to meddle, would ask non-stop questions after seeing her current disheveled appearance.

“You seem to be studying elemental magic. I’ve heard my father mention it once or twice.”

Hearing Lisa’s words, Percival was taken aback for a moment, then said somewhat helplessly.

“Yes, my teacher said that the laws department is the domain of geniuses, and with someone like him leading the way, continuing my research would be meaningless. So, I turned to elemental magic, which isn’t bad.”

“Percival, what’s wrong with studying things that are correct but have no practical significance?”

Lisa suddenly asked, causing Percival to fall into silence. After a while, he sighed lightly and replied.

“I don’t know either, Miss Lisa. I study magic because I want to use it to make myself better, to protect the people I care about. Hehe, maybe I’m just a pragmatist.”

Glancing at the beautiful lady in front of him, Percival continued.

“But some people study magic just to get closer to the truth, and those people are sometimes too distant, beyond the reach of ordinary people.”



[1] The original text here is an incomplete part of a sentence.

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