Harem Reborn

Chapter 246: INTERCEPTED

Chapter 246: INTERCEPTED

[Metallurgist: Starmetal/Wild Surge Battle Magic] Activated!

I looked down and I still had a white shirt and pants, but my skin ripples with green, blue, orange, and white colors. I had a metallic coating over my skin or it was what my body was made of now, it was hard to tell. When I touched my skin, it was as hard as steel, but I could move easily. I could still watch the tendons move under my skin when I rolled my fingers, and feel them, but the pressure made sparks the color of my skin shot up.

There was nothing but sand all around me, so I pulled up my menu. At the second level, these Classes should be able to make something useful. Maybe a hat would be good, that sun was horribly bright. I pulled up the screens and started to look around both Classes and started to laugh, but then stopped, would it actually work?

Starmetal allowed me to enchant weapons and armor with a reactive enchantment, but I had no weapons or armor. So, I tried it on my fist and clothes because why not? It worked! The metal of my fist must count as a weapon, and now my clothes were more durable and made the sparks when I dragged a nail down my shirt. 

Next was the Chaos Gems and I was able to make six, throwing my rocks out of my pockets to be replaced with Gem. They, like the class, were all about random element effects. The Wild Surge Class could be used with Melee attack so I would be doing hand-to-hand combat, but I wouldn't be indestructible and monster strong. 

I would have to plaything one a bit safer. There was no direct rush route this time and I had no guides, but Tequila and Dansei, and they had blocks. I would fix that when I got to MainFrame. When the locks come off, all the gods and other Sparks in NPC bodies will have all restrictions taken off, and I will be able to find out what really happened.

After that, I will be able to contact the others and get everyone that has used limitless reach without a god activating it. I should be able to pull them into a conscious dream so I can get everyone on the same page. Now, I just had to get there, and I just noticed that I have a Brilliant Forge Hammer! I will be the Starmetal Forge God!

I could even power myself up by igniting my Starfire, whatever that meant, but it sounded cool! One class did random damage type and the other just added more damage to everything! 

I started to run forward and then I fell in a hole, dropping twenty meters, and slapping down on a hard stone disc in a shower of sparks. I stood up to find a massive staircase that led down to a tall set of ornate wooden doors about four meters tall. They looked like they belonged in a church or a castle, not at the bottom of a dessert. 

I dusted myself off and then got distracted for a minute wiping off the dust that wasn't there. Each swipe made a small shower of sparks, and it looked cool, sue me. I started down the stairs, reaching out to the side and letting the hammer of light form in my hand. The action reminded me of the way the Lightblade worked.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and pushed on one of the great doors, and It moved surprisingly easily. On the other side, there was a long narrow path, but everything was dark in the room until I got about five steps into the room.

The entire room was filled with light from torches that came alive on the walls all around the room. I continued forward, but then there was a large group of Gnoll Warriors gathering on the other side. The path was about a meter wide, but no bottom could be seen on either side. 

That could be bad if I were to fall, but I didn't plan on it. Instead, I reached into my pockets and grabbed out the six gems, and clacked them together to activate them. Then I put them all in the same hand and threw them to the other side into the milling group. The effect was a devastating surge of fire, ice, gas, and lightning exploded up from the group, killing some instantly, while others fell off the edge or rushed me.

I was ready with my hammer of light, and I swatted them off and over the edge like they were nothing. The devastation was clear by the time I had made it across and I was able to pass along without any more trouble. The next room was not the same, and this time there was a full floor and only one person standing in the middle.

I walked into the room, I wasn't able to make more crystals so I would have to rely on the hammer and my fist. The thing was wearing a blood-red, and when I stepped onto the platform that it sat in the middle of, it stood. It turned as it stood, and dropped two small Kama hand sickles that had a chain attached to the back of the blade, near the handle. The thing wore a Red Oni mask and red Samurai armor under the robe it was wearing.

"What are you?" I asked out loud, not expecting to get an answer, but it was an impressive monster, even if it was about to try and kill me.

"Ha! Feel the fury of my chain-wielding Mastery! I shall take you down and destroy your very existence! I will be the winner!" The red Oni announced.

"Oh? You and what army?" I asked, rolling my shoulders and swinging my hammer as I advanced, but suddenly the Samurai became a storm of blades, then disappeared. 

I stuck to my left with the hammer in my right catching one of the Kama, but the other grazed my shoulder, barely doing any damage. The effect it had on the Samurai was a lot more dramatic. The chain burst with sparks, blind the Oni, leaving me an opening, so I struck With a Wild Surge Strike.


[Or You Could Pick That] Activated!



[Meteor Strike] Activated!

The systems were fighting again, but the Samurai was trapped now, the punch hadn't done any damage, but now it was trapped in a magical circle. There was a hole opening up in the roof of the dungeon to reveal the bright day sky with the sun high in the sky, but there was another bright light that was getting bigger and closer, fast! The Demon Samurai tried to get away but there was no escaping the burning rock that smashed into him, and I had to shield my eyes when it hit.

There was nothing left and the hole in the roof was gone as it had never been there. Well, that was pretty, crazy, but how would it work on a boss? I probably designed it with the thought that it wouldn't happen very often, so it might work. The next room should be a boss, so I might have a chance to test my theory, but I wasn't just going to rush him and give him a poke. 

I could infuse the strike into the hammer, and then I could get it just off a connection with weapons. I got the hammer ready and walked to the next room, and there was another platform, and four statues of three-meter tall barbarians, this was going to be a fight. Dual bladed hand axes, spear, greatsword, and a morning star flail, and they were giant barbarians, did I already mention that? 

I stepped onto the platform and watched as the four massive warriors slowly came to life and stretched with weapons in hand. I slowly approached, not wanting to jump right in, but getting the jump on them might be their best

"We will get to ya in a minute. We have been stuck like this for a while, so we want to get a good stretch in. You know, before we beat you into a bloody pulp and have to go still again," The ax-wielding barbarian told me.

I guess I wasn't that sneak, but I figured I would play around with this, see what would happen. The worst thing would be to make them angry, and then they would really try to kill me. Right now, they only wanted to kill me, but they didn't really want to kill me.

"Hey! Can I do anything for you? Like, so I don't have to break you all? Maybe we could.."

"Ha! You little runt thinks you can do something against us? Words are cheap," The one with the spear said as he spun his three-meter spear around his body and started to advance on me.

Well, I tried to be civil, but now it was time for some not so random effects! I ran and met the spear-wielding stone giant with my hammer, and sparks erupted as they connected.


[Or You Could Pick That] Activated!



[Death Strike] Activated!

Black tendrils jumped out and around from where our weapons struck and attacked the barbarian. He tried to pull away but it was like a living smoke that poured into his eyes and mouth. His body went stiff and was no longer moving or making a sound.

The other three who were laughing and watching had been stunned silent.

Suck it MainFrame.

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