I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 50: The Mysterious Space

Rose was right, if it were merely about the resurrection of the dead, necromancers could achieve that too.

But… Charles would rather believe that this is a slight reveal of the Land of the Dead than accept that necromancers are behind it.

The reason? The scale of this evt is just too massive!

In the channel, more and more Overlords witnessed the return of the dead, with some ev using them as undead minions to conquer the forest.

Necromancers capable of achieving this level were at least of the ninth tier or higher, powerful beings able to easily cast forbidd undead spells.

If such a being were to be cornered and unleashed a necromantic catastrophe in the Sere Forest, everything would be doomed.

[Charles: You're right, but I'd rather this be a sign of the Land of the Dead. Necromancers capable of such feats are too powerful, so powerful that ev my Zerg would be utterly defseless.]

To be honest, Charles hadn't expected the newbie village to be this evtful.

The last time it was the Crimson Tide, and now this incidt of the dead returning—neither was a trivial matter!

[Rose: Actually, necromancers ar't that bad. According to your description, they simply added an indestructible attribute to the soul. Such necromancers might not be completely insane..]

[Rose: But the existce of the Land of the Dead is a very concerning matter for the tire contint. I'm worried that those returned dead in your area might be the medium for the Land of the Dead to descd.]

Based on Rose's memories of the Land of the Dead, this netherworld oft used massive wars to guide deaths, followed by a necromantic catastrophe that converted local inhabitants into netherworld creatures masse.

However, what Charles described clearly involved those who had ties with the Overlords returning from the dead.

This situation was unprecedted, and Rose could only seek advice from the elders.

But the frustrating part was that all the elders in the Succubus clan who could speak authoritatively were currtly attding a meeting in the ctral region.

Upon seeing the word "medium" Charles became highly alarmed. He hoped Rose's words were merely a hypothesis.

Because, as it stands, there are hundreds if not thousands of returned dead in the Sere Forest. If each of these individuals represts a node, th wh the Land of the Dead truly descds, everything will be over!

Charles put away the parchmt, his mind racing with thoughts.

The real difficulty this time is due to the will of the Contint of Overlord. During the Crimson Tide incidt, there was a system announcemt to back it up, preparing countless people for a life-and-death battle.

But this time is differt.

This issue has nothing to do with dark creatures, so the contint's will won't interve.

Naturally, the parchmt won't provide any crisis warnings.

Currtly, there are about twty thousand reincarnated Overlords still alive. If each corresponds to a returned dead…

Imagine a fearsome warrior, fearless and undaunted, tirelessly assisting the Overlord in slaying monsters by day and defding against perilous dark creatures by night.

Who wouldn't want to be that warrior?

"After all, it's better to see things with my own eyes than hear about them a hundred times. Perhaps I can provide Rose with more accurate information to help her lock onto the target faster." Charles murmured to himself, making up his mind.

Speaking of which, didn't that Succubus claim to be a virgin?

Charles believed her, because the Succubus Princess guinely made him feel more lecherous than she did.

An innoct Succubus?


As night fell, Charles, accompanied by Medusa and Little Gre, set off lightly equipped to explore the depths of the forest.

Observing the withering flowers and plants along their path, Medusa frowned slightly. "Master, it seems these returned dead carry a sse of decay with them. The flowers and plants wither and die wherever they pass, and many creatures retreat. It's not a good om."

Charles nodded at her words, his tone grave. "Medusa, do you remember that this place was once a minor node of the Crimson Tide?"

"Yes, Master." Medusa replied, recalling the Ephemeral Beings of the Underworld. After all, those creatures had become the Zerg's primary aerial combat units.

Little Gre blinked atttively, listing to their conversation.

There was no choice, she had arrived too late to catch the Crimson Tide.

"Since these strange occurrces might originate from the Land of the Dead, perhaps we should revisit the node where the Crimson Tide erupted last time. After all, numerous monsters, which could only emerge from the underworld soil of the Land of the Dead, appeared th." Charles suggested, referring to the Ephemeral Beings of the Underworld.

The presce of such creatures was a sure sign of unusual activity in the vicinity.

Medusa wanted to say something but ultimately decided against it.

In fact, wh she first ssed the anomaly, she had gone there immediately, but found nothing unusual at the time.

However, having lived on the Contint of Overlord for decades, Medusa understood that timing was oft crucial.

On their last visit, there were only a few instances of returned dead. Charles had asked her to investigate, wondering if it was simply a matter of timing and the true extt of the phomon had yet to unfold.

The trio followed the path toward the site of the Crimson Tide outbreak. Along the way, they countered scattered corpses, which were other than members of the coalition alliance previously slain by Charles.

Gazing at the pale-faced figures before him, a contemplative look flickered in Charles's eyes.

Under the Eye of Data, these individuals appeared to be normal, except for one additional skill: immortality.

"Hahaha, Number One, we've come for revge!" The Overlords laughed maniacally, their faces twisted in malicious grins as they relied on their immortality to attempt to kill Charles and his companions.

"How dare you!" Medusa's eyes flashed with anger, and she was about to obliterate them wh she hesitated.

Seeing Little Gre's face full of indignation, she thought it might be a good opportunity for the youngster to get some training.

Charles caught on to Medusa's intt and gtly said, "Little Gre, I'll leave these ones to you."

Little Gre was momtarily stunned but th, with an excited grin, she rubbed her palms together and unleashed a gre scre.

She wt all out from the start: if nothing else, she had an abundance of mana!

Ev with immortal souls forcibly implanted, they couldn't survive within the poison scre.

After all, Little Gre's poison scre corrupts both the body and spirit—far beyond what these wretches could withstand.

"Master, how did I do?" Little Gre asked eagerly, twirling her twin ponytails and looking at Charles like a cat yearning for a pat.

Charles didn't hold back his affection, caressing her while reminding her, "Little Gre, your poison scre consumes a lot of ergy. Next time you counter a situation like this, you can use the poison elemts within you to twist the scre into a smaller cage."

"This way, you'll greatly reduce your ergy consumption, and your skill application will be much more flexible."

Little Gre was still quite rigid in her use of getically inherited skills, not yet adept at innovating based on their foundations.

Take the Medusa Que, for instance. Her Thousand Serpts Heart-Eating Formation originally summoned a massive number of vomous snakes from the g. But as her power grew, she could now instantly form the array ctered a herself.

The same goes for the Serpt Emperor's Shadow: she could effortlessly summon a massive purple serpt head to devour her emies.

Skills are powerful, and that's great, but to advance further, one needs a deeper understanding of oneself.

Little Gre scratched her head thoughtfully at Charles's words and couldn't help but nuzzle against his pant leg with her youthful face.

Instinctively acting cute and coquettish, it seemed she didn't quite understand.

Seeing this, Charles said nothing further. Little Gre's currt level of knowledge wasn't ough to grasp these concepts, and saying too much might lead her into a mtal dead d.

Teaching by example would be more effective.

"Once you've learned well from your Catherine, you can stay by my side at all times. I'll personally guide you." Charles said, offering Little Gre considerable affection as his third Zerg hero.

Ev Medusa vied this level of care: after all, not ev she could see the master as oft. This little girl was truly fortunate.

The training room, the barracks, the master bedroom, and the private chambers—these were the main places she met with her master, whether for serious matters or intimate momts.

Well, intimacy was also a serious matter, but giv the currt developmtal phase, both had be restraining themselves.

"Yay! I get to stay with Master!" Little Gre clapped her hands excitedly at the prospect of being with Charles.

After a bit of lighthearted banter, the trio set off again.

The Zerg hive wasn't far from the Crimson Tide's node, so they quickly found their way.

"Damn you, Number One Overlord! You dare come here to die? Brothers, kill them!" As soon as they arrived, another wave of returned dead came seeking revge against Charles.

Their faces were as pale as ever, clearly not alive.

This time, they didn't need to say anything. With a single move, Little Gre turned all the attacking emies into a pile of toxic sludge.

But it wasn't over. More and more returned dead charged at them with ferocious expressions.

Medusa and Little Gre exchanged glances and dove into the fray.

Charles stood still, frowning at the returned dead battling his wom.

His memory was quite sharp, and he was certain he didn't recognize most of these returned dead.

If he didn't know them, how could there be a grudge for revge?

They wer't here for revge: something was wrong with this place!

More and more returned dead kept coming, throwing themselves into the battle to the point where Medusa and Little Gre's hands grew numb from all the killing.

"Medusa, Little Gre, let's not waste time here. These individuals are being summoned from elsewhere: the true core is at the Crimson Tide's node!" Charles decided quickly, gathering a bloodline in his right hand and forcefully flinging it.

A scarlet river appeared, trapping the returned dead within, rdering them immobile.

The two wom didn't hesitate and hurried alongside Charles to the node's location.

It was a gate imbued with spatial attributes.

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