Harem Reborn

Chapter 154: Force Communications

Chapter 154: Force Communications

"Another one? Hehe, so now what? We jet off and just leave the planet to its fate, taking its god with us?"

"Basically, but now UW will be stepping in and restoring order to the plant. Don't think too hard, Kret. You might pull something, hehe!"

We both laughed as Tarclaw and Kyrina joined us, and we started to walk to the ship. Alexander was at least paying attention now and had made the fifth spot in the front, but before I could get in, I broke from the girls and left to get in the waiting Diamond. 

I turned and backed into the familiar suit and felt instantly lighter on my feet; ah, that was good, I would dual wield the naginata and Aquina easily as I had with Sandra. As the suit locked into place, I kept the glass back and rejoined the grouptime to go and get off this damn sandball. 

"Cats in the back on the cooling rack, girl, you are the ones in front with me."

Alexander wasn't as massive as Tsumani, but he was meant for fighting, not exploration. Alexander had always been the military side of us. Wait, where did that come from? Suddenly something hit me with more info that streamed into me, but I wasn't nocked out like before. Does that mean I was frozen...I see they used the memories as distractions from the instant download infodump I got each time, but now I couldn't be paused. 


Kyrina's voice brought me out of my thoughts, and I could see everyone was already in the vertical two by one meter tall 'cooling racks' Alexander had created and sealed in Acura-Gel. I smiled, thinking about how I was going to explain to Kyrina and the process of

I suddenly caught my foot on the ground with a misstep and face planted into the gel of my own rack. 

//Mission Update!: [Gravity Perks]: Completed 4/5

Oh boy, I thought my hands felt a lot more comfortable than my face! 

"Dave, what are you doing?! Get your hand...ahhh, STOP IT...agh!"

"Mmmm, don't you think we should wait to get...mmmah...back to the ship to get frisky like this? It's hardly polite in front of our guests...but"

I was squeezing both breasts, trying to get my damn face out of the gel, but with the sound these girls were making, I was of half a mind to kick the cats out for an hour before we left. 

With a *Shloop*, I pulled my face out of the gel, and I was pretty sure Alexander was to blame for me being stuck for so damn long. I wasn't sure I should be happy or to give him a jolt for trying to smoother me. I let go of the girl's breasts, and they each fell with a jiggle, causing the girls to gasp out. It left them with heated looks, some more passionate than others, hehe.

I turned and backed into the gel, feeling it close around me. The outside in front of us closed in a fall of plates. I kept my mouth shut but made the mistake of looking over at Aquina, who had her head turned to me, glaring. Suddenly Alex started to take off, and my head was frozen in place...staring into the glaring eye of Aquina, who was also stuck staring at me, great.

"Your such an idiot; why were you squeezing me too hard like that? Stupid!"

Oh? Was this the code word for you who got me all hot and bothered and dripping? Again, I was thankful I only shared my thoughts with mom, who I hoped ignored the ones as I had just thought of, hehe. 

"Listen, when we get back, we can talk with Kyrina and settle our difference then, okay?

"You better stupid...okay?"

That was the moment we hit space and our heads unlocked from the frozen positions. Instantly Aquina spun her head away from me and stared at a grey wall plate with nothing on it but a smooth surface. I smiled and turned to Kyrina, who was already smiling and reaching for my hand. I took it and managed to stretch it up to kiss it. Kyrina's smile deepened, but then it turned mischievous.

"So, how did you meet this lovely girl? She seems like a bundle of joy, hehe!"

"I can hear you!"

"Yes, haha, I know what you mean, but she will grow on you like Iona."

"Iona? I don't think she would grow on anyone but you, Dave! That woman is scary when you're not around!"

"Wow, suddenly I feel very for those girls on the week trip back!"

"Please don't tell her I said that, or she will put me to cleaning something nasty!"

"Hahaha! Well, don't worry, I won't interfere."

"Oh no, I think you should interfere and release some of that built-up tension in her!"

I even heard Aquina laugh when Kyrina and I started laughing at that part. I guess the tigers were thoroughly entertained or sleeping. I then explained as Alexander took up back to our ship about the entire mini-game, and I was surprised when Kyrina mentioned that she would like to be able to change into a weapon. 

As I explained, Aquina was silent; I guess she must have been embarrassed when I went over what happened after meeting Greg and then killing him and the gun...smithing I did after. After I finished explaining everything, Alexander sent me a feeling that he would be docking soon, and then he would amalgamate with the ship. 

The Acura-Gel melted away, and I stepped to the floor and turned around to see both cats be released from the gel. It all happened in slow motion, but no part of me wanted to stop it from happening. Both of them toppled out of the cooling rack, still sleeping, but they fell into each other.

Instantly both cats had the other's throats in hand, and each had a clawed hand raised to strike each other down. 

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