The Bodyguard System

Chapter 66: Jaden's Suspicions

"I'm sorry boss. We were late." A middle-aged man wearing a black cap stepped forward and said apologetically.

Having already composed himself, Wilson waved his hand and said, "There's no problem with that. I want you to carry out investigation about the idtities of these two people. And by investigation, I mean that you have to carry an in-depth investigation on them.

I want to know who they are, where they come from, who their parts are, who their siblings are, who their grandparts are, ev the great great grandparts have to be known."

The captain of the security guards of the hotel could not help but feel cold sweat accumulating on his forehead. He understood that Wilson was somebody who never liked nonsse. He was always stringt with the rules wh it came to the managemt of the hotel.

And right now, somehow, two people had managed to sneak into the VVIP rooms of the hotel, and ev attempted to kill somebody. Ev though the target this time was not Scarlet, but still, the target was other than Wilson himself.

Scarlet was prest. That implied that if there was a chance, the two waiters in disguise would have definitely killed her as well. If something like that happed, the captain did not know what would happ to them.

"Yes sir. We will immediately deal with the matter. We should be able to give you results within 4 hours." Irrespective of his thoughts, he immediately responded. At this momt, he had already decided that no matter what, he would have to carry out the investigation as required.

It was a good thing that the rest of the group did not know about the idtity that Scarlet possessed. Otherwise, they would definitely be completely scared at this momt.

"You have hours. Within hours, use all the connections and resources that are required to find out about the idtities of these two people. Additionally, try and find any backg or anybody that is supporting them from behind. It is impossible for them to suddly come over and attack without a reason." Wilson responded with an authoritative tone.

"Yes sir." The captain replied. Th in the next momt, he gave an order and four of his subordinates wt ahead and grabbed the two people that were still unconscious on the g. Th, they dragged them out of the room.

As they were leaving, the captain made sure to apologize once again. They were supposed to be able to act on time in case of an attack. But they had never expected that there was going to be an attack on the VVIP rooms. And for that reason, the response was extremely slow, and they were just lucky that the two waiters had be tak care of.

As for who it was that had tak care of them, they were only left with assumptions. They were not sure who among the three of them had done that, but they believed that among the three of them, there was definitely somebody with the capabilities of dealing with them.

After the security guards left, Wilson released a sigh of relief. He believed that the captain would be capable of taking care of this issue for now. But still, he would have to report the matter to Clifford.

Blue Seal hotel was a very important asset of the Johnsons. So, since the emy was able to infiltrate it, that implied that there was definitely a possibility of another person from the emy camp being within the hotel, or being capable of getting inside again.

Still, Wilson suspected that there was somebody else that was related to the two of them within the hotel. Otherwise, it was definitely impossible for them to be able to know where he was, for them to come over ready to attack the momt that they were delivering food.

Of course, he could not rule out the fact that they might have be informed to serve the food, and what informed about whom they were going to serve the food too. Still, he was inclined to believe that there was somebody else that was collaborating with them.

Thinking on that, he realized that it was going to be more dangerous for Scarlet to continue staying here. So, looking at her, he said, "You will have to go home for now. Things are getting more dangerous. This time, they did not target you, but instead, they targeted me. The next time, they might target you. And if they do that, things will definitely get nasty."

Scarlet was not surprised about that. Despite the fact that she did not like much about things related to business, that did not imply that she was clueless. After all, ev the course that she was doing in the university was related to business anyway.

So, she understood that there was a dispute betwe her family and the Williams. And it seemed that the Williams were getting more and more restless. So, they had already begun using some drastic measures such as this.

Still, she possessed some confidce that they were not going to be able to deal with her. So, she pointed at Jad and said, "You don't have to worry that much uncle. With Jad by my side, I do believe that it is going to be impossible for them to be able to succeed. After all, they have already tried several times, but they have failed."

Of course, Scarlet was simply exaggerating about being attacked several times wh it had only be once wh she was directly targeted. The reason behind that was simply because she did not want to be bound within the residce once again.

Wilson could not help but raise his brows a little. She had already be attacked multiple times? Why was it that Clifford never told him about that? He understood that she had be attacked once, but this was new considering that the part that she was attacked several times was not included in the information that Clifford had giv him.

Thinking much about it, it was not as if Clifford had to tell him everything about what had happed. And since Scarlett was currtly safe and sound, there was no need to pay much atttion to each other than dealing with the Williams as soon as possible.

Th, Wilson turned to look at Jad. He could not help but exclaim in his heart about how amazing Jad was. Despite his young age, the capabilities that he possessed were definitely top notch. It was no wonder Clifford had hired Jad.

"Alright now. You don't have to continue lingering a. I am going to carry out investigation on the subordinates of the hotel, and before I find the results, or sure that the hotel is completely safe, I do hope that you would not come over.

Otherwise, it is going to be quite difficult to sure your safety if many people attack at the same time." Wilson stated with an expression of worry on his face.

Scarlet understood that Wilson was worried about her. In any case, the relationship betwe the two of them was very good. So, she simply nodded her head in agreemt.

Scarlet and Jad th wt ahead and left the hotel, before they wt to the parking lot and got into the Ferrari f8 spider. Wilson on the other hand immediately acted, and began making calls for the investigation to be carried out.

The momt that Jad and Scarlet got into the vehicle, Jad could not help but frown as he looked outside the car. He could see that there was something unusual. Completely differt from the vehicles that looked luxurious, there were a few vehicles that looked completely out of place.

They consisted of jeeps, and they were currtly parked in a position that they would be able to leave at any momt. Wh he noticed that, Jad immediately realized that there was definitely something wrong about the vehicles.

Scarlet did not know anything about that, and was prepared to start driving. But it was at that momt that she suddly heard her phone ringing.

She picked up the phone that she had already placed on the dashboard the momt that they got back into the car before looking at the caller id. She could not help but be slightly surprised wh she realized that it was her father who was calling.

Clifford rarely called her. Despite the fact that the relationship betwe the two of them was not strained in any way, still, it was Clifford's personality. He loved her, that was something that she was sure about. But still, he would only call wh necessary.

She wt ahead and picked the call. "Hello dad."

"How are you Scarlet? I have just be informed that there was an attack in the Blue Seal hotel. Are you injured?" Clifford asked in a concerned voice.

"Not really. I was not ev the target of those too. Still, with Jad a, they were easily tak care of. So, you don't have to worry. I'm okay. I'm just about to come back home after I am done with something that I want to handle." Scarlet responded.

"That's good to hear. Still, I would like you to avoid the areas that are scarcely populated. Make sure to mostly visit the areas that possess a huge population." Clifford instructed seriously.

"There's no problem with that. The thing that I wanted to deal with is located in a mall. So, you don't have to be much worried about that because I'll be in an area with many people. Additionally, Jad is here with me." Scarlet responded as she cocked her head to the left.

While Scarlet was communicating with Clifford, Jad was still paying atttion to those vehicles. But it was at that momt that suddly, a prompt appeared in front of him.

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