Chapter 65: Entering Small Crow forest [Bonus Chapter]

Note: TQ "@CerberusX" for the Inspiration capsule. TQ "@Mathew_Trautman @Young_master7 @LotusLin @Mist_Immortal" for the Gold tickets. Please joy the bonus chapter.


While traveling on the fire Kirin towards the small crow forest, Kt took out the inscription and note left by Thea.

After reading the contts of the paper note, he felt surprised. The bronze inscription plate is a one-time usable defsive spell. It can hold the attack of a th-grade, elder-level magus. Kt felt guilty after knowing the worth of the bronze inscription.

"It is too expsive... Did she use all her savings to buy this one?" Kt muttered while thinking of defse inscription costs.

An elder-level defsive inscription costs a minimum of 30 gold coins. But Thea's salary is just 3 gold coins. Kt knows that Thea has be saving money since childhood without wasting coins like her classmates. But he never expected Thea to use all that money on him. At prest, 30 gold coins are just pea nuts to him, but it is heavy sum for Thea.

"Let it be... I can't give this back to her. Also, there is nothing wrong with taking money from my wife, as Grandma said. I just need to help her later to repay this." Kt muttered, placing the inscription carefully inside the Pegasus bracelet.

He almost reached the city outskirts, and the peripheries of the small crow forest are visible from a long distance. High in the clouds, Mohini is closely following Kt while riding on her pet Lambu, who took the shape of a silt bald eagle.

The small crow forest outer area, which is just three hundred meters, is a thorny forest. After the outer thorny forest, the inner area extds up to 3–4 miles, which is vast plains, and the inner area contains high-ranking beasts and one or two evolved beasts that were untamed as their commercial value is low.

The innermost core area is 6-7 miles and contains deadly killer beasts. As these deadly beasts are burrowing and aqua type beasts, capturing them became a hard task for beast tamers.

At prest, Kt's target is to cross the thorny outer area and practice his arrow spells on the outskirts of the inner area, where it is not difficult for him to defd the low-level beats.

As he approached the thorny forest area, Kt flew down to the g. Flying on the small crow forest area will attract the unnecessary atttion of several beasts... that's why he chose to cross the thorny area on foot.

"Master, this is the perfect time to help young Master Kt. What do you say?" Lambu asked Mohini while slowly descding.

"The young master seems to be fine. What help can we do now?" Mohini asked while staring at Kt, who is adjusting his combat shoes on the g.

"Master, what happed to your brain? Ev though this forest area is not a big problem for us, it will be detrimtal to young masters. His pet definitely attracts several predators. Why don't you accompany the young master and help him in training for the upcoming competition?" Lambu suggested, gritting his teeth in frustration.

"But we don't have a proper reason to approach him. What if he questions our presce in the forest?" Mohini asked, following closely behind Kt.

Lambu sighed in frustration. "Master, think of something. How about you change into an old lady and I change into a pig? You can say that you are taking me to feed inside the forest." Lambu suggested with a wise look.

"What?! No... I don't want to become an old woman." Mohini immediately rejected his advice with a serious look.

"Do you have any better plans?" Lambu questioned with a smug look.

After thinking for a while, Mohini didn't get any better ideas. With a sigh, she turned herself into an old woman by using a shape-shifting spell, and Lambu became a big, hairless, fat pig.

Turning her staff into a long stick, Mohini followed Kt in close distance while Lambu walked in front on his four paws.

Kt is walking on the usual path where people travel. For added safety, he kept Kirin inside his bracelet and took out his Victor bow.

The path is very narrow, and thorny bushes spread along the path. Just as he passed 0 meters inside the outer area, he countered small herbivorous beasts and big lizards. But they hurriedly ran away after seeing Kt.

"Oink… oink… oink…"

Suddly, Kt turned his head back and pointed his bow. He saw a large pig, which is almost reaching his waist height, walking towards him with a grumpy face. Kt drew the bow string, aiming at the pig.

But he did not fire instantly. Just as he was thinking of releasing the arrow, he saw an old woman walking behind the pig with the help of a stick.

He immediately called off his attack and waited for the old lady to approach him. Several thoughts ran through his brain as he stared at the old lady, who is definitely in the wrong place.

Ignoring Kt, the lady continued to walk forward, following her fat pig. Kt hurriedly reached the old lady, who is going inside the small crow forest.

"Grandma… Grandma… wait…" Kt reached her after checking his surings for any threats. "Where are you going? This is a dangerous forest." Kt said while he is wondering about what the old lady is doing here.

"Who is your grandma? Call me, madam." Mohini grunted with an uneasy look. "Also, I am a regular at this place. You are the foreigner. What are you doing here alone?" Mohini, maintaining the old voice, acted like she didn't care about Kt.

Kt continued to walk beside her while answering. "I came here to practice my spells. Don't worry... I live in the silver leaf city, and I won't do any harm to you. By the way, do you really know this place?" Kt asked curiously while moving his gaze from the old lady to the pig, which is making piggy noise.

In fact, Lambu is communicating with Mohini, while Kt thought it was noise. After hearing Lambu's suggestion, Mohini kept a serious face before speaking.

"Stop irritating me with so many questions. Just ask only one question. After that, I won't answer anything." Mohini replied in a nonchalant tone while walking at a steady pace.

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