Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 146- Getting the Plan Underway

Chapter 146- Getting the Plan Underway

[Keeno POV]

The night we were waiting for came a week later. Aslan had sent us a detailed layout of the arena and guard positions. He couldn’t get any of the shadow positions, but that was expected. I still begrudgingly disguised my features when we left Eblana’s base, but only for the duration of the quick trip to the arena.  It was a giant colosseum similar to the one from that one city I could barely remember, only slightly more modern. The highest seats were glass-incased rooms full of luxuries while the seats for all others were only protected by a thin barrier that could be easily broken, as if anyone that got injured in the audience were just part of the spectacle.

“This place…” (Keeno)

“I know how you feel.  I knew there were a lot of ‘accidents’ from this place, but I never cared enough to investigate it. Actually, looking at it though…it’s disgusting.” (Eblana)

“Ya know, the more I get to know you, Keeno, the more I realize that you care a lot about life for a Goddess of Death.  Not that I dislike that about you.” (Mostima)

“A quip about my wife I could make aside, just because I’m the Goddess of Death doesn’t mean I enjoy pointless loss of life. People have one life, they should live it to the fullest without worrying about it being prematurely cut short for the entertainment of others, willingly or otherwise.  And before you say anything, Ama, I know this isn’t the case sometimes.” (Keeno)

{I wasn’t going to say anything, though I do share your opinion on this.}

“Well, your magnanimity is appreciated.” (Mostima)

With the exception of Eblana, we kept mostly to the shadows of the corridors and hallways while I hid my glowing core as best I could. I never really thought about how hard it would be to sneak around now that I basically had a glowing blue beacon in my chest.  It was a very tiring experience to say the least, but we did make it to a place where we knew no guards or spectators would be present, that being the glass booth of Aslan’s family.

“If this is supposed to be as big an event as we were told, I would think people would be seated already.” (Freya)

“If it wasn’t special, they would have. No one is allowed to be seated until the king and any of his guests arrive and are seated. Only after that can those of lower status be allowed in, after that the commoners and peasants.” (Eblana)

“How long are we going to have to wait then?” (Pram)

“I’d say another hour. I can see some people preparing things down there, so I doubt they would want the king to see it. No one likes watching the set up or clean up of events, after all.” (Mostima)

I stepped a bit closer to the window overlooking the arena and watched as several people scurried around setting up targets, making the already weak barrier weaker, rolling in ballistae.  One person even started tampering with one they rolled in, holding a flame under the rope, weakening it until it was only useable for one maybe two shots before snapping.

“Someone pissed off some nobles, I see. Petty rats.” (Eblana)

“That’s disrespectful to rats, Eblana. Even they have a purpose in life.” (Freya)

“True. I’d call them leaches, but even those help in medicine…I think?  Some strange doctors seem to think so at least.” (Eblana)

The conversation aside, I watched as several more ballistae were sabotaged, leaving a very bad taste in my mouth.

{I can see you really want to do something about that, Keeno, and at the price of sounding uncaring, I heavily recommend you don’t. The more things that go as usual here tonight, the better for all parties involved in your plans for the night.  You can always avenge the people that get killed or injured later.}

I gritted my teeth in frustration. I knew Ama was right and I wasn’t going to ignore her advice, but the blatant disregard for life made me angry.

“Keeno, calm down. If it gets too hot in here, someone will notice.” (Pram)

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, hot jets of steam leaving my mouth as I exhaled.

“Eblana, have any clue which nobles ordered that?” (Keeno)

“Honestly no.  It could be any one of them, but I don’t know any on a personal enough level to say. Sorry I can’t be of more help here.” (Eblana)

“It’s fine. Just if I knew and they were to show up here, I could probably broil them in their glass coffin of a spectator seat…no, it’d be more microwave. I wonder if they would pop like a hot dog?” (Keeno)

My intrusive thoughts aside, I sat down on the couch in the room while we waited for things to get started. Almost an hour later, the lights in a box a few away from us were lit. Thankfully the booths were equipped with heavy curtains, so we could peek through them without being seen ourselves.

Most of the people in that specific booth were people dressed in all black, setting up more barriers and hiding in the shadows of the room.  Shortly after that an old man walked in. He wore what looked surprisingly like normal clothes, at least from this distance, though they were dyed in deep colors of purple and red. He sat in an ornately carved wooden seat.

Following him was a person in similar garb, but with more sandy colors. They had small, pointed ears on the top of their head and a flowing black tail that almost looked like a kitsune’s if it wasn’t for the way it moved and was groomed.  That person sat in a different chair slightly behind the first person.  A few other people, clearly servants, filed in and began waiting on the two.

Once they were sufficiently comfortable, there was a brief period of waiting and more of the glass booths began lighting up.  People in lavish to gaudy clothes began sitting or standing, looks of amusement or disdain on their faces as if they were too good for the world to be kept waiting.

Seeing so many souls practically dripping with muddy corruption nearly made me lose my dinner. I hadn’t felt that way since Falheim.

“Disgusting. Is this what you always see?” (Eblana)

“If you’re talking about the souls, then you learn to reduce just how much you see. It’s a bit overwhelming at the start. But you don’t see such disgusting sights often. Most normal people are a calm grey while some very rare individuals, like Pram, are spotlessly pure.” (Keeno)

I noticed Pram looked away, making me wonder what it was I said that made her uncomfortable, but I quickly got my wandering thoughts back on track. The nobles had finally all finished getting to their booths and the commoners were finally allowed in. Those seats filled up twice as fast as the noble ones and only half an hour passed before the entire arena was full to bursting.

“Now to wait for things to get significantly hyped up.” (Mostima)

While we waited, the voice of a person that sounded like it was playing through a filter rang out all around the arena.


Cheers from the commoner crowd rang out even louder than the announcer making everything reverberate with their voices.


Cheers erupted again, this time louder than the last.


A quieter, yet still deafening scream echoed through the arena.


“Thank you, thank you, I welcome you all on this glorious night.  I hope to see some amazing competition and friendly rivalry. Hehe.  As embarrassing as it is to admit, I’ve been on the edge of my seat every time these competitors have faced each other.  In fact, I’ve been so impressed that I want to offer an opportunity. The two main competitors, I offer you a position among the royal knights, and the winner tonight shall become the commander of this unit.  So, give us a show worthy of the role.” (Baldr)

There was silence for a moment before cheers rang out once more.  Looking down at the field, the ones participating were also affected by this surge of energy.  They moved to their ballistae and began to do some preliminary checks.  I hoped the one who’s was tampered with would notice that, but that’s all I could do.  I turned my back on the curtain and tried to mentally prepare myself.  Once I felt like it was time, I snapped my fingers.  In front of me several moving shadows appeared.

“You’ve been watching over us for awhile now, so I don’t need to explain what I need you all to do, correct?” (Keeno)

The figures nodded their smoky heads before dispersing.

“Alright.  We should give them some time to get their job done.  After that, we’ll get the next part going.” (Keeno)

“How long should we give them?” (Pram)

“I’d say 10 minutes.” (Keeno)

“You have a lot of faith in these Spirits.” (Mostima)

{And she should.  Any command we give them, they will follow through with utmost precision.}

Ten minutes later, I left the booth alone as quietly as I could.  As we had figured, there were several guards standing outside the noble booths.  Thankfully, none had noticed movement and remained as stationary as statues.  As slowly as I could, I hid in the shadows of a pillar and soon after a person dressed in all black ran toward some of the guards.  After whispering something I couldn’t hear, the guards that the shadow person spoke to changed.  Their eyes went lifeless, and they followed behind the shadow like puppets being pulled by their stringmaster.

‘Was that some kind of mind control or something?’

{I think it’s more conditioning.  What’s the best way for someone as paranoid as the king here to watch over any source of potential rebellion?  Have the untrustworthy people watched constantly.  He probably has those shadows watching every noble as well as their own guards or other close aides being shadows unknowingly.}

‘Sleeper shadows.  That’s annoying for our other plans.’

{Don’t think about it now, Keeno.  You have a mission, stick to it.}


After waiting for the near silent steps of the guards to get far enough away, I moved quietly and quickly from shadow to shadow until I finally got near the king’s booth.  Outside this booth stood four guards.  Two were wearing the armor of Odeen’s royal guards, while the other two were wearing different armor.  It was mostly black with similarly colored cloaks flowing down the backs.  I was no connoisseur of armor, but to me it looked like the kind a knight would wear while jousting, but lighter and allowing for better movement.  They didn’t have their Soul Weapons manifested, but at their hips were swords with very strange hilts.

Of these two knights, one was, in a word, unremarkable looking.  The other, however, was anything but.  She stood a head taller than the other three and didn’t wear a helmet.  She had long, shoulder length golden hair tied up in the back in a ponytail.  A long, flowing tail like that of a purebred show horse of the same golden color at her back swayed every so often, clearly in slight agitation.  Her eyes, also sharing the same golden color as her hair and tail were slightly squinted in a cautious glare as she scrutinized her surroundings and her hand hovered slightly over the hilt of the sword at her hip.  She turned to look at one of the Odeen knights and spoke.

“Are you sure everything is fine?  There seems to be some sort of commotion if the sounds of people in armor running around is anything to go by.” (???)

“I assure you, Lady Margaret, our people have everything under control.  I understand you’d prefer to be inside protecting your charge, but the rules of our country should be respected.  That aside, if there were truly a commotion, then we’d be sure to inform you and allow you to do your duty.”

The tall female knight’s tail swished again in agitation before she abruptly turned away from the other knight.  She took two steps away from the other three and took a deep breath before turning back to the one she spoke too previously.

“I apologize, Sir knight.  I’ve just had a foreboding feeling recently and am on edge.  If my tone has conveyed any offense to you or your customs, feel free to let me know and I will rectify it in the future.” (Margaret)

“Worry not, Lady Margaret, I’ve taken no offence and you have not done any wrongs.”

“Very well.” (Margaret)

She went back and stood at attention next to her comrade while the two Odeen knights went back to standing like statues.

‘Well, this is both good and problematic.’

{Yes.  It’s good you’ve already found the one you need to meet but getting her away from these three naturally will be difficult.}

Looking around from my shadow, I saw the windows and an idea struck me.

‘Ama, did Fia ever tell her about Huginn and Muninn?’

{Most likely…want me to double check with her real quick?}

‘It’d be helpful.’


Several excruciatingly long moments later, Ama was back.

{Fia said she did talk about them, but she isn’t sure how much the person herself remembers from the whole conversation.}

I nodded and went back to observing while reaching out to either Huginn or Muninn.  Muninn was closer and I let it in on the plan.  Not even a minute later I heard the rustling of feathers and the sound of a large bird landing on stone.  A shadow was cast from the window due to the light of the moons and it landed on the two knights from Lokir.  I saw that Margaret’s eyes went wide for a split second before she looked around for something.  When her gaze landed near my hiding spot, I flashed a bit of my tail into the light.  She froze up for a second before looking back at Muninn.  It gave some sort of signal to her because she glanced in the direction of where the others were waiting and nodded discreetly.  Seeing that, I smiled to myself and started on my way back, leaving how she was going to do the same to herself.

“Tch.  Get out of here, bird.”

I heard one of the Odeen knights step forward, trying to shoo Muninn away, but Muninn wouldn’t be intimidated.

“I wouldn’t do that, Sir knight.” (Margaret)

“Oh?  Are you some sort of animal lover or something, Lady Margaret?”

“Not particularly, but this is a raven, correct?  I have an acquaintance that is particularly fond of those birds.  They’ve told me stories of how they are much smarter than other types and how, if provoked, they hold a grudge.  I’m just trying to save you from some unneeded harassment from either this particular bird, or its kin later down the line.” (Margaret)

“I think I’ll risk it.  These same types of birds have been seen in larger numbers recently harassing nobles and other guards at the castle, so I think I have the right to take some small revenge on them.”

I heard the sound of metal scraping against a scabbard and a rustling of feathers.  I was sorely tempted to stop and watch, but I knew Muninn could handle the situation, so I kept going.

“Craaw!!” (Muninn)

I heard the sound of wings and then the sound of someone falling out of a window.  I then heard the sound of another sword being drawn and yet again, the sound of someone falling out of a window.

“…” (Keeno)

“…” (Margaret)



None of us moved for a second, just processing what happened.

“*Sigh* The one hiding in the shadows.  I assume you are in some way related to Lady Okami, correct?” (Margaret)

Seeing no real point in hiding at the moment, I internally sighed and stood up completely.

“More than related, I am her.” (Keeno)

Margaret looked surprised by this, but she shook off the shock quickly.

“That’s a surprise, but I’m assuming you wish to speak somewhere else, correct?” (Margaret)

“Yes.  Me and my companions have a place to talk not too far from here.  If you would follow me, we can get this secret meeting underway and finished before things get complicated.” (Keeno)

“I understand.  I’ll follow you.” (Margaret)

She then turned to her companion who nodded and went back to standing guard like she saw nothing.

“Lead the way.” (Margaret)

Chaos Realm: Order POV:

*In the world where so-called Followers of Order resided*

Looking down at the events unfolding before me caused me to sigh.  Though small, this cult that thinks it’s doing whatever it can to take away the free will of all things in an attempt to bring Order to the universe was making strides I haven’t seen in a long time.  They had apparently already done this to an entire planet in their universe and were now moving on to doing the same to their home world.

‘It’s funny they think this small aspect is me thought.  Let’s see just what these few that are opposing this cult can do.’

One of the leading members of the cult had somehow transformed into a sort of puppet and was spouting some nonsense about how every day should be a Sunday or something like that and using anecdotes that referred to music while being opposed by a group of six or seven.  The one in the lead of the opposition seemed to have been given the equivalent of a blessing from this world’s goddess of harmony as well.


They were putting up a decent fight, managing to weaken their opponent a fair amount.

‘Hehehehe.  Very good, little mortals.  Show that idiot that Order is nothing like what he’s spouting.’

After dealing a critical blow to their opponent, he gained a second wind.  Unleashing a new and powerful attack nearly knocked the ones opposing him into submission, but just before that happened, another player entered the fray.  Singing a beautiful song and rousing their spirits, the opposition regained their footing.

‘Hmmm.  While this is evening them out once more, I think I should step in just a bit.’

Looking around, I saw something that gave me a fun idea.

“Hehehehehe.  Payto, you’re going to enjoy this story when I tell it to you.”

My gaze landed on a train near the group fighting, I used my Divinity of Puppetry and temporarily took control of it.  Once I was sure things were perfect, I went back to watching the fight and looking for perfect opportunities.  When one showed itself, I controlled the train and used it to ram the giant puppet in the face.

‘…I think I could get addicted to doing this.  It’s strangely satisfying.’

“…Lady Order…to what do we owe pleasure of your appearance and personal intervention in this matter?”

“Oh, my apologies, Xipe, I heard that some cult was using my name as an excuse to take the free will of mortals and I couldn’t help but look and see what their problem was and how they got my entire philosophy wrong.  Seeing this, I got a bit entranced in the fight and wanted to play along with them.  And besides, it’s not like you aren’t helping them too.” (Order)

“I just spared that interesting child a glance.  I wanted to see who would come out on top.  After all, to that misguided child there, his order is just another facet of my Harmony.” (Xipe)

“I see…well, I’m already assisting, so I can’t really back out of it now.” (Order)

“True…mind if I try as well?  That seems like fun.” (Xipe)

“Have at it.” (Order)

While making sure we didn’t get too overly involved in the fight, the opposers overcame the so-called follower of order and soundly defeated him.

“Well, with that taken care of, I’m going back home.  If something like this happens again, let me know.” (Order)

“I understand.  Goodbye, Lady Order.” (Xipe)

I vanished from that layer of the Sea of Chaos and appeared back home.

“Oh Paytoooooo.  I have a story for youuuuuuuu.” (Order)

“Oh?  Sounds interesting.” (Payto)

“Mind if we hear it too?” (Luna)

“You can’t make an entrance like that and expect us to just ignore it!” (Atmos)

“Then sit and quiet down.” (Order)

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