Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 836 The Shogun [I]

His aura has changed, and yet, he still retains that little form that is his first phase. Once we have destroyed a lot of his health bars, then the next phase will begin, a total of 3 phases.

"Damn, be careful. Although he doesn't look like it, he is much more dangerous than his lackeys. Definitely the challenge we are looking for," even Queen Tanya who wanted to rush forward immediately didn't do so and waited for a good opportunity to strike.

"What now? Are we just going to stare at each other, doing nothing?" the shogun chuckled. His voice seems to have gone a lot deeper than it used to be and it seems like it produces some sort of echo.

He hurl a dark ball and I immediately recognized that one.


The two didn't think twice and dodged away from it. I also dodge away from it, causing it to hit the nearby pillar. The moment it landed on the pillar, the pillar didn't explode to pieces or has been blown by smithereens. Instead, it melted like plastic melting from the heat.

"Holy sh*t... corrosive magic?! Tsk, this isn't good," Queen Tori clicks her tongue the moment she realized the enemy has corrosive attacks.

"Nice, it seems this f*cker is not just all talk after all," Queen Tanya grinned and immediately launched herself to fight and released a volley of punches.

But all of those punches were immediately blocked by the shogun by matching up the speed of Queen Tanya's punches and blocking all of them using his palm. All of Queen Tanya's punches are not even landing at all, making her attacks close to useless.

While the shogun is busy defending the punches of Queen Tanya, I snap my fingers and a streak of lightning appeared above the Shogun before it struck him causing him to fall over. However, it barely damaged him seeing he stood up immediately. Still, that is enough proof that he can still be attacked properly and not all attacks can be blocked by him.


The hooded bard nodded before she started blowing her flute. Although we couldn't hear anything from the music that she is playing, it is easily seen that she is indeed playing some music as the flute is releasing a  physical form of music notes, indicating she is currently using a bard spell.

I am not too familiar with the Bard Class. I have seen them fight before but I barely have info on them. In the last timeline, the Bard Class is released alongside Hexer and Reaper classes but if you compare the usage of the latter two compared to the former, it is clear that many of those who want to change classes would rather pick either of the latter two and ignore the former. From what I heard, the big reason why there are so few Bard players is due to the amount of offensive and better support classes.

Existing players are not that incited to also change class as they have already accustomed to their latest playstyle while those who decided to change class, just choose the Hexer or the popular Reaper class. Those who choose the Bard class are either musicians, players who want to hone their abilities in playing instruments and playing music, or those who have zero knowledge of music but wanted to learn. In short, they are a very rare sight back then.

The bard right now continuously played whatever music she was playing. Soon, I can feel the danger levels of the Shogun increase and the threat he bares from us is also increasing as well. It seems whatever the bard is playing right now, it must be a buffing song.I think you should take a look at

I didn't wait for the buff to take full effect and immediately tried to attack the bard by shooting the Pain Delivery in her direction. I was expecting her to immediately die or the Shogun blocks it but to my surprise, the bullet stopped midair. It didn't manage to land on anything and it didn't land to the intended target. It just stopped midair, got crushed by some solid, invisible wall, and fell to the floor.

"Damn, so she had some kind of barrier that prevents attacks from passing through huh? Very classic," I shook my head before returning my focus to the Shogun.

I swing my sword to the Shogun, intending to cut him down, but the shogun immediately blocked the sword with his hands. I immediately realized he just solidified his hand and made some sort of solid spike on his hands, making an alternative weapon similar fashion to a dagger. I have seen him use that and it was hard to deal with as it is as fast as a dagger swing but as strong as a greatsword in power.

Queen Tanya and I tagged the team together and launch a combined attack at him. Queen Tanya uses her [Dark Shadow] ability and attacked the Shogun while also releasing a punch I took his blind spot and attack him from behind which is successful as he got wounded.

"Nice, Bladeheart!" Queen Tori cheered.

"Don't let your guard down, this guy has yet to show his very all! He is just toying with us! Keep attacking!"

Queen Tanya continues her assault with the combination of both her punches and her magic spells of shadows while Queen Tori fired multiple talismans and used some shikigamis to fight back though most of what she released is immediately destroyed. As for me, I am taking advantage that he is barely able to get his attention to me as I phase in and phase out of the way while in battle, letting Queen Tanya take the most aggro on him while I do the damage.

Soon enough, his body is now covered in wounds. Quite full of them and his upper kimono garb has been destroyed by my slices. Yet he still remained standing.

"I see, I see. No wonder you all are arrogant in the battle. I can see that you all have promising talents in battle. Too bad, you decided to use that against me! Now, witness my power. The power that will break and destroy the very soul of the rebels. I am the Shogun, and my words are the absolute rule in this world!"

Shadow form appeared and materialized around the Shogun, lifting him up into the air, and revealing the smog-like monster. The ceiling was destroyed and collapsed. Queen Tanya enveloped us in [Kekkai], allowing us to evade the falling debris.

The bard also managed to evade, with the help of whatever was stopping the bard from getting damaged, it manages to protect the musician pretty well.

As for the Shogun, he is now fused together with the monster who is now towering this large tower, looking down on us, while we fight.

The phase two has begun.

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