My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 318: Different Plans

Chapter 318: Different Plans

"If you think you are strong enough to overthrow us, please do so, no one is stopping you, We are only doing this in order to save as many people, but we won't go out of our way to save you if you won't listen to us, please do remember that," Queresha's voice was as static as it was even if she was talking about the people dying, and that is what made the threat feel real.

The people who were on this floor actually gulped as they saw the fifty people that came with Queresha a minute ago were fully ready to fight. It seems that they were going to side with Haru's group.

As if Haru's group wasn't strong enough already that now they had numbers as well. There are rumors that Haru is stronger than Pil-du and can rival Jung-hyuk who is the strongest person in the station.

"Jin-ah-ssi and Alea-ssi, are you two going to let them do this?" The people turned to the ones who saved them in the first place.

"Well, we are just group members, you know? And in all else, it is better if you guys accept it," Alea spoke quickly.

"Yeah, Queresha Unnie is quite scary so don't get on her nerves, And it is not like we are doing this without any plans," Jin-ah said as Alea nodded frantically.

The people were dumbfounded; Jin-ah and Alea were the ones who had saved more people at the station, even more than Jung-hyuk himself.

A hundred in Dong-Guk University and Seventy people on their way to the Dong-Guk station, then they took forty people from Dong-Guk to Chungmuro.

These two fought the monsters outside without any problems and provided food for almost everyone in the station along with Ji-hye.

They even fought with Pil-du but it came to a draw because their group backed off. So their ranking in Chungmuro was right up there with Jung-hyuk, and right now these guys were saying that they were just group members in Haru's group on top of that they were scared of a healer?

Though that didn't matter to them at the moment as the clock was running out and they needed to get a green zone.

"Are you just asking us to die?" With one person the others got behind it as well, since that is what it looked like.

"Of course, we aren't, If you used your brain calmly instead of behaving like mindless animals ready to kill others you would've understood our intention from the start instead of this tomfoolery," Queresha said looking at the people that were ready to attack other people inside the green zones.

'Harsh but true,' Dok-ja thought as that was true, if the people thought calmly they'd be able to find the way where the most number of people survive, But that isn't how people think when they are in danger, is it?

Such thoughts are a luxury only available to the strong ones who won't be affected by the ongoing situation no matter what happens.

And this time Haru's group was the ones who wouldn't be affected no matter what happened to the scenario.

"Don't patronize us? Do you think we want to do this?"

"Yeah it is the fault of the Dokkaebis, they are the ones who forced us to do this,"

The people shouted as they didn't like being labeled as killers, though there were some of them who understood what Queresha meant.

They survived the first scenario by killing a person, and from then on their mind has normalized killing and made it their go-to choice.

Like just now, there was no mention of killing people but that was the only way they could think of since their mind has registered it as the easy choice, there might be another way to clear this scenario, but did they think of that?

No, They went with the option that had become normal in their minds, Which is killing the people who are in the green zones and taking it for themselves.

The scary part of this was most of these people didn't even realize how their minds changed since in their minds they frame it as if they have no choice but to kill, when they clearly do have another choice.

This helps them think that they are innocent even while they choose to kill others to save themselves, they mentally can't take responsibility for taking another's life.

[Why am I getting flamed for doing my job?] Bi-Hyung complained to Dok-ja who didn't really bother with him since he was too busy trying to figure things out.

'It seems like we aren't going to be sitting in the green zones for the whole night,' Dok-ja thought as he started to see the bigger picture now.

"I don't want to waste any more of my time, we are about to tell you about the way to save all of the people on this floor, if you like it you can stay and if you do not you can go to the lower floor, But I suggest you do not," Queresha didn't seem very keen on lecturing them since these people will not believe her even if she told them the truth, they won't agree so it was better to get to the main point.

"Are you going to kill us if we leave?" One shouted and this put the others on high alert, of course, they'd think like that since they were agitated.

"They aren't but the Landlord coalition will kill you," One of the people from the group that came with Queresha spoke up.

"What do you mean? Don't spout nonsense," Of course, the people weren't going to believe it since the landlord coalition's area was only limited to the second basement floor even there they didn't have the whole floor under their control, and they also didn't invade the other areas. So the third basement floor was fair game for anyone who could fight and win.

"The landlord coalition has expanded its territories, other people in the green zones on the second floor were scared that the others will raid them so they made contracts with the Landlord coalition who will protect them if they were attacked in exchange for coins, Of course, many agreed and the ones who didn't were kicked out of the floor, They have also started expanding into the third basement floor so if you are planning to go down and attack green zones, they'll kill you in the name of messing with their group's property," A woman shared with everyone what had happened downstairs.

It was shocking to them as they had heard nothing of this, They all thought that the Landlord coalition didn't have the manpower to expand so they just kept to themselves.

'It looks like Pil-du is desperate for coins to increase his strength, his constellation isn't really that rich to begin with, even if he is a strong one,' Dok-ja knew that the reason Pil-du hadn't expanded his territory was solely because he wanted to concentrate his power in the event of Jung-hyuk attacking him, and this also helped him keep his goons to a manageable number.

That was the only reason for him, but right now in Pil-du's eyes, he is in more danger than ever because of Haru and his group.

That is the reason he is expanding in order to get more coins, that way he can get stronger so that he doesn't die in a fight. And the way he was doing it provided almost no reason for anyone to intervene since the people themselves were joining him and paying him.

He was taking in small groups that fight well to boast his combat power and rake in the coins as well, A good strategy on his part. Since Jung-hyuk was nowhere to be found at the station, Haru was on the first basement floor so Pil-du thought he can do this undetected.

'But it seems like his plan was read,' Dok-ja now understood the reason the girls went down to the lower floors.

'Queresha-ssi healed their wounds and got these guys to join in,' Dok-ja saw the clothes of the people who came in, they were in tatters and covered in blood.

These guys were the ones who tried to defend their green zone from the Landlord coalition or try to take one over by fighting the landlord coalition, and as one might see it didn't end well for them.


"Y-You're lying there is no way,"

"A-are we really going to just die like this?"

"I am done with this bullshit,"

The people on the platform looked devastated by the news they knew that the Landlord coalition was no joke and will really kill people if they trespass in their area, some didn't believe it and left the area to go down in order to check for themselves if this was true.

'My part is done here,' Queresha looked at the uneasy people talking among themselves.


400 powerstones to go,

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