Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 104 The Real Mystery Behind It All!

1:12 P.M.


Butler Sheng closed the car door after Dorian stepped out.

"I won't be having lunch. Rest for a while, and at 5, I'll send for you and the others by then."

"Yes, Grandmaster." He said while staring at Dorian's disappearing silhouette.

That's right. They were back at home!

Dorian headed straight for his room without looking back.

Butler Sheng thinned his lips for a bit before heading towards the guard sleeping quarters; Zhulyn and Raulin immediately bombarded him with questions!

"How was it?"

"What did you guys do?"

"What creature was it this time?"

"Any injuries?"

"Why are you just standing there in a daze?"

"Com'on man, why arrest you speaking?"

One after the other, Zhulyn and Raulin interjected each sentence over the other, giving Butler sheng no time to respond at all.

Their expressions were filled with wonder and curiosity, as they now wanted to know what went down there in miss Chiyou's village.

Yesterday, the Grandmaster had made an appointment with her for 10 A.M.

So they were sure that the duo left to complete the job.


"Com'on, man. Sit. Sit! Tell us everything!" Raulin said while pulling Butler Sheng to take a seat on one of the bests in the room.

That's right. Each guard or security room was arranged as though it was in the barracks.

The only exception was that there were no bunk beds in this room.

The room was also very luxurious, with each person having their own nightstand, working desk and chair right beside their bed.

There, they could work on their computers and do personal work if they wanted to.

Again, they also had large lockers on one end of the room to store so many items for just the 8 people who would be staying in this massive space.

In truth, their sleeping quarters were somewhat luxurious because after everyone had abandoned the Tians, they had willingly upgraded their sleeping situation to what it was now.

If it were before, this particular space would only be used by the best of the best of the best.

Typically, the other sleeping quarters had bunk beds and were tighter, truly mimicking real army life.

But hey. With promotion came perks.

And those who stayed in this massive open space enjoyed some of the perks as well.

Look! There was even a private bathroom with 4 showers and 1 bath tub in the bathroom.

And, more importantly, the beds were a bit larger, comfortable and not bunk beds.

Of course, another thing that pleased them was that they had 2 small fridges in the room too, just in case they wanted to keep water, fruits or any snacks that had to be refrigerated.

The room was definitely a step up from what they were used to before the traitors fled the estate.

And, to top it all off, it was within the main building!

That is, the other sleeping waters had another estate dedicated to them for both maids, butlers and guards.

There, the ground floor had separate bathrooms for both males and females.

But rather than staying there, they got to live under the same roof with the Grandmaster.

So wasn't this an upgrade?


Very quickly, Raulin tapped the bed with his hand, gesturing for Butler Sheng to take a seat.

At the same time, Zhulyn pulled up a chair closer to the duo, parking his ears up to listen to every little detail from Sheng's mouth.

"So, what really happened?"

"Yeah. Yeah, spill the beans already. What went down over there?"

"Sigh... It's a long story. But I'll start from when we parked the vehicle."

"Eh? What's so interesting about that?"

Butler Sheng smiled wryly: "Tell me... Have you ever cruised on a Flower?"


Immediately, Butler Sheng began narrating the great tale surrounding Netaji village.

And the more he spoke, the more creative and imaginative Raulin and Zhulyn pictured the scenes.


Superhero movies couldn't even compare to the blockbuster script they had formed in their heads.

"And then, he moved like the wind and took care of the creature in the blink of an eye!"


The duo's eyeballs all twinkled with excitement, as though they were little kids listening to some bedtime story.

Adrenaline coursed through their veins, causing their muscles to clench with excitement.


Their bodies all had goosebumps, as fear sometimes caught and strangled them the more Butler Sheng narrated... Especially that final scene.

"F***! Just now, I was so scared that I, a full-grown man, almost rushed to hide under the bed just from listening."

"Just when you all thought he was a goner, he mysteriously appears sitting down as though what happened was nothing but child's play... Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! The Grandmaster is just too good!"


The duo exclaimed with excitement and relief after listening to Butler Sheng narrate all he knew.

No doubt about it, if they were there, they would've also worried for the Grandmaster's life as well.

Lying trough. Wasn't that too close to death?

The duo felt their hearts race heavily as their bodies subconsciously began to tremble without their knowledge.

They didn't even know of their body's reaction, as their mind was too focused on processing all the brand new creatures they heard about today.

Nightmare Ghouls... Collectors...

They had to check out these things in secret Space later on.

They have to be ready for any more attacks from these things, just in case one attacked them when the Grandmaster wasn't around.

Everyone was immersed in their own little world, with several questions popping up from time to time.


"Wait! But how did he do it? How did the Grandmaster take care of all that during those 5 or so seconds that you all were blinded?"

Yeah. How exactly did he do it?


The duo folded their arms deeply while waiting for Butler Sheng's answer.

Yes! He was at the scene during that time. And even after that, he had spent time with the Grandmaster.

So surely, he must've known or at least asked the Grandmaster about it, right?

Butler Sheng shook his head helplessly: "as I said, I didn't see anything. But, the only clue the Grandmaster gave me was that after taking care of the wooden thing once and for all, the black tornado disappeared, and everything seemed to return to normal."


"Butler Sheng. You said that the wooden thing was burnt by the Grandmaster, right?"

"Yes. It was burnt, but not to the point of crumbling into ashes."

On listening to him, Zhulyn and Raulin glanced at each other briefly while nodding as though they had understood something.

"With the wooden board no longer as flexible as paper, it's more proof that the thing had returned to normal." Raulin said while pushing his glasses in: "It returned to normal Butler Sheng. But then again. When looking at the board, did you really look at it deeply?"

"Hmmm... Of course I did... I, I, I... Wait! Wait! That's it!" He exclaimed while slapping his thoughts as though he had just found the right formula for an experiment.

"Listen to this. The board no longer had any carvings on it, which was the strangest thing of all!"

"Then this must be the real piece to the puzzle," Zhulyn interjected.

What happened to the marks and carvings on it?

The wooden board wasn't burnt to the point where it could suddenly erase the cravings.

Moreover, carvings would leave deeper marks on the wood.

So, where did they all go?

This... This... This was definitely the real mystery here and key to cracking the code!


In a sense, they were actually on the right track with their thoughts.

During Butler Sheng's brief moment of blindness, Dorian had simply dealt with the wooden thing by first erasing Chiyou's name and date of birth from its body.

The curse was attached to her because of this.

And the moment he erased her information, the wooden object seemed to fall into a very deep slumber.

But one shouldn't think that this was the end of things

Leaving the wooden item like this was still too dangerous because if one carved another person's information on it, the thing would wake up once more and start troubling the next victim.

So in a sense, it had become a cursed object that had to be eliminated.

That's why Dorian destroyed its root existence, turning it back into an ordinary wooden item that was no longer as flexible as paper.

And one should also know that whatever Dorian was doing to the thing's wooden body, the swirling black substance floating around also got affected.

Of course, the process of ridding the evil within wasn't an easy task for beginners like Butler Sheng and the rest.

But for Dorian, it was a piece of cake.


In this manner, the trio continuously assessed the situation before finally putting the whole matter away.

In the end, the Grandmaster won the battle and also told the Obyns what to do if they wanted to purify and remove the markings on them.

The bucket of water from earlier then came in handy after Dorian dropped a few herbs into it.

And almost instantly, the water in the bucket bubbled as though it were in a cauldron, with the final product looking dark green.

Butler Sheng tapped Zhulyn and Raulin's shoulders before jumping into his bed to get some shut-eye.

Tonight, they head for the Auction House!

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