Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 105 A Kind Master

With that, the Butler Sheng and the rest quickly disappeared, trying to make good use of their time before tonight's Auction event.

Butler Sheng planned to sleep for another 2 hours, after which he would join Raulin and Zhulyn to cultivate.

That's right.

The duo, who were very well-rested, decided to head into the secret room and continue their training.

The good thing was that if they truly needed some assistance, the guardian of the space was also there to assist them too.

He was like a Wikipedia who knew everything within the space.

But he had a rule, though.

He wouldn't help or assist anyone unless he saw them struggle, brainstorm and think things through first.

One had to fail to a certain extent before saying 1 or 2 words to point them in the right direction.

He wouldn't give them the answers right off the bat, but would only lead them towards the first of many steps they had to take to reach their conclusion.

The rest would be up to them.

Exorcism wasn't for the lazy!

Like so, the gang all had their plans for the day, before meeting up with Dorian downstairs at 5 P.M.

The event started at 7. And with the traffic and how large this city was, they had to leave the estate by 5:30 Max.

After all, they also had to get settled into the auction venue before it started.

So there was a lot to consider as well.

It was just that something else made the frown too.

Tonight's auction was definitely one of the highest real-estate auctions that would call all the leading families and clans out in the open.

So, wouldn't the Grandmaster's bastard Uncle be there as well?

Hehehehe... Things would really get interesting tonight!


The trio began to prepare, while the System on the other hand, calmly faded away from Dorian's consciousness before appearing within the heavenly realm again.

The system thinned its non-existent lips while standing before an all-too glowing silhouette of light.

It was so blinding that even it, being a heavenly system, couldn't see the real figure behind the glowing ball of light.

However, it had no doubt that this silhouette of light was the most powerful it had ever seen.

Yes! It had seen angels from all ranks and classes.

But the being before it was an existence that he had no right to question or even know.

Who exactly was its creator?

The system had always pondered on this question, as its creator seemed too mysterious, to say the least.

However, this wasn't the most important thing right now.

Yes! He had something to report to its creator.

"Master... I have something to say."

"Oh?" A lazy voice echoed out: "Let's hear it then."

So fast?

The system opened its eyes in shock after getting a confirmation from its master.

You know, with how mysterious and weird its master was, it didn't expect such a swift response from its master.

Only when its master was in a good mood would it act like this.

So... So... Was that it? Was his master just in a good mood?

Well, it might as well use this opportunity well then.

Yes! Thinking like this, the system quickly picked up his chest, ready to say its mind at will.

"Master... A while ago, I told you that I contacted the wrong host, right?"

"Hmmm... I remember." The voice said, as though it was lying on a comfy bed unbothered.

"Yes, Master. And after the blunder was made, you told me to stick to my current host as much as I could... But... But master, I think my host is strange."

"Oh?~" The voice said, as though something had piqued its interest: "Why do you think he's strange? He's human, isn't he?"

"Yes, master..."

"His soul has been screened and checked correctly too, yes?"

"Of course, master..."

"And, he also hasn't done anything wrong too, right?"

"Eh?... Master, with the heavenly oath, he wouldn't be able to. It's, it's just that..."

"Little one... Why bother about something that doesn't need bothering with?" The voice said while chuckling playfully.

"But master! Right before the death of a collector, the collector kept saying that it saw something within its Host's eyes. And as you know, Collectors also have an extremely minute fraction of THAT power. So, so, so... "

~Chuckle. Chuckle~

The voice laughed for a bit before returning to its lazy state again.

"Little one... Has anyone ever told you that you're so noisy?"


The system wanted to cry!

It was even more aggrieved than the times when the host would tent that it was noisy.

Hey! Could it be that it was truly noisy?


The system twisted his face pitifully while listening to his master's words in confusion.

It had rushed over to report its findings and maybe even warn its master about its host.

But in the end, it seemed like it overthought things.

After all, its master could never be wrong. So it must be the one that was wrong instead.

Hmhm. Even with its host's grumpy and cold nature, its host hadn't actually done anything wrong in the end.

Additionally, his soul and his entire being had indeed been tested by over 2000 high-ranking angels the moment he took the oath.

So how could it be possible that all those angels had missed something?

The system thinned its non-existent lips for a bit, always feeling as though its master was smiling mysteriously at the other end of the light.

It suddenly felt embarrassed for making a fool of itself before its master.

But surprisingly, its master still pulled out another move that not only eliminated his doubts, but also made it feel as though its master was a kind being.


Right before the system, a sizable cloud-coloured lightbox appeared before it.

"Little one, to further make you feel at ease, why don't you try testing out your host's souk for yourself?"

"What? Master, I can do this?"

The system was shocked behind doubt while staring at the box in shock.

This... This... This was too surreal, right?


The system quickly picked its fluffy body and moved towards the box as briskly as it could.

One should know that since it was attached to its host, it also carries a substantial amount of its host's true being with it.

So the box should be able to pick up on that and give the results in a flash.

"Human essence identified! Human! A true human through and through."


The system nodded and instantly felt as though a heavyweight had been lifted off its shoulders.

You know, listening to the results firsthand had indeed made him feel how ridiculous his earlier suspicions were.

That is, how could it, a system, be suspicious and detect what they, the angels couldn't?

But then again, it was weird that its host could instantly understand and master some of the higher grade spells he gave the most when he first got into that world.

And why did it seem that the host had more raw energy and blessings than standard exorcists at his level?

How could its host seem a little too overpowered?

Or, could it be talent?

Hmhm. It looks that way!

The system bobbed its head as though it had figured it out.

Yes! Yes! Its host was so talented at doing its job that even the underworld creatures had to call him a Monster.

Yes! It was all because of his monstrous talent and nothing else.

As for whatever the Collector saw, it was probably a fake reaction or maybe a misunderstanding of some sort.

Well, that Collector was relatively young. So maybe it didn't see things correctly.


Like so, the system had finally put its mind at ease yet again.

And now, it felt even more awe for its master.

Look! Its master was so kind that it even took the time to coax it, the system.

Even when what it was saying was wrong, its master was still kind enough not to punish it for indirectly questioning the capability of the angels.

"Little on, now, you have no more doubts, right?"

"Yes, master! I was wrong!"

"Hmm... If that's all, then you may leave."

"Yes, master! I will go back to the mortal realm now!"

"Hmm... And little one?"

"Yes, master?"

"Don't disappoint me."



The system was a little lost until its eyes suddenly twinkled in understanding.

Yes, its master must be talking about the mission of ridding that world of evil there.

"Master, don't worry. I won't disappoint you." The system said before vanishing again.

It was just that whether its master truly meant what the system thought, was still unknown.


The glowing light quickly dimmed, and the heavenly being behind it all was soon revealed.

The heavenly figure had a playfully yet lazy smile on his face while thinking of something fascinating.

And soon enough, the being banished into thin air, as though it was never there in the first place.


Don't disappoint me, little one.

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