The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 140: 6th Dungeon

Chapter 140: 6th Dungeon

The moment he entered the dungeon, the various Titles activated and the quest to complete the dungeon popped up. Accepting the quest and without wasting a second, Daichi turned off his gamer's mind and prepared himself by sending chakra throughout his body.

With all his senses alert, Daichi cautiously moved through the Rocky jungle. The terrain was intermingled with hard black rocks and thick trees and vines hanging low.

'Rokugan's Domain. That's the name of this dungeon. And I have 187 enemies to kill. The dungeon key was white. So my enemies would only have a +5 or -5 level difference. But that doesn't mean I should let my guard down.'

Moving through the dungeon, it wasn't long before he found his first enemy. A large gray wolf with sharp claws and red eyes was staring at him with great aggression.

"Awooo.." The wolf howled and the next second it dashed towards the boy.

Daichi used 'observe' and analyzed his first enemy. 'A level 46 enemy huh. And it can even use chakra attacks? Have to be careful.'

Easily evading the enemy due to the large difference in their speed, Daichi observed the beast's attack style.

Seeing his prey escape, the wolf growled in anger. At that moment Daichi sensed chakra rising in the beast. The gray wolf pounced on the boy much faster than before. Daichi evaded without any injuries but his eyes widened at what happened the next second.

The wolf's thick fur moved on its own. The fur on the whole body became sharp and took the form of needles. This transformation only took a second and in the next, the needle-like fur was launched from the wolf's body directly aimed at Daichi.

The fast, sharp like needles tore through Daichi but the next second Daichi exploded in a splash of water.

The wolf's ears twitched and it jumped to the side, avoiding the lightning shuriken Daichi sent at it. But the next second it felt ninja wire wrap around its body. Sharp Wind blades and small rapid fire balls bombarded its body, quickly reducing it to smoke.

+500 Exp.

+75 Exp.

[Enemy Killed: 01/187]

At that moment a skill that hadn't worked till now was activated.

[Plunderer skill activated.]

[Piercing Needle Hair jutsu is plundered. Would you like to acquire this skill?]



[Piercing Needle Hair Jutsu (Active)LV. 01: By running chakra through the hair the user can increase its sharpness and strength and then launch the hair at the enemy like projectiles.]

[Rank: C.]

[Type: Ninjutsu.]

[Hand seals: Dog - Hare - Snake - Ram]

[CP Cost: ]

Daichi smiled as he read through the description. 'I was starting to think the plunderer skill would never activate. Guess I needed some Luck Needle hair huh. Seems similar to the one Jiraiya uses. Could come in handy. And it seems the CP cost is negligible.'

With defeating the first enemy and obtaining a new skill Daichi moved forward with his hunt in a good mood.

Even though the enemies in this dungeon were low in level when compared to the other dungeons, this one had both beasts and ninjas. Daichi on occasions encountered large wolves and ninjas who fought the boy together.

Landing on the surface of a large river, Daichi blurred through hand-seals.

'Water style - Water dragon Shockwave.'

A large water dragon emerged out of the river and crashed into where the enemies were. The large wolf was caught by the water jutsu but the dungeon ninja escaped. Daichi, anticipating the move, made another hand seal and several tendrils of water shot out the blue dragon with bullet speed. The small but powerful water tendrils pierced through the dungeon ninja and finished him off.

Experience acquisition points and enemy kill count notifications kept popping up but before Daichi could check it out he sensed movement from behind.

Daichi sensed the rise in temperature and body flickered away from the spot just in time to watch blue fire rain down on the lake.

'Well now this is interesting.' The gamer ninja sensed the presence of more enemies gathering and surrounding him.

'I've gotten a lot stronger. I need to increase my Indomitable stat and Persistence stat and if I run away and heals myself to max that won't happen. I should take the risk and fight all of them.'

Deciding to make a bold move Daichi created several shadow clones and they in turn created a few water clones. With his large reserves and faith in the proficiency of his medical jutsu, Daichi began battling them head on.

While the water clones provided distractions, the shadow clones used genjutsu and ninjutsu on their foes. Daichi was in the middle of a hand to hand combat with three level 50 ninjas.

The boy blocked the incoming punch and concentrated chakra to his other fist. Within a second he punched the ninja in the chest and instantly released the chakra upon contact.

The force of Daichi's punch coupled with the powerful chakra destroyed the opponent instantly. It also created a powerful whirlwind that forced the other two shinobi to back off.

'So that's what using Tsunade's strength technique on someone would look like. If he hadn't been made of smoke, it'd be raining blood and guts everywhere. I need to be careful when using it in the real world.'

Daichi sensed several shuriken and fireballs headed his way. With a quick hand seal a powerful wall erupted out of the ground and shielded him. Daichi suddenly jumped high into the air and used chakra strings to swing himself away from the incoming attacks from below the ground and in the air.

Daichi landed on the ground and two ninjas appeared on both sides. Both ninjas rushed at him and Daichi expertly evaded their strikes. He blocked a kick with the palm of his hand and grabbed the limb. With a fast swing he used the ninja as a bat and attacked the other foe, sending them both tumbling into the ground.

Before they could recover Daichi was above them with a Rasengan in both hands.

'Double Ransengan.' Daichi expertly struck the enemy's body and unleashed the attack.

The two blue orbs of chakra grinded into the enemy. Its power was such that it cracked and destroyed the ground they were on.

[Enemy Killed. ]

[Enemy Killed. ]

His clones cast genjutsu and ninjutsu on the other enemies but defeating them was a slow process.

At that moment a new enemy appeared and challenged the boy. As Daichi began fighting with his next opponent, the ninja dropped a small ball which exploded into green smoke enveloping Daichi and the ninja.

[Foreign toxin detected.]

[Mental instability detected.]

[Gamer's Body has neutralized the Toxin.]

For a few seconds Daichi felt as if he was walking through a thick fog. His mind felt hazy and unfocused but it only lasted a few seconds.

After his body rejected the toxins, Daichi quickly regained his mental faculties.

'What the hell just happened?'

At that moment the enemy slashed Daichi and left a small wound in his arm.

"Ghaa Bastard."

A clone of Daichi came and stood between him and his enemy and bought Daichi the time needed to heal himself.

Weaving a few seals, Daichi's hand glowed green and he immediately healed the wound.

'I need to find out what happened.' Narrowing his eyes, Daichi rushed at the enemy ninja and the clone joined him.

Both sent fast precise attacks but made sure not to use lethal force. The pressure from both Daichi forced the dungeon ninja to jump back and take another ball from his pouch.

Seeing what he was looking for, Daichi rushed forward and caught the enemy's hand before he could drop the smoke bomb. Seeing the objective completed, Daichi's clone sent several chakra powered strikes and reduced the enemy to oblivion.

Daichi looked at the small ball in his hand. He needed to know what this thing was.


[Hallucinogen bomb: This smoke bomb is created by mixing hallucination inducing drugs made from the plants found around the Three Wolves Mountain Range. Once exploded it creates a green smoke that can cause varying sensory experiences that appear real but are created by the mind. Effects of the smoke depends on the person and their physique. Will be weak against those with a strong constitution. The targets will experience different hallucinations depending on their psyche and circumstances.

Recipe for creating this drug is given below.]

Daichi was amazed as he read the information.

'So that's how. I remembered Tsunade telling me that different herbs and plants can be used to concoct certain psychedelics. I didn't expect to see it in such a real world application so soon and not to mention here in this dungeon of all places.'

Sensing an enemy trying to get a shot at him, he didn't waste anymore time thinking about the smoke bomb in his hand. Storing it in his inventory, he jumped away from his spot.

Daichi saw the enemy take out a sword and enter a stance.

Taking his daggers out, Daichi rushed and crossed blades with his next opponent.

Daichi coated his blades with wind and lightning chakra. Due to his master of the natures he was able to extend the range of his attacks mid swing and injure the swordsman.

The dungeon ninja coated his blade with chakra and rushed at Daichi. At the last second he changed planes and instead of a swing he threw the sword directly at Daichi's face.

Daichi tilted his body to the side and avoided the sharp blade. At that moment he saw the enemy going through several seals. The ninja's fingers became coated with wind chakra and as Daichi looked closer he could see that it was in the shape of small blades.

The ninja attacked Daichi with fast, deadly precise strikes, but due to Daichi's high stats he was able to avoid lethal injuries. He was still wounded due to battling in close contact but Daichi was dealing more damage to the enemy than he was to him.

Before long the opportunity presented itself and Daichi was able to get behind the enemy and plunge his blades deep into his opponent.

Landing several vital strikes, the enemy vanished in a smoke.

[Plunderer skill activated.]

[Wind style - Drilling Wind Jutsu is plundered. Would you like to acquire this skill?]


'Yes, yes, most definitely a yes.'

[Wind style - Drilling Wind Jutsu - Active(LV.1): The user circulates chakra around the fingers and converts them into sharp miniature wind blades. These blades act as fast spinning drills capable of piercing through even some of the toughest materials. A close range jutsu capable of drilling through even rocks and concrete.]

[Rank: B]

[Type: Ninjutsu]

[Hand Seals: Bird - Ox - Hare - Ram.]

[CP Cost: 170/5 Drills.]

[Note: Only those who have mastered the second step of the Wind chakra nature training can use this jutsu without sustaining self injury.]

'Not a bad jutsu.'

Daichi then looked at the Mini Map and saw that the dungeon occupants were converging on his point. It was due to the Ninjutsu and the occasional explosions happening around the battlefield.

'Time to see how long I can battle without rest.' Daichi readied himself with great determination.

As each ninja and beast wolf appeared, Daichi would battle them without stopping. He focused on limiting his chakra use and landing precise strikes to quickly kill his enemies.

'I need to learn to conserve chakra and fight for longer periods and more opponents without slowing down.'

Daichi's plunderer skill activated a couple more times, but the skills that popped up were ones he already had. So he rejected them.

Over 6 hours went by with Daichi fighting his enemies nonstop. His entire body was covered in sweat, grime and blood. Although no wounds were present due to his healing. His clothes were ragged and torn in several places.

Daichi was having a hard time even breathing. 'Over 160 enemies. And fighting all of them without a break So this is my current limit huh'

Daichi discreetly took out a small round ball from his inventory. He remembered the day he gathered the ingredients and made that ball.

[Special Food Pill: A nutrition pill created by Daichi Hekima. It was created by concentrating the essence of several nutritional plants and proteins in very specific ratios. The pill is created in such a way that it is quickly absorbed into the body and immediately provides energy for the user. This pill is capable of restoring 20000 CP, 8000 HP and 10000 SP.]

[Note: Taking more than one within an hour of each can cause temporary negative side effects. The more taken, the more negative side effects the body suffers.]

Quickly tossing it in his mouth, Daichi chewed the special food pill and a second later he swallowed it. The boy felt the stamina and chakra in his body rise.

He had a mad grin as he looked at the last few enemies standing in his way. "Let's end this"

The final round began. Concentration chakra to his whole body and using body flicker and sprint skill he vanished from his spot.

Daichi was like a specter appearing within the ranks of the enemy and killing one before disappearing the next second. He kept pushing himself and due to his great speed, terrain adaptability and vicious attacks, he was able to finish off the ninjas even though they tried hard to defend themselves.

The last remaining dungeon ninja jumped high in the air but it couldn't stop Daichi's assault.

Daichi cut the ninja up in mid air with dozens of strikes in a couple seconds.

+750 Exp.

+112.5 Exp.

[Enemy Killed: 186/187]

'One more to go.'

When Daichi safely landed on the ground his senses immediately alerted him to something coming at him at great speed. Before Daichi could escape, a blow struck his back sending him flying forward.

Daichi gritted his teeth in pain for a second but quickly regained his composure. He controlled his body and safely landed on the ground.

When Daichi took a look at his attacker, "What the fuck is that?" he couldn't help but exclaim out loud.

It was a large wolf with three tails, and wings. It had dark red fur with white streaks. Daichi could see the sharp teeth sticking out of its maw.


[52] Rokugan

HP: 7000 CP: 6500

[The strongest beast and the ruler of the dungeon. Immune to genjutsu and is capable of using ninjutsu. His body is much stronger than normal. Due to its wings, it can move at great speeds. Despite its average level its strength is far above normal. It wants to kill the intruder that barged into its domain and killed its pack.]

Suddenly a strong gust of wind struck Daichi forcing him to steady himself lest he get swept away. The next instant the beast was in front of him and slammed its tails into Daichi's chest.

The boy crashed through a few trees and skipped through the ground a few times before he was able to stop himself.

'Owww That was a serious blow. The 'observe' skill was right. It's a lot stronger than it looks. And that saying something looking at its fearsome appearance.

Daichi suddenly sensed the beast about to land on top of him and moved away.

Creating clones to be his back up, Daichi resumed his last battle in this dungeon.

The wolf launched several ninjutsu attacks at Daichi and was swift enough to avoid some of clone Daichi's long range attacks. The real Daichi attacked the beast with just as much ferocity as it showed when attacking him.

The battle between man and beast continued with both sides slowly wounding each other.

'That thing is shielding its body from my more powerful jutsus with those wings. I need to disorient this thing and cut at least one wing off. Or kill it if I get the chance.'

Daichi created 3 clones and came up with a plan. Deliberately letting a claw strike his body, Daichi was able to quickly grab and hold on to the leg. Killing Intent poured out of Daichi the next instance and it froze the beast.

The next second it took a powerful super strong uppercut to the jaws that rattled its brain. Two Daichi clones appeared at that moment to take advantage of the disorientation. They came at both sides of its head and also landed a Rasengan each.

The last clone came from high above ground and pierced the body of the dungeon boss all the way through with a longsword and wind chakra running through it.

A second later the beast fell to the ground.

[Enemy Killed: 187/187]

"It's over." Daichi, tired and exhausted, fell backwards and hit the ground. Within a few moments he was asleep.


Author's Note:

Graduation exam coming soon. I'll try to update faster.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)

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