Harem Reborn

Chapter 153: Get In The Damn Ship

Chapter 153: Get In The Damn Ship

Alexander stepped back from me and then began to change, and all the weapons in the room gathered to him, melting onto him, but somehow not changing how big he got. These damn things made no sense, but this was all just extremely texture graphic. Somehow this thought made watching this absurdity better.

Soon, Alexander like a fighter jet, but with a lot more bells and whistles; his shape was similar to rockets we had used to make missions to Mars, but the project was abandon after a catastrophic failure on the Mars base. A multitude of yellows and oranges cover the plate of the ship, and two slots open up for us. I shook my head; that wasn't going to work; a deal was a deal after all.

"We are going to need two more spaces; I'm expecting guests."

As Alexander shifted, I turned; I could hear the sound of a large group approaching.

"Kyrina, we are about to get some people who are invited on our little exodus trip out of her. I just want you to be scary and not to get hurt, and don't look at me like that! I will explain after this gun gets some experience."

That turned the glare into a frown and then a look of confusion; it was okay, she would understand later. 

//Ya, of course, you don't want to explain how you fucked me into a gun! It's okay, I'm just a gun, I don't matter -Aquina. 

/Don't be like that. I know that this kind of thing is better to talk about when all parties can speak and answer themselves. I'm doing this, so you don't have to stay as a gun for the next week back to the ship

I just got silence after, which was fine with me, better than her calling me stupid. Man, I just have to say to myself in this moment of true privacy, it is nice to have an uninterrupted

//Hostile targets approaching with two non-hostiles in the lead -Tequila.

Owo! I was never going to get another moment of peace for the rest of eternity! 

Alright, I slapped my face but hit helmet instead. I sent a thought to Diamond if he minded helping Kryina distract the group, so I could soak up some kills for Aquina. I got the impression that he would do it, but little more than that; I guess he didn't like getting left out any more than Kyrina did.

/Can't win them all. Are you ready, Squirt?

//What did you just call me? -Aquina.

Even in my head, I could hear the drop in her tone. Whoops, so much for ground gained with her. 

/Nothing, I swear, let's move on

Suddenly another week without an angry tsundere didn't sound like a bad idea, but too late now. I could see Tarclaw run into the cave first with Kret close behind. I expected to see a large group of aliens fit for MIB nine come storming into behind them, but all jokes were off as I starting to pump bullets into glowing yellow sacks of skeletal monsters that came streaming in. 

"Scatch distraction! Get them, Diamond! I'll cover you, Kryina, let's go!"

I felt a sudden snap in my synapses, and I took a quick glance to my left and seen the brief thumbs-up before the naginata was In his hand, glowing a bright and healthy green light. Somehow, Diamond dialled me into his System Overdrive, and now I was back in Frogfish mode!

/Are you clocked in with me?

//STOP WASTING TIME! The robot is getting them all! -Aquina.

I dashed forward with intense speed, but as I did, I felt my purple glowing thick veins het up, and my suit started to smoke.


//Unife hunter allows you to absorb dispersed Unlife energy and use it; do not hold it for too long, or it could have life-threatening effects -Tequila.

I pumped three shots into the first three skeletons and felt the energy suck into me, causing my purple veins to cook my suit right off my body. I ducked down to avoid a bone ax vertical swing and felt my balls drag across the sand, tickling them and almost making me lose focus. I twisted and rose up to give my best impression of an uppercut and letting whatever this extreme power was go.

The effect was way too cool! It was like I had just blasted a cone of pure unrestrained power into the air, evaporating the Skelton into black particles instantly. Ha! Wrong-way, hehe. I turned to the going group of skeletons and took down eight more before I was humming with intense purple light. That was when the skele-kong ambled in on his fist.

"Haha, pull back, everyone this one is mine!"

I slammed both fists forward and release a cannon of force that obliterated everything that wasn't tigers or us in the room. The intense glow dissipated from me, and I took a deep breath turning to smile and my cat friend. They were both already laughing like a pair of children.

"Ahaha, your purple, haha, glowing ass! BWAHAHA!"

"Hehe! You looked like a fancy race car with the bright stripes, hehe!"

"Haha, Get in the damn ship!"

Asshat cats! I save their sorry ass, and this is what I get? Par for the course in my line of work, better laughing then...Spoke to you last! Aquina started to grow out of me, and then she was back in her black and blue lined cowgirl outfit. 

"Ah, finally, I am free! WHY DID YOU HOG THEM!"

Aquina came over and aim a kick at me, and I jumped back, out of the way, and then quickly dash forward and scoop her up and smiled at Kyrina. She smiled back, with that knowing smile, and I was done trying to be a little wimp about this. Fate was gone, but he still seems to be leading me, so if Fate is what I have left, I will be fated to win!

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