I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 51: The Story within the Mural

This was one of the nodes of the Crimson Tide, with spatial fluctuations continuously flickering a it, accompanied by the arrival of the returned dead.

So this was also one of the sources of those returned dead!

Seeing this, Charles hesitated.

Logically speaking, if the things inside were this formidable, it implied that this probably wasn't something from the newbie village.

In other words, this place likely harbored powerful tities.

But if they didn't go in...

Gazing at Little Gre and Medusa, who were already struggling to cope, Charles couldn't help but smile bitterly and shake his head.

Why did he always run into such troublesome situations?

"Come here, let's ter this spatial node. Inside, we might find the answers we've be searching for!" Charles shouted to them. Once they joined him, they all tered together.

"Damn it, come back! Come back!" The returned dead roared angrily and restfully into the space, but dared to lead the way in, as if something inside intimidated them.

Moreover, after Charles and his group left, the returned dead, who had looked somewhat human before, now revealed their true forms.

They stood there numbly, their hollow eyes carrying an eerie glint, like a group of exquisite statues.


In the midst of a dilapidated palace ruin, Charles stood dumbfounded, staring at the sce before him.

Gray death ergy drifted a, and the temple's interior resembled something from an ancit era. To call it a palace would be an overstatemt.

Upon tering, Charles didn't rush to explore. Instead, he first st a punctuation mark to Eve.

[Charles: .]

It wt through, which allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief.

At least, this place was still within the bounds of the Contint of Overlord.

"Master, what is this place?" Medusa asked, her tone tinged with subtle curiosity as she observed the psive Charles.

The node of the Crimson Tide was not far from her territory in the Dark Serpt Que's domain. She had be here for years, so how had she never discovered this ruin-like place?

Ruins, after all, symbolized antiquity.

And in the Contint of Overlord, antiquity was synonymous with power and inscrutable mystery.

It seemed that they had tered a period of frequt calamities.

Charles, upon hearing her question, responded gravely, "This place appears to be a sacrificial palace, complete with altars and the like."

Could this be a peculiar relic that had declined due to the loss of divine protection?

It was peculiar precisely because of the pervasive death ergy in the air.

Charles's research on death ergy was not extsive, but he knew it always accompanied the fall of numerous living beings.

But now?

Giv that this place had become a ruin, it should have turned into a dead zone.

Such ruins were common on the outskirts of the Contint of Overlord, but they were typically abandoned wastelands.

Standing still and pondering would yield no answers, so Charles decided to explore further.

The death of numerous living beings...

He could only hope that this was the result of some unforese calamity that led to the spread of death.

Otherwise, this place might be far from tranquil.

The trio initially chose not to vture directly into the palace's interior but instead decided to walk out through the door.

Only by seeing the exterior could they make a rough estimation of the kind of world they had tered.

Fortunately, there were no treacherous spatial folding formations here, only minor iron mechanisms.

From this, it appeared that the civilization here was still pre-nuclear. As for the extraordinary levels, Charles would need further investigation to make a conclusive judgmt.

The path through the grand hall was not complicated, and Charles soon found his way to the exit, arriving at the doorway.

The wide and sturdy door was adorned with intricate patterns and bore traces of dried blood.

It was tightly shut, as if it had dured significant upheaval.

Charles cast a glance at Medusa, who immediately understood.

For a princess seasoned in the art of warfare, using small tactics to scout the emy's position was an esstial skill.

Her voluptuous figure crouched slightly, and her delicate fingers tapped gtly on the g.

Thump, thump, thump...

She infused a layer of magic into her hands, abling her to receive radar-like feedback about everything outside the door.

Soon, she stood up and said in a relaxed tone, "Master, there are indeed some extraordinary tities outside, but their strgth is only a Tier ."

Hearing this, Charles did not hesitate and pushed the door op.

As the door swung op, the lingering sct of decay slowly wafted out.

Charles casually dispersed the gases with a wave of his hand and gazed deeply at the world outside.



The tire landscape was shrouded in yellow sand, stretching dlessly. A few hundred meters ahead lay some low mounds, giving off an air of bleakness.

An abandoned ruin.

Yet, Medusa had mtioned that there seemed to be some extraordinary tities.

This piqued his interest—where could they be?

As if to confirm Charles's thoughts, the mounds ahead began to move.

Yes, ev those dozs of meters of earth mounds were slowly lumbering towards them, occasionally emitting eerie wails of the undead.

[Skeletal Abominations]

[Race: Undead]

[Combat Power: Mid-Tier ]

[Ability: Undead Wail]

[Description: This was once a paradise, but due to an unknown anomaly, they have become grotesque and irredeemable—a deadlock beyond salvation...]

Tier undead creatures.

Charles gazed at the mound before him, pondering whether ev the undead these days felt the need to add a layer of protection to themselves.

"This big guy looks pretty weak, not ev as strong as those outside." Little Gre muttered under her breath.

Charles shook his head slightly, and a long spear composed of black ergy slowly materialized a him.


The Spear of Overlord shot forth with lightning speed, piercing through the gigantic skeletal abomination in the distance. Without pausing, it veered to impale the remaining small mounds one by one.

As a Tier 4 warrior, Charles could already exert some of his past life's prowess, and his mastery of the spear was nothing short of extraordinary.

Watching the Overlord Spear move as if it had a life of its own, Medusa felt a shiver of fear.

Just from that display, she was certain she wouldn't be able to dodge it. The spear could likely impale her chest directly.

The weapon seemed to possess a spirit, or perhaps Charles's mtal strgth was so formidable that he could pinpoint his emies effortlessly.

At that speed, it might be questionable for a Tier 4 to escape, but for anyone below that tier, instant impalemt was inevitable!

"Wow! What an amazing spear, Master! Is this one of your abilities?" Little Gre's small head was filled with admiration.

Charles nodded slowly, smiling. "No, strictly speaking, this is just a weapon's application. It's not difficult, you can have Medusa teach you later."

For now, they had other matters to attd to.

All the skeletal abominations had be slain, revealing their true forms.

They were horrific creatures made up of countless skulls.

To be honest, Charles found the combat power displayed here to be somewhat underwhelming.

After all, this place was supposedly connected to the Land of the Dead and the Crimson Tide, it didn't make sse for the monsters here to only be mid-Tier .

These weak skeletal creatures seemed more like bait to lure them in.

Charles glanced into the distance, realizing that in this world of dless yellow sand, there were no landmarks.

He thought that if he led his people outside, there was a high chance they wouldn't find their way back.

Getting lost would mean being trapped in this bizarre space.


"Alright, we've se what's outside. The risks of going further are too high. Let's return to the grand hall, perhaps the answers are already there." Charles said, wrapping his right arm a Medusa's waist and holding Little Gre's hand with his left.

The two wom understood. In such an vironmt, it was all too easy to lose one's way, so they had no objections.

The three of them returned to the grand hall, and Charles made sure to order the door to be closed.

This was the only building in the desert space, and Charles felt that it had a significant purpose, or at least there were things they shouldn't disturb.

This journey had not only failed to solve the mysteries of why the Crimson Tide erupted and the resurrection of the dead but had also added more questions.

What kind of small world was this, and what had happed to make it so desolate?

Pondering these questions, the trio vtured deeper into the hall, continuing their exploration.

The corridor walls were lined with chaotic murals, filled with indistinct and cryptic symbols that made everyone's heads ache.

"Master, doesn't this look like a leader struggling against his own subjects?" Medusa pointed to one of the murals, which depicted a group of uniformly dressed, armed individuals driving away a crowd in tattered clothes.

She believed the story depicted here was likely about the conflict betwe the upper and lower classes of a nation, a fairly common theme in murals.

But Charles shook his head slightly and said, "I don't think so, Medusa. Look closely at the expressions of the weapon-wielding individuals and the other group."

Medusa paused for a momt and th noticed what he meant.

If the rulers were truly using their military might to crush the rebels, why do they look so twisted and terrified?

Following their gaze, those who were supposed to be the weaker group had eerie, unsettling expressions.

It was as if... they were about to devour the rulers!

Noticing the change in his dim-witted slave girl's expression, Charles explained, "In the subsequt murals, the leader's army is overrun by a group of seemingly powerless vagrants, who th tear apart and devour the leaders."

"Look at the beginning and the middle sections here. At first, it might indeed be a case of the leaders suppressing the rebels, as you said."

"But as you move further along, the leaders are the ones suffering constant losses, and those vagrants start to look less and less human."

"They wt through some kind of mutation!"

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