Chapter 66: Attack my Pig

Kt took a long time to phrase his one question. In the beginning, he thought of knowing the old lady's backg. But after rational thought, he understood that it doesn't matter who she is, where he came from, or what she is doing here.

"Madam, are you powerful ough to survive in this forest?" Kt questioned after observing that the forest beasts were running away after seeing the old lady and her pig.

The old lady laughed with a smug smile before answering. "This forest is just a playg for me. Also, I know a perfect place where you can practice your spells without worrying about the forest beasts. So, follow me without asking any questions." Mohini replied, thinking of taking Kt to a safe place where she could use the opportunity to guide him.

Ev though Kt is a little doubtful about the old lady's caliber, he followed after seeing the confidce in her tone. Moreover, they already crossed the outer thorny forest area without any accidts. Kt felt more assured after seeing the powerful beasts running away with the pigs angry grunts.

"It seems like she knows this place well, and this pig is not normal. It's better I guard myself without relying completely on the old lady." Kt thought while carrying his Victor bow. Unlike before, he is not feeling the heaviness of the bow as his new muscular body is helping him to carry it without any discomfort.

Soon they crossed the outskirts of the inner area. Kt is feeling a bit of tsion as he counters several deadly beasts during their journey. But thankfully, they didn't ev dare look at the old lady or the fat pig.

"Madam, ar't we going a little deep?" Kt asked with a worried look.

"We are almost there. Don't worry, these kitts won't dare to take a step against her." Mohini replied while gazing at the pack of hyas, which began running away without looking back.

Just as Kt was thinking of going back, the lady came to a sudd stop. "This place is good. It has a lot of grass for my pig and a clean pond. Hey, piggy, joy the grass here and don't disturb my peace." The old lady said it in a loud tone while sitting on a big boulder.

After checking out the place, Kt felt satisfied with the vironmt a him. The pond is very large, occupying more than a mile of area. It is very suitable for testing all his spells.

First, he released the fire. Kirin should roam freely near the pond, as it can't stay inside the bracelet for longer. After making sure that everything was in order, Kt sat down in meditative posture to calm down his thoughts before practicing the spells.

Unlike combat rooms, this op forest area didn't have any target boards or tools to test his proficicy. All he can do is judge things with his naked eyes.

"Void breaker and Arcane bolt arrows are ough to fight any oppont in the tournamt. But to fight Mia, who is famous for her movemt technique, I need a unique spell that can restrict her movemt." Kt thought about assessing his winning chances in the upcoming tournamt.

Before learning a new spell, Kt stood up to practice the first two spells. As he stood up and drew the bow string, his aim wt into the cter of the large pond.

"Ard Ignis Telum"


A loud sonic boom rang, and all the beasts that were lurking a the pond area ran away in fear.

"As expected, my proficicy improved with my physique. But sadly, there are no target boards to check my proficicy." Kt muttered, preparing for the next attack.

Just as Kt released his next arrow, the old lady hurriedly stopped him by blocking with her stick.

"Hey boy, stop aiming at empty air. You are disturbing my peace with that loud noise." Mohini complained, hiding her motive.

"Th, where should I aim? All this is an empty forest area." Kt complained, calling off his attack.

"Attack my pig. He is strong ough to defd your attacks. Also, what's wrong with your technique? Your spell casting is pretty lame." Mohini commted with a dissatisfied look.

Kt didn't get angry or irritated after hearing her words. For a second, his gaze wt onto the pig, which was staring back at him with a wide, op mouth.

"Madam, do you know anything about archery? What's wrong with my skill?" Kt asked with a questioning look without dismissing the old lady, who is looking like a busy body.

"Hmmhh… What a headache! List carefully, boy, you are taking a full instance ( instance = seconds) to prepare your arrow spell. Your emy will casually drink tea and sleep before you release the arrow." Mohini replied while acting, saying she was extremely dissatisfied.

Kt fell into a thought after hearing her words. But to release an arrow spell, he needs to form an aura arrow first, and after that, the spell effect takes place. All this processing requires one instance.

"Madam, you seem to don't know about archery. We can't directly use spell attacks like a wand. I need to create an aura arrow first and use a spell on it. So, it will take the minimum duration. I can't change it." Kt replied in a casual tone, dismissing the old lady's remarks about his timing.

"Who the hell thought this to you? It seems like you didn't have a proper elder to teach you. Give me that bow, and I will show you." Mohini stretched her hand with a grim face.

Ev though Kt worried a bit about passing the bow, he passed it to the old lady. After receiving the bow, Mohini took the stance and drew the bow string. Ev though she is not an Arch-magus, she has basic proficicy in all the weapons, and she has se several high-level wars and competitions betwe Arch-magi's.

"Chak… Chak… Chak…"

Like a machine gun in modern day world, the arrows left continuously from the bow. They are all powerful spells.

Kt rubbed his eyes and stared at her hands. Sometimes she is not ev releasing the bow string. It all passed like a timelapse before him, and soon the large pond was filled with arrow spells.

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