My Dragon System

Chapter 523: The strength of a demon tier beast

Chapter 523: The strength of a demon tier beast

Both Sylvia and Bliss were standing on the roof of Avrion academy, they were looking in the direction of where the Shadow continent was located. Although they were unable to see anything, both of them could feel a disturbing presence.

"Do you not think you needed to go with them?" Sylvia asked Bliss.

"I could say the same thing to you, you have done more than anyone for the Redwings, don't you think their leader, the one they look up to most, should be there?" Bliss replied.

Sylvia turned around and looked at the city.

"You're wrong about that. This place, the whole of the Redwings would not have not existed without Ray. This is our home, I think that it's important that they have a place to return to once the battle is over, and I will make sure they do."

Bliss was concerned because Sylvia was right, everything was dependent on Ray. It was the reason why she had even reincarnated him into a human in the first place, to get rid of what everyone knew as the Shadow plague but for some reason, he wasn't there.

"The one who wished to kill all humans is now the one that will save it." She said smiling.


Several black portals had been opened by Wiz and beasts of all sorts of different levels started to pour out from them. There were beasts with wings that would fly through the air, horrendous monsters with several limbs and a singular eye, each of them infected by the Shadow giving them more strength.

To make things worse, there were no beasts at the advanced level or lower, and with the Shadow strengthening them, they felt like they were all king level.

The troops were nervous, but seeing the Redwing members charging ahead first gave them confidence. The one who ran in front of them all was none other than Jack, and he didn't waste time transforming his whole body into that of a werewolf. He ran ahead on all fours, easily gliding past everyone there and dived right into the crowd of beasts.

A giant minter attempted to swing it's hammer towards Jack, but whacking it away with his brute strength, Jack then latched on and pierced through its head with his claw, soon moving onto the next beast.

Following close behind him were the other werewolves, powered by his cries giving them even more strength. At that moment, they were a unit that were unstoppable, far stronger than any of the beasts that they battled with.

It truly made the Redwing members believe that this war wasn't so hopeless after all. This along with the idea of getting rid of the Shadow once and for all now seemed within their reach. The rest of the members dived in swinging their blades and swords left, right and centre. Soon the snow was painted in black and red blood.

"You are strong!" A giant rock-like beast landed directly in front of Jack attempting to stop him. The beast was one of the Shadow Guards named Ire. The beast was a demon tier that looked to be made of rocks, with molten lava running through its veins.

Jack was huffing and panting as he could feel his heart pounding through his chest, he dashed forward quickly and lept trying to strike the beast's rock head, but it lifted it's large shoulders blocking the attack.

When his claws hit, it had scratched some of the rock on the beast, but this was just artificial damage and soon the molten lava that was running through the beast's skin started to light up and glow with extreme heat. Lava started to spew out from the rocks and some of it landed upon Jack's skin.

He screamed in excruciating pain. He fell to the ground and soon saw two large rock fists slamming down upon him. Grabbing them with his clawed hands, he could feel a searing heat, but the two of them were equal in strength.

"Without Ray here I need to be the one that takes you all out!" Jack shouted, although no one could understand his words spoken through his large snout and sharp teeth.

Using both of his powerful legs, he kicked the beast in the stomach, ready for the toughest fight of his life. This was a demon tier beast that wasn't going to be easy.

The beasts that were giving them trouble in the sky were being dealt with through magic. The old tower mage fired fire bolts towards the sky and the others that had teleported started to fire energy blasts. With fine control they could hit the beasts out of the sky, but there was one beast giving them a little bit of trouble, the female demon beast with a horn sticking out from her head.

She was faster than any of the beasts down below, avoiding each of the attacks. Every once in a while she would also swoop down at an incredible speed, picking up a member of the Redwings and pulling them apart.

If what Jack had done had given them strength, what she was doing was completely demoralising them all.

"You drain all our allies of blood, I will make you pay!" Lenny shouted. He sliced his own hands to draw blood and drew up a magic circle on the ground. No matter what, Lenny wasn't going to let this beast live for a second longer.

With Lenny dealing with one of the demon tier beasts and Jack dealing with the other, Martha, Wilfred, and Sir K decided to set their eyes on another person. The grand mage Wiz who was opening up the portals and allowing the beasts to come through.

'If we get rid of him as quickly as possible we can win this fight.' Martha thought, but the three of them possibly had the hardest task, as they would not have the help of their fellow members and would have to dive right into the middle of the enemy's land.


Behind all of the fighting on top of the tower located in the fortress, the Shadow man, the one behind everything, was watching the fight unfold below. He was waiting for Van to give him what he had dreamed of for so long.

"It looks like you have managed to gather some strong humans, Sen. What were you planning to do with them? Were you going to kill them once you took over this land? Well, don't worry. I will do that for you, I will accomplish the goal you always had." The man started to laugh.

Although Van's power was draining from him and it felt like his body was being pulled apart to open up a portal to the other world, he looked directly at the Shadow man.

"Ray is not like that, he will come and kick your arse!" Van shouted.


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