I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 161: Idol

Chapter 161: Idol

It took a good minute for the dust cloud to calm down. Timothy had long gone away from the same cloud, just to get away from any potential attack coming from any other enemy that was down there. Thankfully no other animal emerged.

A short moment after the collision it had been made clear whom had attacked the enemy, it was Patty. Her senses had proven faster than that of anyone else's so she was able to shoot out 3 barbs that individually aided to deliver a devastating blow.

Although the hero felt proud to have such an agile sister, it was evident that if she had missed: the hero would have been ripped in half regardless of how good his bodily durability was at the moment.

So a half-complaint had been unleashed towards the lady, "I hope you can aim like that all the time or we would all be dead."

"Well I..." The little lady was about to answer but her sentence was cut short.

By no particular danger but Snoopy instead, "My skin is like metal. She can't kill me!"

"Yes. Thank you for reminding us." Haze answered instead of anyone else and the conversation was cut down short there. Even though she meant it as a tease but her tone pointed otherwise.

Now they were able to see at least half as clearly, just what kind of marine animal had attacked. The figure was rather dismantled, ripped in 3 pieces because each barb was enough to cause a foot-wide hole. Piled up with a heavenly momentum, it was enough to blow up the attacker even though its body was more than a foot wide!

But judging from what is left from this body, considering that there were short fins and an almost plank-straight back, this must have been a mako shark.

This one was under 2 meters long. In other words it meant that this shark wasn't full-grown. In this case size didn't mater as even a 8 meter long shark would fail to fight against Patty.

She was definitely overpowered. It wouldn't be an everyday scene to see a small and young stingray who was powerful to this extent. But as for superiority, this team of siblings can easily rule the reef and protect it too.

Although all of them gave the little lady a few weird looks, it was made certain that the power she could unleash was not to be mocked. The carcass was still melting because of the green venom.

Now it was the best time to continue the plan so Tim added, "Let's go and see what else is down there."

And as if completely ignoring the recent attack, he still swam in first to face the unknown, head-first. Unsurprisingly, another animal busted out of the hole but this time he didn't give the chance for any of the other siblings to handle this.

Instead, the hero leaped towards the charging enemy and throughout the split second, he managed to unleash one of the toughest attacks. His marvelous barb curled downwards and then straight forward, which in exchange had struck the enemy underneath the chin.

But the barb wasn't curled enough so it didn't poke through the head but sunk deeper towards the enemy's chest.

Thanks to the dust cloud that was yet to fully go away, the enemy's size was greatly overestimated. Simply because the enemy was just a bit longer than him and died almost instantly once struck.

Opening his eyes to observe the situation, it was clearly noticeable that 3 holes had been blown open, right near the hole. Looking back at Patty, he said. "I'm so glad you missed the shot."

"I did it intentionally." She answered shortly. Not for the sake of being intimidating but because this day has been tiring, with all the scolds blowing around.

The topic was ended there, which allowed the system to notify. [Moorish idol killed. 2 system points have been given to you as a reward]

[Since this is also a system given task, you earned 2 additional points]

[Total system points = 46]

"What? This is how a moo fish... whatever, looks like?" The sea-pancake questioned with a thought.

And noticed that the features on this fish were similar to the last tasked-target. It was flat in a vertical way but had slightly different colours. This one was carrying yellow and dark stripes. What stood as somewhat more interesting about this fish, was its back which had an antenna like string flowing backwards.

It seemed as if a kid had tried to draw a fish but heavily failed to draw the tail. Regardless it was beautiful but now the creature had been slaughtered so beauty did not matter.

Another thought arose, "This sect is really desperately enslaving any fish they swim across."

Although it was obvious that this sect's arsenal could be tainted with weak fish, it also meant that the problem was snow-balling into a reef-wide issue. "I hope this sect hasn't spread on the reef too much. Or else these tribes will take us forever to kill."

As they began to carefully go through the tunnel, the little system immediately announced. [You are in an overall state that's good enough to start task 15. Do you want to hear it out?]

He never wanted to be locked out of purchases again, this wasn't the best time to follow a task. So he answered, "Not yet."

The system obliged so it became less nerve wracking to continue following the tunnel. It became less dangerous to swim in this tunnel the deeper they sunk in, but the next problem arose: darkness.

It became difficult to move around, especially since this den wasn't similar to any other. What started off as a single tunnel, continued as several of them mixing together and creating a maze that barely made any sense.

Such a situation had slowly managed to build up unnecessary tension. Enough to forget that one of these siblings had vision capabilities unlike any other. 9-dimensional even.

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