Rebirth: The Villainous Young Master Doesn't Want to Follow the Script

Chapter 132: His Duty and His Role





Red sighed in frustration when he remembered those events from the Upper Floor and the conversation that Cyrus had with the Lord God, and he tried his best to restrain himself not to shout at this stubborn brat who doesn't seem to care about what he had cause.

'This f*cking brat—! Argh! Why am I suffering like this?!'

He thought and glared back at him and said; "Y-you—! Just what in the world—?! Argh! I don't know if you're truly that of an idiot or what?!"

He didn't know what to think about this matter anymore.

From that conversation, he thought that the Lord God would punish Cyrus for his insolence because he had crossed the line when that stubborn brat stated those words that seems like a slap into their master's face.

Usually, the Lord God wouldn't be so bothered in anything about what Cyrus had done for, whether that brat is being disrespectful to their master or wouldn't listen to the superiors around and so on.

However, Cyrus had crossed the line by stating those words and with doing that, it looks like Cyrus os openly challenging the Lord God in his own way, even though he knew that Cyrus didn't mean it that way.

'I don't know why Cyrus is so adamant to help Eclipse to the point that he would need to incur the wrath of the Lord God in order to do his bidding. Also, what does he mean by [it's his duty], anyway?'

Although he wasn't on guard whenever Cyrus is around within the Main House System but there are times that he feels like he needs to build a wall between them, just in case.

Because Red felt responsible to protect Eclipse's position as one of the successor candidates and at the same time, he had other [roles] in order to keep his charge safe and sound from everyone else around them.

Especially, Eclipse's condition about his soul energy.

When Cyrus suddenly approached him and warned him about Eclipse's soul energy having some problem, at first, he was on guard, and he didn't know what kind of schemes Cyrus was plotting about.

However, before he could formulate his hypothesis about that situation, he suddenly remembered the words coming from that brat;

« ….. "No need to be on guard around me pertaining to Eclipse. After all, both of us had the same [role] yet different approach on how to safeguard someone who entrusted to us. Just act on how you usually had done and treat it like normally as it is." ... »

Just remembering those words makes him feel at ease for now but at that time, he didn't Cyrus at first but later on, he proved to him that he wasn't a threat to Eclipse's life but rather, he is also one of those people who took up those [roles] coming from [that person] and Red knew that, at that point, he could trust Cyrus for Eclipse's safety.

Right now, this stubborn brat even dared to challenge their master and even had the nerve to say those words right in front of their master's face as if he slapped those words in order for their master to decide about Arico and Eclipse's matter.

Actually, even him, was also worried for those two who got stranded on that worldline for three thousand years already— no, in that worldline alone, those two only stranded for three years since the time-space different from the Main House System differs from the other worldlines.

"Are you not going to tell me something, Cyrus? Why would you do that, anyway? Also, are you out of your mind for you to say those words in front of our master?! What's gotten into you for you to do that!"

Red said in an annoyed tone as he glared at the stubborn young man who hasn't spoken from the beginning when he dragged this brat into his office, and he only seated at the corner without care.

'Geez! This brat sure is a handful one! Just like Eclipse if that brat wasn't in the mood for anything else and would just sulk in the corner without reason! Just thinking about these two who haven't interacted with each other since the beginning had the almost similar personality makes me have a headache for them!'

He thought and sighed in frustration and said; "Also, you have never interacted with Eclipse for more than millennium years since he joined the ranks, I haven't seen both of you have a conversation with one another yet, you, desperately wanted to help Eclipse this much, to the point that you even angered our master because of that mouth of yours!"

After that, Red continued on his ramblings over and over again but still, Cyrus wasn't even interested on what Eclipse's superior was talking about and mentally rolled his eyes in annoyance because it feels like his ears would bleed because of the excessive noise coming from him.

'He nags like some sort of an old man. Tsk! If he wasn't [that person's] trusted aide for Eclipse then, I won't be bothered to waste my time to be dragged by him into this place. I planned to do mission tasks after my business with the Lord God, but I never expected to be dragged by this over excessive old man, for crying out loud!'

He thought as he groaned internally and just keep quiet in the corner while this old man still continue in his ramblings, and it seems like he wasn't planning to stop from there.

'What a pain…'

"—for the record, you even dared to…."


Cyrus cut him off immediately and he didn't care if it sounded disrespectful because he couldn't take it anymore and it will take forever if he didn't intervene.

"Will you please calm down for a moment? Do you want to help Eclipse or not? As for your question from earlier, that's the only solution that I know, and I just took a gamble on it. It has a positive result then and all we have to do for now is to wait and after that, we will see for ourselves then."




For a long time that he became a world-hopper, even as a novice world-hopper, most of his roles from that time was either a background character or just a character that was only slightly related to the main characters of those worldlines.

When he got promoted from novice to regular world-hopper, he still took some background character roles but most of those roles are greatly connected to the main characters, such as a secretary role for the main villain character or an early childhood friend for the heroine, or a protector for the male lead and so on and so forth.

As his ranks had reached the Platinum rank, from then on, his roles are now revolved within the lives of the main characters such as the secondary male lead roles, the big brother for the heroine, a great backer for the male lead to rise from rags to riches and other important roles that he had portrayed.

'However, there are some worldlines that became a nightmare for me. Those worldlines are truly messed up! I even complained about that but most of the senior world-hoppers just laughed at me and just told me that I should just enjoy those messed up worldlines for fun though.'

Just thinking about those messed up worldlines, it makes shivers down to his spine from that time.

In those worldlines that he had first encountered, he became one of the concubines, to more precisely, he is the only male concubine for the male lead in an ancient harem plot and not only that, but those worldlines even had some messed up genre!

'Who in their right mind put something like [ger] and [omega] functions in the first place?! Argh! It will be alright if I'm an [alpha] but whenever those worldlines came up, I'm always at the [omega] role and it makes me like I should be on the receiving end!'

In his original life as Ezekiel, he never romance with someone else, be with man or with a woman, he doesn't know anything about romance and love at all. He only knew that he had fallen in love with Lorraine, the heroine, as per accordance of the previous script but anything other than that, nothing else.

'How would I know to romance with someone if I wasn't taught on how to love myself first? I was designated as a minor villain with a lot of misunderstanding to solidify my role even more until the day I was executed for those so-called crimes. Tsk!'

He also had some roles that he needs to romance the heroine as the second male lead, but Eclipse remembered that he had done a poor job on that one but actually, it did cover what should the plot have.

That's the only time he got some poor performance because he was in a campus romance worldline filled with youthful love and infatuation that he hadn't experienced in his whole life.


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