The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 139: Training in the Land of medicine

Chapter 139: Training in the Land of medicine

The 3 medic ninjas entered Denjiru's home.

'Observe' Daichi quickly used the ability to get a read on him.

[?] [Denjiru]


'Wow. I can't read his level. So then this guy must be some kind of elite Jonin. Based on the wrinkles on his skin I'd say he's in his late 40s. And I can't sense his chakra presence.'

The lack of information from his observation skill and what he sensed or lack thereof had Daichi on his guard.

"I have to say. This is a surprise. I didn't expect to see you here Tsunade. Especially after the stunt you pulled with me." The man known as Denjiru spoke.

"Would you believe me if I said I felt sorry and wanted to see my old friend again?" Tsunade had a smile as she said that.

Denjiru didn't look amused. "No. I wasn't born yesterday..."

The Sannin sighed and then sat down on a nearby chair. "I'm looking for Shinji. Last time we spoke he said he'd be here. But it's been several years since then. And since you're his closest friend I figured you might know his exact location."

The blue haired man chuckled. "You're a year late if you're looking for Shinji here. He's gone. Since he was on borrowed time, he went to 'explore the world' as he said, about a year ago."

Tsunade slightly scowled as she heard that. "Damn. That man is like a chameleon. It'll be damn hard to find him once he disappears."

Nodding his head in agreement, Denjiru then turned to Shizune and Daichi. "I remember Shizune but who's the kid?"

Daichi stepped forward and introduced himself. "Hello sir, my name is Daichi Hekima. I'm Lady Tsunade's student."

The man raised an eyebrow at that and turned to look at the blonde haired woman. Tsunade just smirked and shrugged her shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Well I was here for Shinji but since that's a bust, I'll move on with my other plans. It was nice seeing you, Denjiru."

With those words Tsunade left with Shizune and Daichi following behind her.

"Who was that guy?" Daichi was curious about their relationship.

"He is someone I met a couple decades ago. He's a medic ninja. And a competent one at that. But he disliked the violent shinobi life and came here to live his life in peace."

"What was with the money you gave him, Lady Tsunade?" Shizune asked.

Tsunade had a sheepish expression as she replied. "I may or may not have duped him out of 400,000 Ryo and skipped town."

The two students just sighed at their master's antics.

The three soon found a decent Inn and settled down.

"Daichi. I had planned on having someone train you in special Taijutsu style but that plan is now scrapped. Along with your remaining medical training I'll be teaching you how to use my super strength. I'm sure you can incorporate it into your style."

Daichi nodded in agreement.

"For now, just explore the village. But don't cause any trouble."

"Yes sensei." With that Daichi left the place.

He looked around and saw several apothecaries. 'This place must have a treasure trove of information on herbs. I need to learn it all.'

Daichi then thought about the things he had to complete this year. 'I need to find a waterfall to complete the second step of the wind nature chakra. And if there isn't one, then I need to find a remote place and make one. I'll also need to find a dungeon. Getting to level 50 with one dungeon would be ideal but if not, I'll have to do a second one.'

He discreetly created a few clones and had them move around the village. After a while one of his clones found an ideal spot for completing the waterfall cutting step of his wind nature training.

Daichi explored the small village and returned to the Inn when it was nightfall. When he entered the room he was surprised to see Jiraiya there drinking with his teacher.

"Ah! Daichi. You're here. Tsunade was just telling me about you."

"Lord Jiraiya. You're here?"

"I just came to visit this place. Nothing much." Came the reply from the Toad sage.

"Mmhm." 'Yeah. A routine visit the day after we were attacked. Like I'd believe that.'

Daichi excused himself and went to his room. He freshened up and went to the balcony outside and looked at the sky. A few moments later Jiraiya joined him.

"You know, you, standing there looking at the stars like that you just reminded me of someone else." The man spoke to Daichi.

"May I ask, who?"

"My sensei of course. He had that look too when he gazed at the stars. As if there was something more there."

Both of them fell silent for a while.

"You've gotten a lot stronger since the last time we met." Jiraiya spoke looking at the boy.

"Thank you. That's a high compliment coming from someone like you."

"You did good, kid. I haven't seen Tsunade like this in a long time. She's a lot happier than she has been in a long time."

Daichi nodded and agreed with that sentiment. He saw that his teacher was drinking less and had a smile most of the time.

"Tell me something, have you ever considered learning the Sealing Arts?"

Jiraiya's question startled Daichi. The boy then folded his arms and thought about the subject. A moment later, he replied.

"Truth be told, yes. Learning the Sealing Arts has been on my mind for a while but it's not a high priority for me at the moment. I figured I'd start learning it a year or two after I became a Genin. And then master it in another couple years."

Daichi turned his head and looked at the Sannin next to him. "Why are you asking? Are you interested in having me as a student?"

Jiraiya looked at Daichi for a few moments and he had an unreadable expression. A few moments later, he sighed.

"The sealing arts isn't something one can master in a few years. It needs time, dedication and intelligence. But then again the same could be said for medical ninjutsu. And you completed it in one year. Something that should be impossible. So Maybe you can do it."

The man looked ahead and became quiet for a few seconds before continuing. "And to answer your question, No. I'm not interested in taking a student at this moment. No matter how much of a genius he is Good luck with your training Daichi."

Patting his back, Jiraiya left the place. Daichi stood on the balcony for sometime as well and soon went to bed.


The next day onwards his training resumed. Under Tsunade, Daichi had to learn about hundreds of different plants and their uses and how they would interact with other medical herbs.

His time was split learning about the herbs, how to concoct medicine as well as poisons, learning Tsunade's strength technique and completing his wind chakra nature training. He also had to spend time on his daily exercise and finishing up the academy assignments.

A few days later Kensei had also visited him. The man was furious when he learned what had happened, but after seeing that Daichi was alright he calmed down. He spent a week with his grandson and then left for the capital.

Kensei knew if he did something reckless in anger it could jeopardize the plans put in place. But that didn't mean he wasn't still angry. He redoubled his efforts and decided to find the spy in the hospital in the fire country.

The months went by and Daichi was making steady progress on his training.

[Congratulations. You have successfully trained a skill to its highest level.]

+500 Exp.

+75 Exp.

'Finally! I've completed it.'

Daichi finally completed the second step of the wind nature chakra. He opened the skill list and checked on the two skills.

[Wind - Leaf cutting technique] - (Active/Passive)(LV. MAX)

[Note: increasing the level of this skill will increase the level of the skill 'Wind Affinity.']


100% increase in Wind Chakra control.

[CP cost : 5/sec.]


[Wind - Waterfall cutting technique] - (Active/Passive)(LV. MAX)


200% Increase in Wind Chakra control.

300% Increase in power of Wind Chakra nature.

[CP cost : 18/sec.]

At that moment Daichi received another system message.

[You have mastered the two steps of all 5 chakra natures. The level of the 5 nature affinities has reached 90. You have received the New title 'Master of the Elements'.]

[New Title: Master of the Elements.]

[This title increases your chance of successfully creating Ninjutsu.]

[When CP reaches below 2000, all ninjutsu CP costs will be halved without any reduction in their effects.]

[Increase the level up speed of all Ninjutsu.]

Daichi read the new title effects and was impressed. 'Wow. Master of the elements huh. I like the sound of that. Increasing my chance of creating Ninjutsu and the level up speed This is a very useful title indeed.'

Daichi looked at the skill list and his eyes went to the different chakra affinity skills.

'Wind, Water, Earth, Fire and Lightning. All of them have reached level 90. In the description, it says I can only merge different elements that have crossed level 90 Hmm. So unless I start on the third step and increase the level of the skill to 91, I won't be able to combine natures to create new ones.'

Daichi had a frown on his face as he looked at the skills. 'But is it really that simple? Or is there something else?'

Daichi decided to work on creating and expanding his ninjutsu arsenal next year. His mind was focused on completing the tasks for the current year quest. Opening the ongoing quest, he looked at the main conditions needed to complete this year.

[Complete at least 1 Dungeon before the end of March next year.]

[Master at least 2 advanced Nature transformation skills.]

[Complete academic assignments before the final exam of this curriculum.]

[Reach level 50 before the end of next March.]

'I've completed one of the conditions. And I'll easily be able to finish my curriculum assignments by the end of the year. So my main task should be to reach level 50.' Daichi opened the status page and looked at his level.

Level : 48 (27145/61275)

'One dungeon might not be enough.'

At that moment Daichi thought about the one dungeon he hadn't gone into yet. 'Penalty dungeon But that's supposed to be a punishment dungeon. Landing in that place doesn't mean the quest has failed. But will I be able to gain experience there? And moreover I have no idea what kind of place that's going to be or the enemies I'll face? So should I risk it?'

Thinking over it for a few minutes, Daichi made a decision. 'I'll complete one key dungeon. And if it's still not enough I'll use the penalty dungeon.'

With his next move planned, Daichi left the training ground.


Tsunade took Daichi to the two other villages situated in the Three Wolves Mountain Range and taught him the different medicines and herbs growing in and around the villages. At Tsunade's request, Denjiru joined in teaching Daichi about the plants growing there.

Even with Daichi's exceptional memory, it took a long time for him to learn the different plants and the various methods needed to synthesize an antidote or poisons from the plants.

Tsunade was amazed at Daichi's ability to store a seemingly infinite amount of knowledge in his head. 'There are over 1000 herbs around these mountains and many of them need unique ways to be synthesized. Add in the different combinations of various herbs to create complicated medications, it's a massive headache. And he was able to learn all of that in just several months even while training and concentrating on his other tasks. Even I remember only about half of all that. And it took me years and complete dedication to learn all that Information.'

By the end of December Daichi completed his medical training at the land of Medicine. He received a new notification when he completed the training.

[Skill effects related to identifying herbs, creating antidotes and poisons, creating various pills and healing using medicines have increased to 100%]

Several medical skills leveled up and reached the Max level at that moment and Daichi received around 3000exp.


Daichi looked at the dungeon key in his hand. 'Here I go. My sixth dungeon.'

In a flash he disappeared from his spot.


Author's Note:

I'll complete the dungeon business in just 1 chapter and after that Daichi will return to the capital.

And the long awaited graduation is coming.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)

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