My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 319: Just Because

Chapter 319: Just Because

'My part is done here,' Queresha looked at the uneasy people talking among themselves. She turned her head to look at Haru as he walked near her.

"Ok everyone there is no need to panic like this, there is a way that all of you can survive and our group is willing to help you if you choose to receive it I mean," Haru clapped twice to get everyone's attention on him, and they looked at him even in the panic as the noises quietened down.

It wasn't any skill or anything of the like, but a subconscious behavior. Haru is known as the leader of the group, he made Pil-du back down and is rumored to be on the same level as Jung-hyuk.

He also had Jin-ah and Alea in his group both of which were invited to join the Landlord coalition alongside Jung-hyuk trying to recruit them once before.

In other words, Haru was the most powerful person on the station right now, So, of course, they'd stop and listen since all the other strong people on this platform aren't right in the head, for them at least.

But Haru seemed chill they have seen him talk friendly and he didn't go kill people just because they got on his nerve. Even then…

"Why would your group do this?" One of the people voiced the question that everyone had in their heads.

"The answer to that is simple…." Haru paused a little looking at everyone.

"…Because we can," Haru simply smiled as Dok-ja shook his head, Hee-won was having a headache while Sang-ah smiled wryly, Haru was just too blunt about it.

"Are you saving us because of Pity?"

"Who do you think you are?"

Some were actually enraged by this and shouted loudly.

"Pity? Yeah, I'd say that is the correct term without sugarcoating it, I am not asking you to take our pity, you are free to do what you want since you know the consequences of that," Haru said clearly, The people could only grit their teeth.

This is similar to how a man gives money to a beggar, it is out of pity and another important fact that is the man's financial situation is stable.

Would you give beggars money if you don't enough to eat yourself? That is the same logic here.

If Haru's group was weak and they didn't enough strength he wouldn't have done this, but since he has and he will be benefiting from it he is doing it.

[Several Constellations are intrigued by your views and actions.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is nodding in agreement with your plan.]

[200 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Demonic Judge of Fire' is happy that you are doing so much in order to help others, she wishes you luck.]

[200 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Noble Child of The Sun' is displeased by the other incarnations staying at Chungmuro.]

[400 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'I Like Feet' understands your plan.]

[300 Coins have been sponsored.]

"So, if you want to leave you're free to, because if you aren't on this platform before 11:45 P.M. we have nothing to do with you, and we won't take you in, Anyway I am pretty sure you all now understand our offer, what will happen if you accept it and what will happen if you don't, Now I'll tell you how we are planning on doing this," Haru's words rang crystal clear in everyone's ears as they waited for his next words.

"We are going fight the monsters," Haru said with a smile.

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of The Golden Headband' is grabbing his pole with excitement.]

[300 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is saying 'Finally some fucking action']

[500 Coins have been sponsored.]


11:40 P.M. Chungmuro station, 1st Basement floor.

'I knew this would happen,' Dok-ja thought as he looked at the number of people that were on their floor.

There are nearly 260 to 270 here, Yes they were all staying here, If you are curious as to why all of them stayed here.

'Most of them left after Haru-ssi told them of his plan to fight the monsters,' Dok-ja understood they would leave thinking they'd have a better chance of living if they go down and try to take a green zone from someone else.

Yeah, that didn't work out that well since the Landlord coalition was ready to kill them if they tried. The lifeless bodies of others on the floor didn't help increase their courage either.

So they came back without any other option since the alternative was to die down there either by fighting for a green zone or die by being eaten by the monsters.

They'll rather believe in what Haru says since they were desperate right now and were grasping at straws to survive.

'There should be no problem dealing with the monsters with this lineup,' Dok-ja thought while looking at everyone getting ready for the monster attack, the people who didn't want to fight were kept at the back with the combatants in the front.

The number of people fighting the monsters was only Seventy while the others were going to sit back. Of course, Haru's group was about to be the main combat force.

'But this way we can save more people, and this also is the best way to complete this scenario,' Dok-ja wouldn't have agreed with this plan if he hadn't seen the strength of this group.

There was no need to say anything for Haru, Queresha was strong with her spells, Hee-won was a force just by herself, Sang-ah also had good combat powers, also Nam-woon and Hyun-sung weren't people you could look over.

'And then there are those two as well,' Dok-ja looked at Alea and Jin-ah, two people whom Jung-hyuk tried to recruit for himself, it spoke volumes about their powers already.

But the combat power wasn't the only surprise for Dok-ja.

'The plan was also well executed, Queresha-ssi cornered the people by telling them the situation and then Haru-ssi threw them a bone,' Dok-ja knew this won't have worked if the order changed, Queresha took the role of the bad person in this play, well, in all honesty, she was stating facts and that is the reason she was seen as a bad guy in the first place.

And it looked like Queresha wasn't even bothered by it, she didn't seem to care for the hostile gazes or anything even now she was doing her job ignoring the eyes like they didn't even exist.

"So, how are we going to defend from three fronts?" Hee-won asked as there were three different staircases that came up to the first basement floor. In that case, they'd need to make three different teams to take care of the monsters that come from each side, and that will be tricky.

"We will only need to divide it in two," Haru said much to Hee-won's confusion.

"Hyun-sung if you will," Haru looked at Hyun-sung who nodded with a determined look.

Haru and Hyun-sung walked towards the staircase that was west of their group with others following them.

'If we don't destroy this staircase chances are more people will die, no they would definitely die,' Hyun-sung took in a deep breath as he closed his eyes for a second

[A New Stigma has been unlocked with the blossoming of Lee Hyun-sung's attribute.]

[Lee Hyun-sung has used the Stigma 'Great Mountain Crush Lv.1']

Hyun-sung balled up his fist as Pale magic power gathered around his fist and within seconds, Hyun-sung's arms became big enough to transcend common sense.

"Haaaaa," Hyun-sung shouted as he brought down his big fist on the first step of the staircase with all of his power.


With a loud bang, the concrete staircase cracked fully and broke apart in seconds.

"Well, Now we only need to divide the team in two," Haru looked back at the others with a smile.

"I didn't know you guys had hulk here," Ji-hye pointed at Hyun-sung in surprise.

"We didn't know either," Hee-won shrugged.

"I am sorry this is all I can do," Hyun-sung wanted to destroy the other ones as well but he won't be able to do that since.

"There is no need to worry about that, they are escalators we can only leave them alone for now," Haru shook his head.

"Yeah, I don't think there are many people who can crush a concrete staircase in the first place let alone try to crush several escalators," Hee-won sighed, now it was time to divide who will defend which area.

The north side had 4 escalators while the west side had 2 of them, so they'll need to divide the team based on the number of monsters that will come up. It was important

"I am taking on the west side alone you guys can handle the north side," Haru stated simply causing the others to look at him.


320 powerstones to go,

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