Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 837 The Shogun [II]

Phase two is very hard and troublesome.

Since he became a smog monster, he is now big enough to hit all of us with one attack. The reason this phase is troublesome is not because he is pretty tough but because his gimmick is related to his smog-like body.

All physical attacks will miss even the physical skills that have an effect that can guarantee to hit the enemy and magic attacks have a 50 percent chance to land. Not as troublesome as it sounds right? But in reality, he is too troublesome to deal with as he will have total evade of all attacks. The 50 percent chance to land may be as well zero percent due to how low the chances odds of you actually landing the attack very close to none.

The real mechanic of dealing with this guy is to find its little core. It's a tiny core blending in color with the dark smog body of the Shogun, hitting it is a literal challenge but not impossible. I even suspect that the reason some magic attacks managed to hurt this guy in the past timeline is that they accidentally hit the core during their attacks.

Aside from that weakness, there is also the weakness of hitting the main body of the shogun who just floated up in the sky and is now the main brain of this body. It is not just a recommended approach as any attackers who will try to do that is just too vulnerable to attacks.

Queen Tanya and Queen Tori immediately attacked without even waiting for me and tried to hit the smog body, only for Queen Tanya's punches to not land on anything and Queen Tori's shikigamis and talismans have no effect on the smog body.

"What the? My attacks all missed?!" Queen Tanya did not expect this and frowned.

As for Queen Tori, she repeated the process once more but it never get any success. It's better if I know it in advance.

I already have a plan on how to tackle this guy but I have to ensure that he does indeed possess that weakness here in this world. After all, there must be some changes and my plan might not work at all.

Approaching the gaseous body of the Shogun, he raised his fist and slam it down in our direction. The three of us dodge while the boss spreads gas all over the place, making it hard to breathe.

"Tch, cheap tricks!" Queen Tori produced a few of her talismans and immediately throws them to the ground, releasing a strong gust of wind blowing all over the place.

The poison smog immediately lifted and removed the smog that might poison us if inhaled for prolonged periods of time. Queen Tanya continued to randomly punch the smog body, even using her shadow hands but there are no changes. Either the attacks miss or the attacks just phase through the enemy.

The enemy is not stationary either, he moves around and keeps himself dangerous for us. The bard on the other hand remained on keeping up the song and still retain the invincibility power since earlier. But the bard is not the main problem here, it's the way of how to defeat him.

I have released a few skills here and there to check anything that might be good to use and it took me a bit before I managed to find a way to deal with it.

After the tests, I soon got a good way of dealing with the guy himself and taking advantage of it, before the Shogun can realize what we are doing.

I pulled out a scroll that I have in my inventory and used a spell that I don't have as this is a high-rank skill, [Hurricane].

"Queen Tanya, Queen Tori! Brace yourselves!" before ripping the scroll into two and activating the spell.

The moment I tore it out, a giant magic circle appeared beneath the tower. It was a high-rank skill which is why the magic circle is big but the damage it can cause is quite destructive. I needed to cheese out the second phase so that we can proceed to the final phase as fast as we can, we don't have all day to deal with the Shogun's smog body after all.

The magic circles rotated so fast and soon, they spring out strong winds very strong that they even released tornadoes as well. Naturally, the smog body of the shogun has been dispersed away, revealing the core of its body, exposed to everyone.

"Queen Tanya, Queen Tori, attack that core!"

When attacking the core, all of the things I describe as the smog body of the Shogun will not apply to the core and will receive a hundred percent hit rate attacks on both physical and magic attacks, allowing the previous monster body that cannot be attacked to be vulnerable on attacks once more.

The shogun noticed this and tried to allocate the smog around him to the core but the [Hurricane] is just making things harder for him to distribute the smog at all.

Queen Tanya didn't hold back and repeatedly released her punches. I didn't go up to the core as I might be also punched by Queen Tanya but instead, I changed the Versatile Weapon and started firing at the core while Queen Tanya is repositioning herself as she released a volley of attacks.I think you should take a look at

Queen Tori is releasing a few talismans that seem to be for the weakening process of the boss. The boss isn't liking this idea and started to rampage in hopes that he might crush us but every time he tries to fight us, the hurricane just blows off his body, causing him to have difficulties in even making a decent move using his smog body.

We might not be seeing the HP but the core's look is looking bad right now as we continue to batter it up with complete force. We didn't hold back and we continue to release our powers into the core.

The core started to create some cracks. Little by little, those cracks increased, and as Queen Tanya continuously attack the core, the cracks continued to show up and even some bullet holes from the gunshot starts to show up on the core as well.

We continue to attack the core continuously but we are soon stopped when the [Hurricane]'s duration ended and the boss has recovered most of the smog and started rebuilding his body, immediately hiding off his core.

"Gah! I didn't get to destroy it!" Queen Tanya grumbled.

"The smog is coming back together once more."

I didn't hesitate and pulled out another [Hurricane] scroll but this is the last scroll I have with the [Hurricane] spell as the engraved spell.

"Listen, we needed to defeat this smog body of his but to do that, we needed to remove the smog body and expose that core we are attacking. I still have that spell I was using earlier but I am down to the last scroll. We needed to do this as fast as possible."

The two nodded and I positioned myself again before tearing the scroll apart and releasing another [Hurricane] once more. The wind blows hard and the smog body is once again blown away, releasing the core back to its exposure.

"Let's deal with this shall we?"

And so, I pull out the Pain Delivery gun and pointed the gun form of the Versatile weapons aiming at the core. There's no need for me to wait for the shogun to recover.

I fired off the two guns and repeated it, causing the core to slowly continue to reveal cracks. It didn't take long and the core's slowly degrading status disappeared as it breaks to pieces the moment a few bullets from the Pain Delivery and Versatile Weapon has been released.


The shogun's smog body slowly dissolved mid-air and the towering smog giant disappeared. The [Hurricane] also stopped, leaving the boss slowly descending in the sky.

Queen Tanya couldn't wait for him to slowly descend and fly up in the air before she released a good punch in the gut.



I can hear the surrounding area release a booming sound the moment Queen Tanya punched the guy. It was strong enough to cause the slow descend to a quick descent, landing face down to the tower's floor, creating a small crater from the impact of the battle.

"Sis! Get away from him. It seems he still has some tricks up on his sleeve, his power seems to have not gone down. He is still getting stronger as we speak!"

Queen Tanya might not understand that and wanted to beat up the guy but decided to stop as she also noticed something odd.

The shogun stood up from where he landed and is releasing a blood lust. His body is leaking a black liquid instead of blood and his scent changed. He is now in Phase three.

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