Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 384: “Grindelwald’s Final Word”

Chapter 384: “Grindelwald’s Final Word”

Grindelwald was squinting and immediately told him about the location, Its a place I discovered when I was young. It is secluded, and it is very suitable for meditating. It is also very suitable as a cemetery. As for something that can convince another me, I put it at the bottom of the lake.

However, Grindelwalds tone became serious, Its a memory, a memory that only Grindelwald can see. When you hand it to him, he will understand it. Remember, it must be stored in a place that can be covered and read that memory under some kind of magic. Otherwise, the world knows it.

Sean nodded.

When he has seen this memory, he will understand all of this. Of course, even if he cooperates with extracting the memory later, such behavior will still cause disturbances in the world. But according to my judgment, it is within the controllable range.

Its the same as what Professor Dumbledore once told him.

After doing all this, the memory can be obtained normally. But as a node in time, memory alone is not enough. What is the most important thing for a wizard? What distinguishes a wizard from other species?

Of course, the magic power that allows them to cast a spell.

Yes, magic power. I have done some research. Why did the time turner only allow wizards to go back five hours at most? Of course, not to disturb the time and changing history.

Grindelwald waved his wand, and two figures exactly like him appeared.

We just talked about memory, He waved the spell, and the brains of the two figures glowed, After dealing with the memory problem, there is magic power. This is a very important thing for wizards.

Glowing blood vessels appeared above the figure, and pale silver magic power surged inside.

If memory can represent a persons soul on a certain level, then magic power can represent the whole wizards body. Sean, have you ever had a feeling that your magic power is different? Two Individuals use the same spell, use the same wand gestures, and output the same magical power. A magic cast by the first-year student and Albus should have a different result.

Albus is different because he has a better understanding of spells, is more skilled in casting them, and has greater emotional power. Many people thought that the magic power in every wizard was the same. The difference lies in the size of the magic power source and how the magic power owner uses them.


Grindelwald waved his wand again, and one of the figures transformed into Sean.

Looking closely, there seemed to be no difference in the pale silver magic power flowing in the blood vessels. Grindelwald took a breath, and the blood vessels in the two figures floated and magnified in front of his eyes.

At first glance, there is still no difference. But when he observes it carefully, Sean finds that the magic seems to be breathing, and the rhythm of that breathing is completely different.

Grindelwald leaned on a broken stone pillar with a burning Hogwarts banner on it.

As you can see, magic power has something that wizards cant accurately describe. This is a fact I found. Everyones magic power is different. Even if you perfectly inherited your parents looks, talents, etc., the magic will always be different. Everyone is an absolutely different individual.

When a wizard can clearly recognize this and can accurately recognize his own magical power, He might be able to create his own spells that only he can use. Grindelwald said seriously.

Sean nodded as he listened. He had such a feeling before but didnt expect it to be confirmed in Grindelwalds memory today. Thinking about it, he shook his head again. The old man still remembers teaching himself more things, even now.

Grindelwald raised the corner of his mouth, This is why I said that the time turners only allow up to five hours of time travel. It was because of the wizards magic power, and five hours is a time limit for an average person. The Ministry of Magic prohibits on doing it more than five hours for safety reasons.

For me, for Albus, or for you now. The increase in magic power is a drop in the ocean compared to my overall magic power; we can ignore the extremely small probability of failing, but its a problem.

The old Grindelwald lived ninety-seven years longer than the real Grindelwald. The magic power he used to travel time is definitely bigger than he could have imagined. It was like a comparison between Heaven and Earth, the magic power needed to travel five hours to the power needed to travel for nearly a hundred years.

In other words, from the perspective of magic power alone, the strength of old Grindelwald is far stronger than the real Grindelwald. This can lead to the two not being able to come to an agreement.

Sean racked his brains and couldnt figure out how to add additional magic powers to the real Grindelwald. He has seen many magical items in the wizarding world, but there is no such thing that can directly increase a wizards power exponentially.

The source of magic power can only rely on time to be accumulated, ones own talent, and continuous training. Its not that he hasnt thought about whether it is feasible to parasitize the real Grindelwald with the Obscurus. It would be unrealistic.

The Obscurus can only assist a person, not contributing the magic power of the wizard itself. Although it can be used as magic power, that power is very powerful. But like Grindelwald just said, the magic power needs to be its own magic, not from an external force.

He looked at Grindelwald in his memory. He was holding his wrist just like Dumbledore.

Grindelwald grinned, You must be thinking, how am I able to prepare all of this, and you dont know how to react or praise my genius mind. Well, you can praise however you want, but I cant hear it.

Sean laughed when he heard that.

Lets get back to business. Just like what you think in your head, things that can increase the limit of magic power in this world are rare, but you have seen one before.

Sean frowned.

He touched his chin and said indifferently, I have made up my mind to time travel, so this means one thing.

He stretched out his hands as if embracing the world.

This world will become a memory. I wont miss it and dont need to think about that creature anymore.


Sean raised his head. Its not that there is nothing that can increase the limit of the wizards magic power. There is one thing that he had seen before.

Qilins Blood.

Among the rankings of dangerous magic recorded by the Ministry of Magic, Qilins Blood placed on the sixth. As mentioned in the Ministry of Magics information, the wizards who have used the Qilins blood have gained extremely powerful power.

Just as Sean expected, Grindelwald smiled, Yes, as long as the imprisoned me swallows enough Qilins Blood, the difference in magic power will be evened out.

Sean took a deep breath, he only saw one Qilin, and that was the one that bowed to him. Does he really need to kill that one in order to solve the problem?

The thought made Seans breath heavy. At present, there is no other good way around it. The problem is nearing, the world is already very sensitive, and there is not much time left until 1966.

There is only about one year left before the real Grindelwald gains a lot of power, and it is not realistic at all to do any traditional means.

There was a laugh. Grindelwald couldnt see Sean, but he just pointed toward him and laughed.

Oh, Sean. You must be confused; sacrificing the lives of innocent creatures is an unacceptable thing for you. The funny thing is, whether it is me, whoever I am, or Albus. When faced with such a choice, we will not have any hesitation to do it.

Sean was silent; he couldnt refute it. He couldnt make up his mind. Grindelwald and Dumbledore are not afraid of sacrificing themselves.

Heh, Grindelwald laughed loudly, Forget it. I wont joke about it to you.

His smile became cruel, Although, as a student, it is what you should do for your teacher. But I will not put you under such great pressure for it.

A ring familiar to Sean flew over from nowhere and fell into Grindelwalds hand. Sean touched his finger, and the ring on it was still in good condition. Grindelwald opened the ring and waved his wand.

Two adult Qilin struggled to come out. These two Qilins were much taller than the baby Qilin Sean had seen before, and they had grown up long ago.

Seans pupils shrank. He was not given time to think.

With a wave of the wand, an invisible sharp blade directly slashed the throats of the two Qilins, and blood spurted out. Grindelwald didnt even bat an eye. He seemed to have rehearsed this scene long ago.

The tip of the Elder Wand shimmered, and the two adult Qilins couldnt even make a whine. Their struggle became smaller and smaller as the blood was drained out.

The blood was all concentrated at the tip of the wand. Grindelwald used some magic; the blood was gradually concentrated and finally turned into a ball of pale red blood the size of a fist.

Grindelwald chuckled, Sean, sometimes you should understand that your teacher was known as the Dark Lord for a lot of time. This is something I can do.

However, traveling through time with such a huge source of magic power is not very good. So I have to disguise this thing.

Grindelwald rummaged through the ring and finally took out a bamboo shoot. Under the control of the wand, the blood slowly seeped into the bamboo shoot and slowly turned into a faint blood-red colored egg.

Grindelwald continued, However, this thing cant always be kept by my side. Im going to erase my memory about it and keep it somewhere. I can easily study this thing, and it may be used by myself at that time.

Maybe its better to put it in the place where the Qilin was found. But dont worry, without my magic spell, no one can use this cute little thing.

Sean, I entrust this task to you. Find this thing, give it to another me; the memory I left has a way of using the Qilins Blood. Given he is Grindelwald or myself, he could understand how to use it.

If it werent for being in memory, Sean would have wished to open his ring now to take a look.

After doing all this, Grindelwald smiled.

He looked at the space in front of him, Ive talked so much and done so much. What can I say next?

No one can guarantee the future. What I can guarantee is that I will do my best. I believe that the person standing here and hearing all this must be you, Sean.

Grindelwald seemed to want to say something but suddenly looked up at the ceiling with a big hole. His expression became serious, and there was a trace of sadness that Sean couldnt understand.

It seems that I cant talk to you anymore. Time to go back, Sean, the worlds fate is in your hands.

A violent boom was in the air, and the bright Great Hall suddenly became dark.

Sean turned his head suddenly. The surrounding scene is slowly fading, leaving only Grindelwalds last voice.

If everything becomes uncontrollable. Kill me, Sean. If that happens, remember to tell Albus.

Im sorry.

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