Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 145- A Reunion and Planning

Chapter 145- A Reunion and Planning

[Keeno POV]

Waking up the next morning, I found a nice sight. Pram was still asleep, but Freya wasn’t. Freya had Pram’s head in her lap, and she was gently stroking her head while looking down at her with a tender gaze.

{They’ve been like that for at least two hours. It’s super cute.}

‘I agree.’ (Keeno)

‘Hehehe. Makes me want to do the same to Fia. She’d have a meltdown and it’d be super cute.’ (Mostima)

{That’s definitely sounds like Fia.}

I nodded in agreement before looking around the room.

‘Where’s Eblana?’ (Keeno)

‘She left a note saying she’d be back. She went to gather info and if possible, bring the prime minister with her.’ (Mostima)

‘Won’t that cause a big problem?’ (Keeno)

{Trust her. It’ll work out.}

‘If you say so, Ama.’ (Keeno)

Not too long later I heard the sounds of footsteps echoing from the other side of a door and then the sound of stone rubbing against stone. From the passage behind the door walked Eblana and a tall man with a well-trimmed beard, tired grey eyes, and a Vanir-made suit of mostly black with a wine-red mixed in.

“…” (Aslan)

“Good to see you again, Aslan. The beard works for you.” (Keeno)

“Thank you, Lady Okami.  I see you have also grown more beautiful with time, and you’ve gained two tails. I’ve heard that’s a very important thing in Kitsune culture, so congratulations.  I also see you and Lady Pram have gained more companions.” (Aslan)

“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Freya, Pram’s girlfriend. I’ve heard some interesting things about you, Sir Aslan.” (Freya)

Freya’s words were laced with sarcasm, especially the last part of her greeting.

“Hehe.  To put your mind at ease, Lady Freya, I assure you I only hold feelings of friendship for Lady Pram now. She was very clear in her rejection of my advances, and after a stern conversation with Lady Okami, I accepted it.” (Aslan)

“I’ll believe that for now.” (Freya)

Mostima stepped forward to break the tension that was building one-sidedly from Freya’s side.

“Name’s Mostima.  Nice to meet you.” (Mostima)

“A pleasure, Lady Mostima.” (Aslan)

“Now, I know there are probably a lot of questions swimming around in your head, Aslan, but let’s wait just a minute for that. Eblana, good job.  I really appreciate you doing this so quickly.” (Keeno)

She smiled and was trying to keep a calm demeanor, but her tail gave away just what she was feeling.

“Eblana, we can talk about other things later. Seeing as we don’t want to raise too much more suspicion at the moment, we’ll get this underway. Aslan, what have you been told so far if anything?” (Keeno)

“Only that, apparently, talking with you accounts to high treason and that you are the source of the king’s paranoia.” (Aslan)

“Then, to explain a bit before we get to what really needs talking about, we are going around and taking away the Dead Zones.  We’ve already done this in Vanir and Falheim, and, seeing as we’re here, this one is next.” (Keeno)

Just this brief statement brought a myriad of expressions and emotions across Aslan’s face with the most prevalent being fear and intrigue.

“…How is the possible?  Taking away something gifted…by……the Gods…Lady Okami, are you an Apostle?” (Aslan)

My only reply to that question was a smile before I moved on with the conversation.

“If your next question is what will happen to this country, then I can only say I don’t know, but it will probably fall apart.  And I will make this absolutely clear, I am NOT going to stop.  Even if you are my friend, you won’t convince me.” (Keeno)

“That does answer the question I was going to ask, so let me ask a different one.  Why tell me this?” (Aslan)

“Firstly, and most importantly, you are my friend, and I don’t want you to get even more caught up in this than you already are.  Secondly, we need your help.  As Eblana has said, just you being here talking to us is high treason, so obviously we can’t just freely walk around outside, but we need to meet with the Lokir envoi, specifically, a knight guarding them.” (Keeno)

“Are they also in on this plan?” (Aslan)

“Hard to say.  Not for Odeen, but Lokir was planned to be next.  My friend Fiametta has been going around, finding people that can help us get to the Dead Zones easier and this knight is someone she met with.  I believe she said her name was Margaret?” (Keeno)

“Yeah.  Leader of the Eclipse Knights.” (Mostima)

“Ah.  Lady Margaret, she’s a very kind individual, though I can see why you need help meeting with her.  Hmmm.” (Aslan)

Seeing he was already fully helping just by contemplating this problem made me feel relieved.  I was prepared to get rejected, cursed, or even attacked, but seeing him doing none of these was nice.

‘He’s much more stressed than you think, Lady Keeno.  I’d even say he would rather abandon this country than help keep it together by a thread.’ (Eblana)

She went on to tell me about his whole rant when she first found him.

‘Oh.  Your birds are also harassing the old man.  What do they like, I want to reward them.’ (Eblana)

‘From what I’ve seen, they like meat, and eyes.’ (Freya)

‘They also like wine, but never give them any.  I hate dealing with them when they are in any way intoxicated.  Bird poop doesn’t come out of my hair or tails very easily.’ (Keeno)

“AH!  Lady Okami, I think I know a way for you to meet with Lady Margaret, but it will take some preparation.” (Aslan)

I turned my attention back to Aslan and motioned for him to continue.

“You know of the noise boxes, correct?” (Aslan)

I nodded.

“Soon, there will be a poorly timed, very expensive event that will be broadcast to all noise boxes.  For diplomatic purposes, the Lokir envois were invited to watch alongside King Baldr.  I believe I can get you a meeting with Lady Margaret at that time.  It will be very risky, but it’s the only thing I can think of that will allow you to do this.” (Aslan)

“Hmm.  Guess I’ll have to hide my tails for a while…as well as my eyes.” (Keeno)

Just the thought of hiding my eyes made me shiver in discomfort.


‘It’s necessary for this…what’s momentary discomfort when it will help in the end?’ (Keeno)

“That obviously makes you uncomfortable, so why not just use that effect from your cloak?  Or use those Runes you used to get us in the city in the first place.” (Mostima)

“Using my cloak like that would draw more suspicion, and while the Rune idea would work, I don’t want to use too much of that power and not be in peak condition to fight if I have to.  Remember, it’s not as abundant as my mana is.” (Keeno)

“Sir Aslan, will it be possible for you to provide positions of guards and the like, or do we need to go in blind?” (Freya)

“I can easily get you that.” (Aslan)

“I’d be more worried about the shadows.  Even if all of them are mobilized to find you, if the old man leaves the castle, they will all be guarding him.  If getting around the guards is easy, then that’s our next obstacle.” (Eblana)

“Hmm.  That is definitely a big problem…I don’t know how to go about getting around them.” (Aslan)

{Ask the spirits for help.  If it’s a direct order from you, Keeno, then they will definitely help.}

I nodded to Ama’s words.

“I think I can figure that out, so leave it to me.” (Keeno)

Before Aslan could ask what I had thought up, Mostima kept the conversation going.

“Now, that only leaves getting this Margaret away from her charge for any amount of time for this meeting to happen.” (Mostima)

“Simple, we leave that to her.  If what you said earlier is true and she already knows that she needs to meet you at some point, then she should be aware of what you look like.  Just show yourself and something that will prove your identity at a glance and she can make up whatever excuse to come and meet with you.” (Aslan)

“That sounds much easier than anything I could come up with.” (Keeno)

“Alright.  Let’s consider this plan made.  Now, let’s make some contingencies because no plan will ever go perfectly.” (Mostima)

“…” (Keeno)

“I thought you were trying not to rely on HIS meddling?” (Mostima)

“You’re right, so let’s get to work.  Eblana, is it fine if I give Aslan that bird you sent to us before so we can communicate without having to bring him here every time?  I think it’s about time he goes back.” (Keeno)

“That’s fine.  We shouldn’t need it anymore, all things considered.” (Eblana)

I nodded and pulled the skeletal bird out of my tail and tossed it over to Aslan.

“Don’t question it, just accept it.  Eblana’s going to take you back, play it like this meeting never happened as best you can.  When you get any information that will be helpful in fleshing out this plan more, then send it when you can.” (Keeno)

Aslan nodded and turned to leave the room with Eblana.  Just as he reached the door, he turned back.

“Oh, I forgot to ask seeing as our topic strayed to other important matters, but I need to know; what is your plan for me after this?” (Aslan)

“We want to get you out of this country.  If things go as we expect they will when the Dead Zone is gone, then people will look for others to blame, and from what I remember of other Odeen nobles and what Eblana has told us, then you will be one of the first to be targeted.” (Keeno)

“I can see the reasoning behind that, but where do you want me to go?  I hardly know anything about living somewhere else, as a commoner or other things not related to what I’ve experienced in my life here.” (Aslan)

“Ideally, I’d want you to go to Solheim.  In my mind at least, it’s the safest country in this world, though my opinion is colored by bias.  Just hope you don’t mind snow.” (Keeno)

“Wouldn’t know, I’ve only ever heard of snow in stories, never experienced it.” (Aslan)

“Well, you’ll get used to it quickly.  Getting you there is something we need to think of, but once you are there, head to the city of Nifl.  It’s where Pram and I grew up.  The people there are accepting, and you shouldn’t find it hard to get a job.  Mention either of us and you’ll be almost guaranteed to fine friends there.” (Keeno)

“It depends on the circumstances at the time, but I believe I can get him out and get back relatively quickly.” (Eblana)

“That won’t work, Eblana.  You’ll be needed here when the Dead Zone is gone, and I’d prefer Aslan be out of here before that.  And I don’t feel comfortable if you all of a sudden leave to get him out and come back.” (Keeno)

“Hmm.  How long did it take for Fafnir to fly again?” (Eblana)

“About a week if I’m remembering right.” (Keeno)

“Then how about we get my sister?  I know this is making me sound impatient, but it’s the best thing I can think of.” (Eblana)

“We can try, but we also need to think of something if that option is not possible.” (Keeno)

“We can later.  For now, I will return and gather the things we need on my end.” (Aslan)

“Alright.  And Aslan, it’s good to see you again.” (Keeno)

“Same to you, Lady Okami.  I hope we can meet again in the future, hopefully with less…dire circumstances.” (Aslan)

“I’d like the same.” (Keeno)

He and Eblana then left.  After the door shut completely and their footsteps completely faded, another sound echoed in the room.

“…Eh?  Why do you all look so serious?  Did I miss something?” (Pram)

Chaos Realm:

Luna: Fufufufufufufuahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!  She slept through all of that!?  That’s hilarious!

Crisis: Sounds like a certain sleepy nekomata we know, eh?

Luna: Yeah.  Speaking of Tonya, aside from sleep what’s she been up to?

Crisis: Meh.  Mostly just lazing around Mordred and my home.  Just like the cat she is, she’s always laying in the smallest, most inconvenient for us spots of sun and not moving until the sun does.

Luna: Sounds like Mio.

Crisis: Or is it Mio that sounds like Tonya?  Are we even sure they aren’t actually the same individual?

Order: That’s enough from you.  It’s rude to say two of our friends aren’t their own people.

Crisis: Oh yeah, I also heard something interesting that pertains to you!

Order: And that would be?

Crisis: Hehehe.  People have been using your name while trying to take away free will.

Order: …

Luna: And this is my cue to leave.  I don’t think I need or should see her angry, and I can tell she’s getting to that point very quickly. *poof*

Crisis: Hehehehehe.  Is it time for me to see the fun side of you again?  Like in the past.

Order: We’ll see.  Show me these…things you were talking about.

Crisis: Should we call Payto to the party too?

Order: No.  He’s finally getting to spend some time with Astraea and Nykuro, so I’ll handle it myself.

Crisis: Yay.  I’ll get the popcorn then.

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