Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 385: “Preparation”

Chapter 385: “Preparation”

Sean raised his head from the pensieve, panting violently, and his eyes were full of shock.

What just attacked Hogwarts? Even if it was only a memory, Sean could feel a palpitating sense of oppression, as if the entire sky was about to be destroyed.

He even had the idea that it might be a nuclear bomb, but it was quickly dismissed.

If it has reached this point, Grindelwald must have a deep understanding of Muggles weapons, and he will not let this powerful weapon attack Hogwarts. Moreover, Sean discovered a very strange thing.

When he first came into memory, Grindelwald was tired and obviously like he had a big fight before. As far as Sean knew, Hogwarts had a certain ability to repair itself. This shows that before Grindelwald created the memory, the fight had just ended not long ago.

However, Sean only saw Grindelwald alone. No wizards walked outside the hall, and there were no other sounds that sounded like it was a battlefield.

This is not reasonable.

Sean leans towards another guess. Probably all of them were dead already, and the reason was because of the thing that hit Hogwarts in the end. That must be the key to Grindelwalds determination to travel through a hundred years.

Sean let out a long breath, and he looked up to make sure that his inspecting this memory did not cause the world to be disturbed. Then, he thought about the thing he got from this memory.

The most urgent problem right now is the worlds disturbance caused by Grindelwalds time travel, and he has a perfect solution for it.

Sean has to persuade the old and the real Grindelwald, extract their memories, give each other those things, and increase the real Grindelwalds magic power.

As for that thing.

Sean opened his ring, and not long after he blew a whistle, the airwing bird flew over with a red bamboo shoot tied to its tail. After taking it, Sean looked it over carefully.

Whether its the texture, the size, or the color, its exactly the same as the one he saw in the memory. It contains all the blood of two adult Qilins.

This was obtained from West, who was also named Newt. The expert in breeding magical animals who had a similar interest to Hagrid was Professor Scamanders assistant, Bunty Broadacres grandson.

Sean has taken a fancy to this thing since he blackmailed him, although he didnt know what it was for at the time. But it looks interesting, and Sean thinks that this is a very valuable thing.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be brought by Grindelwald when he traveled here. Grindelwald thought that only Sean could handle this, and it turned out that Sean really had the item before.

With this thing, he doesnt have to go East again. He needs to go to the place that Grindelwald gave him, where the old Grindelwald is hiding, and there is also a memory of the real Grindelwald at the bottom of the lake.

Thats how all the steps should be, assuming everything goes smoothly.

The two Grindelwalds extracted them, and the real Grindelwald drank the Qilins Blood to obtain the same magic power as the old Grindelwald so that the two could be the same.

According to the rules of time travel, it is necessary to wait until 1966, which is the time when Grindelwald traveled through time. As long as there is no problem, the world will be disturbed.

When everything is done, the time travel incident can be solved. Grindelwald doesnt have to be restrained by then.

Of course, there will be a new problem: the Broken Blood Pact.

Sean is most worried about when the two Grindelwalds merge into one and return to themselves. What will Dumbledore do later? And how will Grindelwald act later?

At the end of the memory, Grindelwald told Sean, If everything becomes uncontrollable. Kill me, Sean. If that happens, remember to tell Albus that Im sorry.

All this happened because of Grindelwald. According to his character, if killing him could solve the problem, then he would not hesitate in the slightest. This was something Sean could see later.

But that apology to Dumbledore made Sean feel bad. What happened to the two of them in the world before Grindelwald traveled through?

Sean looked towards the exit, finally got up quickly, and walked towards the wooden door. He had to talk to Dumbledore.

The corridors of Hogwarts at night were quiet, and Sean soon arrived in front of the principals office.

The gargoyle looked at Sean, and before he could speak, he said, If you want to guess the password for a long time, Ill hit you with my tool here. I warn you, dont look at me like that. I am a property of Hogwarts, and if you destroy school property, you will be punished!

Im joking with you. Besides, I dont want to try brute force. Is Professor Dumbledore there?

The gargoyle turned into a cold stone sculpture again, rolled its eyes after a while, and said honestly, The professor is not here.

Seans eyes twitched.

Oh, then I guess I just need you to send him a message.

An old voice can be heard, and the gargoyle jumps to the side. Dumbledore came out.

Professor, theres no need to always avoid me. Sean shrugged.

Dumbledore smiled helplessly, I have to, Sean. I hope you can understand.

After saying this, both of them fell silent. The gargoyle glanced at the two and finally decided to remain still and be a good statue. Sean wanted to ask about the Broken Blood Pact, but when he stood in front of Dumbledore, he didnt know how to speak.

Because it is Dumbledore and Grindelwalds business.

Sean didnt know how he should intervene, or in other words, what right he had to meddle in the affairs of these two people.

As Grindelwalds disciple or Dumbledores student?

Neither of them justifies it.

Dumbledore spoke first, Sean, did you find anything?

Sean nodded, I saw a memory

Before he could continue speaking, Dumbledore waved his hand, Dont tell me. Frankly speaking, Id better get involved a little less about all this. You should understand that when I see that memory

Dumbledore pointed to the sky, It has attracted more attention, so this is one of the reasons why I have been asking you to solve it. So far, you have done a good job, which makes me a little ashamed.

You dont have to say that, Professor. Sean shook his head.

I like to pretend to be humble like this so as to maintain my image. But what I said is indeed the truth. Dumbledore smiled.

Sean sighed and decided to clarify his purpose, Professor, I found a solution. I need that memory.

He saw that Dumbledores eyes lit up and said happily, Oh, thats amazing. You did a great job. Its faster than I thought. I put that memory in the principals office. The password for a while was, well, let me think.

Dumbledore clapped his hands, Just say Memory. When you need it, come and get it at any time.

Okay, note that, Professor.

Dumbledore nodded to him, Its time to end this pleasant conversation. Although it seems hypocritical for me to say this, I still have to mention that you have to go to bed. Minerva complained to me once that I put too much pressure on you, and you would even doze off in her classes.

Pay attention to the balance between work and rest. Dumbledore patted him on the shoulder, smiled, and walked towards his office.

Sean paused for a moment and said to Dumbledore, Professor, he asked me to bring you a message. He said that he was sorry.

Dumbledore didnt stop. He just waved his hand, signaling that he understood it. The gargoyle blocked his figure. Sean sighed, and the gargoyle called him when he was about to leave.

I dont think I should tell you this, but its not within the rules that Hogwarts I should abide say this. He has been away from the office for more than a year, and it is usually always late at night when he returns. Although it is strange to say this, but I can see that he is tired, and sometimes he doesnt even have time to change his robe.

Yeah, thats it. The gargoyle grumbled and returned to its cold characteristic.

Sean was startled, hesitated for a while, and then shouted towards the office, Professor, I have always believed that what you do is to make the world better. This is not a forced feeling, nor is it that I am testing you, but coming from myself truly, you have always been a trustworthy and respectable person.

After speaking, he strode away from here. The corridor was empty, and the moonlight shone through the cracks in the curtain. The gargoyle moved its face and blinked.

Oh, I forgot to say this; he asked me to say it after you leave. Thank you, Sean.


The Ministry of Magics restriction is still active. I regret to inform everyone that you will spend this Christmas holiday at Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall announced loudly.

The students let out sighs of disappointment that could not be concealed. In this situation, the owl communication has not been restored, and the Christmas holiday has been canceled.

Professor McGonagall adjusted her glasses and made her tone more gentle, I can understand everyones feelings, and Im sorry for that. All I can say to all of you is that may you have a pleasant Christmas holiday. Hogwarts will also give you the gifts you want. I hope everyone can understand that.

After announcing the news that they couldnt go home for Christmas, many students secretly approached Sean.

Sean, please. Several students begged Sean with letters.

The news that Sean could communicate with the outside world circulated during this period. Many students naturally hope that Sean can help send their letters.

Its easy, dont worry about it. Sean accepted their letter with a smile.

In fact, Sean was sure that the professors should also know that they have ways to contact the outside world. But they didnt say anything. Sean understands everyones desire to connect with their family and is willing to help them.

After meeting Hermione and Daisy, they also brought a pile of letters.

Sean, according to what you said. Anyone willing to contact their family members can help you with it, as many of them wanted to do the same. Hermione said while sorting out the letters.

Its alright, and its not a problem for me. Sean said with a smile.

What about you? Daisy blinked, Are you going out later?

Sean spread his hands, Am I that obvious?

Hermione and Daisy looked at each other, and they nodded.

Well, I do have to go out. But there is a problem that needs to be solved. Sean said helplessly.

He is going to use the Christmas holiday to go to the place where Grindelwald is hiding. But Sean found that he had been ignoring one point, which was also the most critical.

Grindelwald needs the Time Turner. Sean found that he had forgotten the most crucial link, the Time Turner.

All the Time Turners in the Ministry of Magic had been destroyed, and he had no way to go to the Department of Mysteries to find out if any intact Time Turners were left.

Grindelwald should have one, but Sean needs another to give the real Grindelwald.

This is a problem.

Sean contacted West during this period and confirmed that the egg was indeed from the birthplace of the Qilin. He asked about the Time Turner while at it, and he said that he had never heard of this thing since he was born.

The news that Sean asked Lupin to go to the black market of the wizarding world to inquire about resulted in the same: they dont have any Time Turner at this time.

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