The Bodyguard System

Chapter 65: A Favor

Two people were actually intding to kill him? But no matter how much he was reluctant to die, he was not capable of reacting, considering that the distance betwe him and the two waiters wasn't that big. And so, in just a matter of about seconds, they had already covered the distance betwe them.

Wilson wanted to resist, but against the speed of the two waiters, it was impossible for him to be able to do that. In the d, he could only watch helplessly as the two of them appeared in front of his eyes, while brandishing the knives that they were holding in their hands.

But just as the two knives were about to connect with Wilson, one heading for the neck, while the other heading for the left chest, something else happed. Out of nowhere, two plates suddly flew towards the two people.

At that momt, the expressions of the two main shifted. Without hesitation, they abandoned the attack that they had launched, and raised their hands in order to block the plates that were about to hit them.

Bang! Clank!

The two plates collided with the hands of the two that had be raised into the air. In the next momt, the two plates broke into pieces, before a few pieces fell onto the g. At the same time, the two waiters retreated.

Still, the momt that they managed to stabilize themselves, one of them rushed towards Wilson, still intding to kill him. On the other hand, the other one looked towards the source of the plate, only to realize that the plate had come from Jad.

Currtly, the two of them had already be washed up with food. They were lucky that the food was not steaming hot. Otherwise, they would have definitely be boiled by the food. Nevertheless, the clothes that they were wearing had already be stained brown by the food and soup.

Previously, Jad had already be keeping an eye on the two of them. So, the momt that the two of them decided to act, Jad acted as well. Having already realized that it was going to be impossible for him to be able to arrive before Wilson, and block the path of the two before the two waiters arrived, he decided to use another strategy.

Grabbing the two plates of food in front of him, he used his full strgth and threw them at the two waiters. He made sure to control his movemts, making sure that the food did not spill on Wilson.

Due to the power and speed at which the two plates were flying over, the two waiters had no choice but to deal with them. Otherwise, they were going to be killed before they could ev manage to land an attack on Wilson, considering that the two plates were heading for their heads.

The momt that he managed to force the two of them to retreat, Jad pushed the chair that he was previously seated on behind, before jumping on top of the table. The momt that one of them rushed towards Wilson once again, Jad stomped onto the table lightly, before jumping towards Wilson.

At this momt, Wilson had already reacted the momt that the two waiters had be forced to retreat. So, he was quite a distance away from the two waiters. And so, it was quite easy for Jad to be able to arrive in front of Wilson before the waiter.

The momt that he arrived in front of Wilson, the waiter had already arrived in front of him. Jad immediately raised his hand, before grabbing the hand that was approaching him with a knife, with the inttion of stabbing him in the eye.

Using his full strgth, immediately after grabbing the hand that was holding the knife, Jad twisted it. In the next momt, with a small scream, the waiter dropped the knife onto the g.


At the same time, the sound of cracking of bones could be heard within the room. The hand that Jad was grabbing was brok the momt that he exerted his strgth.

The waiter was forced to kneel onto the g due to the pain that he was undergoing. Nevertheless, the other waiter attacked in the next momt, forcing Jad to release the hand of the other waiter.

In the face of the kick that was heading his way, Jad simply raised his hand, before pushing the leg upwards. Due to the momtum that the kick had approached him with, it was able to easily fly past above his head.

The momt that the attack had be dealt with, Jad stomped onto the g with his left leg. In the next momt, he was in the air, and a drop kick was st towards the waiter who was still trying to regain his balance after missing the attack.


The attack landed on the waiter, directly on the shoulder. The waiter had previously tried dodging, which abled him to evade the attack that was about to land on his head, to land on his shoulder. But ev th, cracking sounds could be heard, considering that several bones were immediately brok.

The momt that Jad landed onto the g, the waiter that had be attacked was already sprawled onto the g. He was struggling to move away from Jad. As for the other waiter that had be dealt with before, the guy had not giv up on completing the mission, which was killing Wilson.

The guy had managed to grab the knife with his left hand, and was just about to charge at Wilson despite the pain that he was expericing at the momt. But before the guy could ev take two steps forward, a kick suddly landed on his chest.

The guy was st flying backwards, and collapsed onto the g about a meter behind. At this momt, several of his chest bones had already be fractured.

Scarlet on the other hand had also realized the momt that the two waiters took action. Since she was being atttion to them, she was able to notice that easily. The only problem was the fact that her reaction was quite late.

By the time that she was reacting, Jad had already acted, and the two waiters were forced backwards. In the next momt, Jad wt ahead to deal with the two waiters.

Scarlet on the other hand decided to go and stay next to Wilson. This was just in case one of the two waiters managed to act and reached Wilson. It was clear that currtly, the target of the two waiters was Wilson.

Jad wt ahead and beat the two up until they were knocked unconscious. He did not want to kill any of them, considering that it was important for information to be extracted from them. After all, they had to know who it was that had st them here.

During the tire ordeal, Wilson was shocked. Since he was the direct target of the two waiters, he was the one that expericed the most fear. Still, he was capable of maintaining his composure, despite facing the danger of death just a few seconds ago.

He was Immediately relieved after Jad took care of the two of them. By the time that the security of the hotel arrived here, he would have already died. So, he really appreciated Jad's assistance.

Looking at the two unconscious waiters on the g, Wilson became solemn. He understood that the hotel was no longer as it was before. For these two waiters to be able to reach the VVIP room, it was clear that they had be inside this hotel for quite a while.

Before anybody was employed by this hotel, a thorough investigation about them would be carried out. So, it was impossible for this hotel to be employing anybody that belonged to an emy.

So, it was clear that the two of them had be bought over rectly. Additionally, they were quite skilled considering the ability that they had during the time that they were attacking. It was clear that they were definitely not ordinary people.

Still, this was something that was not within the information that had be collected about them during the time that they were being hired. After all, completely differt from Jad who was well investigated as he was going to be guarding Scarlet, the waiters were completely differt.

Simple information about them was ough, and there was no need for them to dig deeper into their backg. So, the fact that the two of them knew how to fight was not something that Wilson and those that were in charge of recruiting the hotel staff members were in the know of. At least, that was what Wilson thought.

Shifting his gaze from the two, Wilson looked at Jad and said, "Thank you for saving my life. I do owe you a favor."

Jad responded with a nod. Of course, he was not going to refuse the favor. At the d of the day, it was not as if it was his responsibility to sure Wilson's safety. So, by saving him, Jad had indeed done him a big favor.

One might say that since he was a bodyguard, he was supposed to protect Wilson. But one would have to understand that Jad was Scarlet's personal bodyguard. To him, all that mattered was Scarlet's safety, and nothing else.

Wilson took a deep breath, before looking towards the trance. At this momt, several people rushed into the room. They were all dressed up in black uniform. It was clear that they were part of the security of the hotel. Each and each one of them was carrying a baton in their hand.

The momt that they arrived, they were left speechless wh they realized that everything about Wilson and the two visitors was okay. It was just that the two people that had be attacking before were currtly on the g.

"I'm sorry boss. We were late." A middle-aged man wearing a black cap stepped forward and said apologetically.

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