My Dragon System

Chapter 524: The blood skill

Chapter 524: The blood skill

After hearing what Van had to say, the shadow on the man started to spiral rapidly. It was clear that they were angered and the shadow around the man reflected that as it moved as if it were a human sized flame. Soon after it began to calm down.

"Go on, tell me then, where is this saviour of yours? Watch down below as your people struggle and soon because of you, they will all die." The shadow man said and then turned around to look Van directly in the eye and hissed, "And never call him by that name, he is the Great Dragon Sen!"

Of course Van knew Ray's real identity, but knowing that the shadow also knew his name was a surprise. On top of this, the way the shadow man was acting was as if he was obsessed with Sen, rather than against him.

'Just who is this person?' Van thought.


Down below, the raging war continued as beasts were slain left and right, the humans were doing well with great coordination, skill, and strength from their extraordinary beast equipment. However, it seemed like the waves of beasts emerging from the portals were endless. Every time they slade a beast they could see several more behind them.

Over towards the back of the group, they were also suffering from an aerial attack, but Lenny had a plan to deal with this one.

Blood was pouring from the palm of his hands due to a self-inflicted wound. He had told the other troops around him to stay clear as he would deal with the demon tier beast.

"I put my body through hell, doing all sorts of experiments on my body to finally track you down. Even though it was over a hundred years ago, I remember that day like it was yesterday. You slaughtered my whole family!" Lenny shouted as he shook with pure anger.

The others always wondered who Lenny was, having written books during the time of the Dragon Knights. His apparent age should have put him above a hundred years, but he looked only a little over his thirties.

The strange energy that was coming from Lenny had attracted some attention from the winged demon tier beast. She looked down to see and hear his anger, causing her to lick her lips with the thought of a good duel.

"I almost forgot about that one, and then you came all this way so I could finish you off!" She said, diving down and at the same time thorns started to emerge from her entire body and flew straight towards Lenny.

The blood from Lenny's hands had started to drip on the floor, but then it looked like it was slowly rising from the ground.

"I made a deal with the devil to get rid of you, and this is my only chance." Lenny said, swiping his hand. Soon a large red aura was seen covering his field of vision.

"Is that blood?" Some of those in the Redwings asked.

The red aura of blood had shielded him from the attacks from the demon tier beast. Soon after Lenny swung his arms, releasing swipes of blood towards the beast.

Seeing the strange red power, the winged beast seemed almost frightened as she attempted to avoid them all. She was so preoccupied with avoiding the blood swipes that she was unaware of a large fireball about to slam into her.

"You are not alone in this, we will get rid of the Shadow!" Roy shouted, the past tower leader. The two of them were once tower mages, the strongest mages in existence and with two of them they believed they could deal with this creature.

As the smoke started to clear from the impact, the beast opened up its wings and looked untouched by the ball of fire.

Standing next to Lenny, Roy gave a glance towards him, the strange power looked strong, stronger than any magic he had ever seen before. He knew there had to be a great cost to using such a power and Roy was pretty sure what it was.

Judging from the pained look on his face, every time Lenny would use the blood skill it was taking a part of his life.

'I have to help as much as I can, before Lenny gives up his life for this beast.' Roy thought.

Not too far from where Lenny and Roy were, leading at the front of the group was Gary who was dealing with the rock demon tier beast. Gary's wounds had healed from the pain, but he still wasn't sure what to do.

For once, his brute strength and power was doing nothing to get rid of this beast. While thinking of what to do, another werewolf was seen leaping up in the air attempting an attack, and their legs were soon grabbed midair. The beast swung with full force slamming the werewolf to the ground, smashing its bones and soon coming from it's rock like hand was molten lava.

Seeing this, Jack no longer hesitated and attempted to run in at the beast, he latched onto the arm with all of his limbs holding it.

"If I can't hit you, I'll just eat you!" Jack shouted, opening up his long powerful jaws, and digging his teeth into the rock hard body.

For the first time, it seemed like the demon tower beast was experiencing pain. However, Jack was also experiencing something devastating in his mouth, as if bubbles were forming inside.

'Is his blood made from lava, what is this!' Eventually, Jack had no choice but to let go, flinging his head backwards, spitting out the lava from his mouth before it reached his insides. It felt like his mouth was melting, but healing at an incredible rate at the same time.

The beast's eyes started to glow bright red as it was hurt for possibly the first time in its life. It raised its giant stone hand and was ready to slam it upon Jack's head.

As the hand was swinging down, a blur was seen going past Jack and the hand was knocked aside with great force.

Seeing what had just saved Jack's life he recognised it well.

"Noir, you're here, wait… does that mean?"

While thinking of this very question, the winged beast from before was diving down once again, avoiding the fireballs coming towards her as well as the swipes of blood.

"What's the use of that power if you can never hit me!" She screamed, throwing both her hands out, ready to tear the two of them apart. However, flying low she found her vision slowly becoming a blur, and then she fell to the floor and soon could see nothing.

"What?" Was the only thing she could say until she was no longer, and standing in between the two halves of her body was a red haired man, with red armour and a sword in his hand.

"Sorry I'm late, let's get rid of the Shadow once and for all!" Ray shouted.


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