Harem Reborn

Chapter 247: King Of The Dance

Chapter 247: King Of The Dance

"Okay, talking, are we going to try that, or maybe we try the way your friend chose? I mean I don't really care what way you want to do, but make your choice fast, I'm not in the mood to play games."

The three giant stone men looked at me with perplexed looks on their faces, and they stood still for a full thirty count. It got to the point where I started to wonder if they hadn't turned back into statues. Finally, the one with the morning star stepped forward.

"What do you want to do then? That door doesn't open unless you defeat us," The Giant explained pointing to a giant boulder covering an entrance.

"How about you try pushing it open?"

"You want us to push that rock open for you?" The barbarian with the big sword asked with a raised eyebrow raised.

"Or we can try the other way? I don't mind, either way, just let me know what you want to do," I said walking over to a large rock and sitting down on it to watch the three stone giants look back and forth from each other.

"What are we supposed to do after this? You killed our brother, Sledenic, are we just supposed to leave him here now?" Dual ax-man asked while scratching his stoney head and looking at the frozen Sledenic.

"If you get the door open, you can bring him with us."

The giants lit up with smiles and then all three of them nodded to each other and headed for the stone. I was surprised how easy that was, the fight probably would have been faster, but this way worked. Plus, I didn't think that I could pull off another Death Strike roll, so it was just best to stick with this tactic, and these guys didn't seem that bad. 

The three were able to push the stone out of the way with no problem. This was probably led by me for an easy route through the game, and now I had hired/threatened help. I still didn't know how many girls would be on this map, but this was their fourth out of ten rounds I would have to do, and I had already rescued twenty-one, so who knew.

I led the way into the cave, with the three stone giants carrying their rigid brother. I had to admire them for bringing their brother with them, I wondered if Hyde would do the same? Yeah, he would, but he would complain the entire time and hold it over my head after, but it had been so long since I had seen him last, or any of the others. I really had to hope that they were all doing really well, each of them had a deep connection with these girls, and we couldn't end this if one of them didn't make it. 

I walked into a massive cave that was all rising stairs that led up to an enormous set of open stone doors that were swung in. The walk was nice, but the openness on the side got a bit more distracting and unnerving as the giants and I climbed. The open door reveals a blue stone chamber with a huge stone throne at the far end of the room.

"We will just wait out here until you two are done talking," Mr. Morning Star said with a smile, setting down his brother with the other two.

"Ya, that guy doesn't look like he is going to have much to say," Mr. Dual Ax-man said point at the massive figure sitting on the throne.

He was holding a gigantic sword with the point to the ground and then a hand resting on each guard. The Armored King had his helmet-covered head pressing into the back of the sword, making him look like he was just in a resting position. Mr. Ax-man was right, this one didn't look like much of a talker, but I didn't see any girls around, so he would need to say something. Either that or I would just have to do the standard and beat it out of him.

"Okay boys, wait for dad to come back!"

That got me yells and jeers, but it was fine, they were a bunch of chicken shits and they knew it. I started to walk into the room, and then the door closed behind me, typical. Then, when the lights went out and the room lit up with laser lights and multi-colored disco lights, I was fully confused. Then the Armored King leapt from his throne to the center stage place in the room, striking a pose like Elvis, doing lewd pelvic motions while pointing off in a random direction with his sword.

What the shit was going on here? Then the King started to split into more images with each pelvic thrust, and soon, I was surrounded. There was a low groovy beat in the background, and it took a lot of my focus just to not tap along. 

Suddenly all the swords pointed to the center of the armored ring, to me, and the images of the King started to attack me, but still dancing as they attacked. The first came from the right and I charged a Wild Strike and blocked with my hammer, but then passed through the sword like it wasn't there. 

Great, illusions. So only one of them is real, but that idea was thrown out right away when I had to block two solid strikes from two different copies, but neither time activated my Wild Strike. Now, this was a problem, If he could shift and control copies, making them incorporeal at will, then this was going to be a serious fight, but I hadn't tried all the tricks in my bag, and I regretted not getting to use my rocks with the Geomancy.

I ignited the Starfire and my skin started to radiate like a solar flare, making the images of the King distort. I could only see one solid form at a time, but he was still switching, but we were at a stalemate. I could track his movements but he could still shift out of my range when I closed in on him. 

This was becoming more than annoy, but what was I going to do?

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