Rebirth: The Villainous Young Master Doesn't Want to Follow the Script

Chapter 133: An Unsettle Feeling




'How am I supposed to experience that kind of blossoming love and infatuation when in my first life came nothing but suffering and tragic moments that is accordance in the script that was provided for me?'

Just thinking about those campus or office romances that he had taken up roles for, those worldlines are only a failure to his part and because he keeps on getting some poor performances when it involves in romance, his superior, Red, taught him basic lessons about serious romance and youthful infatuations.

He remembered those lessons before, and he almost shivered at the mere thought that he would need to have sexual intercourses with both genders that makes him wanted to kill someone on the spot from that time.

'That idiotic for a superior of mine even offered himself as my romance partner, for crying out loud! I almost vomited and would commit murder for offering that kind of proposal if it weren't for the Lord God himself to stop me from doing that!'

He felt ashamed of that time, and he just became a Platinum rank holder and was officially appointed as one of the successor candidates at that time (although when he was still a novice world-hopper, he was already a successor candidate but was put on hold at that time though), but he managed to calm himself after that.

After that, he managed to, at least, became aware of how romance works in different ways for his own bidding.

'Be it with a man or a woman, it's just the same. The only difference to that is the position though.'

When there are tasks that he needs to romance a male partner, of course, sometimes he would bottom up or top them, for other terms, he could be a switch one, based on the terms that he had learned from others.

He is not the only one who suffered in this kind of role but most of his senior world-hoppers also knew this kind of feeling at first but later on, they were got used to it that sometimes most of them had a relationship with one another, but it wasn't that forbidden though.

'At first, I was a bit uncomfortable knowing that most of my male seniors are dating with each other but in due time, I got used to it.'

There was also a rumor about Arico and Cyrus, one of the successor candidates, used to hook up with each other but Eclipse knew that Cyrus wasn't often seen within the Main House System because he is always on his mission tasks though, but it only solidifies those rumors because of Cyrus' constant absence within the Main House System.

'Just because the other person wasn't always at the Main House doesn't mean that he is avoiding someone else. Those gossipers truly had nothing to do and could only spread rumors everywhere.'

As for Eclipse, well, he had a fair share of his relationship with others but sometimes, it didn't last long but they were still friends and co-workers at the end though.

'Sometimes, they also teach me on how to hook up with others, be with a man or a woman and they also told me that I'll be needing it for my future mission tasks though.'

They were right about that, and it truly helps but at the same time, it also brings him trouble as well.

For all the roles that he had taken, for some reason, he never had a role that has a villain one.

Minor or not, it seems like the system interfaces avoided him having those kinds of roles, even though most of his characters can be considered as villains, whether they were a mob villain or what.

A perfect example on that part is that…. He had a character role as a rebellious young master from an aristocratic family that could be considered as either a cannon fodder villain or could be the main villain since that character role came from a wealthy family and had some connections everywhere.

However, that role only landed as a supporting male lead role for the heroine, and you know, most of the cliché trope about a rebellious young master who had a massive crush on a heroine but at the end, could only support the love of his life at the shadows.

'Yeah, right. I remembered that I almost bend those male leads from those worldlines and thank goodness that I manage to salvage everything before it went to downhill!'

When those reports came to his superior, that moronic b*stard even had the nerve to make fun of him that makes him fumed in anger.

'Sir Red even mentioned that I'm truly suited for both genders alike and I almost committed arson inside his office because of his remarks! Argh!'

Well, that was at first but later on, he wasn't that affected at all and was only treated as nothing but as his mission tasks if needed.

Why does he need to be affected if he could perform his mission tasks that well enough though?

'Why am I thinking those useless thoughts anyway? Am I getting frustrated or something?'

Well, since he is no longer bound by his former role as Ezekiel and he is a free from the clutches of the world plot, might as well that he would get some enjoyment for himself.

However, before that, he needs to find their dear client first and then settle everything that needs to be settled from here on.





Arico; "Hey, are you alright? You sneeze all of the sudden."

Eclipse twitched his nose and coughed to compose himself; "Yeah, I'm alright. Just got caught on the weather or something."

After he said those words, Arico just nodded but the Slayer Agent knew that wasn't the case, but he didn't pursue the matter and could only observe the people below as both of them waited for the auction event to start.

Eclipse, on the other hand, shivered all of the sudden because he felt that someone was cursing him behind his back or something.

'Why do I have the feeling that my whole life would have a sudden change or something?'

There are times when Eclipse would trust his instincts because most of the times it would hit on the spot but sometimes, it's not.

He shook off his head and for now, he would set aside those unsettling feelings that he had and focused on the matters at hand.

"What do you think about the items that would be auctioned in this event?"

Eclipse looked down at the balcony as he spoke while observing the guests around and Arico just shrugged off his shoulder because he doesn't have an idea as well.

"Don't know. I'm not even interested in those items here and we're only here for one thing and that's to meet that client and then settle everything. I don't want to be here any longer than that."

The world-hopper noticed Arico's voice who seemed to be shaken for a moment and that makes him frowned; "Is there something wrong?"

Arico shook off his head but slumped his shoulders as he said; "You remember about that person who has an Ardus Syndrome, right? That person who had an almost similar power to mine?"

The world-hopper nodded as if he could forget that one issue from before.

That person who got that symptom suddenly appeared within this place, especially on this continent where it shouldn't be.

"Of course, I remember. Do you think I'll forget such anomaly and we still don't have a clue on why that kind of syndrome suddenly appeared within this continent when it should have been protected by the holy barriers of that neutral zone area within the continent."

Aside from the fact that Eclipse needs to meet that client and to get some answers to him, another issue arose on the other side all of a sudden.

'I don't know why but without the system interface to prompt these kinds of scenarios then, I had a feeling that if the system interface suddenly fixed, I will bet there would be tons of notifications would appear and tons of triggered tasks that I need to handle.'

Just thinking about those notifications that he needs to handle if time comes, he suddenly felt chills down to his spine and for the first time in millennium years of his world-hopping career, this would be the first time that he would feel overwhelmed with tons of mission tasks that would come by.

'Godd*mn it! As much as I don't want to think about that scenario, but I need to prepare myself since it would come to this, and he needs to get his work done. Although from what I remember from Sir Red's email that I don't need to work things up from here since I am no longer bound to the plot though.'

However, even if that were the case then, Eclipse wasn't the type of person who would just let things be on its own way and right now, an item that shouldn't appear in this worldline suddenly appeared and it became one of the commission's items.

And the client, Gilbert Herrer, has the answers that Eclipse needed to clarify everything.


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