I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 162: Symbol

Chapter 162: Symbol

Noticing that her siblings were uncomfortable because of this very same darkness, Haze gave in all effort to hold down a mean expression, which only took a second of work considering the high intelligence she carried.

And then spoke out, "Let me lead this time, I can see everything here pretty clearly."

Everyone awaited for a solution like this but neither of them remembered that one of their siblings could offer a solution. Tension really tends to work for the worse sometimes.

Without making any extra commotion, she swam a bit more forward to begin leading the group and then they continued the hunt for anything that might be down here. This place was weird in all terms so the prime thought became to leave this place as fast as possible.


They've swam in this set of tunnels for nearly an hour now and they never saw a sign of life! What stood as a prime issue was the overall fear that this group carried. Bit bit bit it really felt plausible for them to get lost in this place.

"This is weird." Haze finally pointed out, stopping on her spot after piecing everything together. "It feels like a maze but it really isn't one. On the contrary this place isn't natural but fish-made and the tunnels all work together to draw a symbol."

"You noticed that too?" Philip asked, being the second smartest in the group with a stunning IQ of 400. Regardless of that intelligence, he still felt unsure about the thought of this place resembling a symbol.

Indirectly answering that question, she recited. "I have memorized every twist and location of each tunnel. It feels like a maze but everything leads us to one point, which is the middle of whatever this symbol represents."

All the other siblings here were unaware of what the hell was going on, even after that explanation was deciphered. So Timothy became the first to ask, "What does the symbol look like?"

"It looks weird." Was the only quick answer that could be let out, but an idea came with it.

Using the barb, she began drawing across the sand flooring to give a visual representation of the symbol in topic. It was simple to understand but still failed to make any sense, because no marine animal or object would have this form. It didn't seem natural.

Once focusing on the middle of the symbol, they noticed a circle. Later on it was made more apparent that this circle carried 3 wings that were bigger than the middle portion.

These wings started out as smaller once being near the dot, but the rest of the wings slowly grew in size as the other end of them was drawn. It seemed simplistic at best but all the way weird.

Even after looking at this symbol, no one could make anything useful out of it. Apart from Haze who moved away from the group and began eyeing all of the surroundings in a few seconds.

"Now if I'm right... we should be in the middle of the symbol." Feeling that such a statement had a heavy weight, no one replied to her and waited for an elaboration.

The room became silent which allowed the lady to focus even better. Seconds after they heard a faint crack which came along with another crack, a few seconds later it was followed by several of them.

A louder, ear-piercing sound erupted right after and the rest saw a large crack spreading across the middle of the floor. Such ear damaging sounds ceased to exist now and were replaced by crashes which shook the soul rather than the ears.

A dust cloud erupted throughout the entire small cavern and it became difficult for most to spot anything around them. What began piercing the blinding cloud was beams of green light which became more and more invasive by the passing second.

It felt like a good idea to remain in this cloud since it offered proper camouflage. But eventually the dust calmed down and the entire group could see tremendously clearly what was underneath.

Haze had broken down particles enough to take out the entire flooring of the symbol's middle section. And that same sand had fallen in the middle of what seemed like a holy-tar pool.

It wasn't enough to overwhelm the entire pool but was instead just dotting in the middle. The most space it could take was a fourth of the holy-tar patch.

Although highly expected, bundles of fish did not burst out in all directions even though this cavern was big enough to hold sect members who could invade half of the reef, single-handedly. The patch of holy-tar itself stretched 15 meters wide. Whatever these fish do with such a substance, it sure seemed plentiful to serve their needs.

Life didn't seem to be plentiful in this hidden cavern but it wasn't completely deprived of it. One fish was floating around the pool's left end and didn't fail to maintain an effortlessly casual attitude.

Neither of the siblings wanted to approach the tar or this fish too closely, but every bit of life here had to be wiped out for the sake of never having to deal with this place again. So they swam behind the one and only enemy, but noticed that it didn't really show any fear ~ the dang fish didn't even bother to turn around.

"I see that my son has done his job well. All of the new experiments are here." This fish's tone was manly by tone but it was evident that the same voice was tired.

The fish in front of them had spoken and by appearance it seems to be of the same species with that blobfish who Tim had killed earlier. What this older fish said made a lot of sense but neither of them wanted to cooperate.

So the hero was first to speak out for the rest, "We didn't come here to kiss your ass, old man."

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